With a little wave of his left hand, Gu Xuan blocked his body like a wall of iron.

At the same time, a continuous force of space, melt in the palm shadow, will be broken space, directly smooth, to avoid space turbulence gushing out.


The double sickles of the giant sickle mantis and the left palm of the ancient Xuan keep hitting each other, making sounds of gold and iron hitting each other, as if they were really two spiritual treasures, constantly colliding.

The giant sickle Mantis wields the double sickles, and attacks faster and faster, like a storm, completely enveloping the ancient mystery.

Even some of the attacks have already shown signs of moving towards the East.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes. The giant sickle Mantis saw that the Oriental snow was weak. He wanted to cover her under the attack of double sickles and distracted himself from protecting the Oriental snow.

"It's a good abacus, but it's too naive."

"Killing the world is a real fist!"

Gu Xuan drank violently and turned his palms into fists.

On the fist, the golden light shines on the eyes, just like the sun.


With the force of thunder, Gu Xuan hit hard and directly collided with the tip of the scythe on the left of the scythe Mantis.


After a crisp sound, it was followed by the sound of "click".

The only intact sickle tip of the Mantis was also directly broken by the ancient XuanZhen.

Even the whole body of the giant sickle Mantis flew upside down and smashed into the inner wall of the cave.


The whole cave was shaking.

The scythe Mantis struggles to stand up. Although the scythe tip is destroyed, its body is like wearing a layer of armor.

Although Gu Xuan's attack is strong, it is not enough to make it suffer too serious injury.

"Damn it, you damned thing!

You dare to destroy my pair of scythes. This is my hand and my strongest weapon!

If you destroy them, bury them with them

The giant sickle Mantis roared wildly and its eyes turned red.

The fury of momentum, from its body waves and waves away, set off the cave in countless gravel dust.

Under the impact of this momentum, Dongfang Xue could not help but step back three steps.

However, she bit her lips, a face does not admit defeat, in the face of this momentum, the three steps back, step by step back.

Gu Xuan still left his right hand behind him, looking as if he was in a good state of mind. He was not affected by this momentum.

"Well, you seem to be ready to go all out. That's what I want.

I still don't have my right hand. If you can kill me, come on! "

Gu Xuan's mouth was full of sarcastic smile, deliberately stimulating the giant sickle Mantis.

This time, he wanted to have a try. If he pretended to be killed and his identity jade card was obtained by the giant sickle mantis, would his rank be lowered.

Since you want to be killed, you can't pretend to be too fake. You need to be realistic.

It's also the reason to enrage the scythe mantis and let it attack itself with all its might.

"Arrogant! You are so arrogant!

Even if it is a high-level Xuansheng, I dare not say that only one hand can block me!

You want to die quickly, I will help you!

Magic sickle double kill skill, kill kill


The giant sickle Mantis mobilized all the energy in its body, waving its double sickles and heading for the ancient Xuanchong.

This time, it even blood essence has burned three drops, the cost is not big.

In addition, it has the strongest unique skill, the magic sickle double killing skill of the giant sickle mantis, which is enough to knock down the sun, moon and stars from the sky, let alone a warrior!


The giant sickle Mantis wields its double sickles, which splits the space and stimulates all the energy in the whole cave for its own use.

All the energy, all condensed on the double sickles, one left and one right, from a very strange and mysterious angle, chopped to the ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan only felt that the scene in front of him seemed to have changed.

Everything around me seems to be gone.

In my eyes, only the giant sickle mantis, which is getting bigger and bigger.

Although the tip of the scythe is broken, the rest is still sharp to the extreme.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of the scythe Mantis has not been greatly affected.

"What a strong move! But with this move, you want to kill me. It's delusion! "

Gu Xuan waved his left arm, clenched his left palm into a fist, and met him fiercely.



There was a sound of explosion.

This time, the double sickles of the giant sickle Mantis are no longer broken.

However, the sound of rubbing and clicking still rings.

This is Gu Xuan's left hand bone fragment sound.

"How strong!"

Gu Xuan was flustered."No, I'm going to die!"

Gu Xuan's words had just finished, only heard a chi, his head flying high.

Headless body, fell down, thump, steady landing, set off a circle of dust.

At the same time, the sound of a series of explosions, even from Gu Xuan's separated head and body, this is the sound of flesh and blood being cut.

The giant sickle Mantis laughed: "I have never seen a fool like you who pretends to be dead like you.

It's also an eye opener.

Although your body strength is really strong, my double sickles are stronger. My energy has entered your body. Even if you die, your body will be cut into pieces. "


As if to confirm the words of the giant sickle mantis, the ancient Xuan's "corpse" was fried into pieces of meat, and the scene was tragic.

The corner of her mouth twitched.

Gu Xuan's acting skill is very bad, but this spurting blood, acting skill is very good, almost spray into a flower.

At the same time, an identity jade card, as if it had exploded from the ancient Xuan, just flew to the giant sickle Mantis.

The giant sickle Mantis catches it. After reading the above words clearly, it trembles with excitement.

"Gu Xuan, ranking first, is nothing more than that.

From now on, the first place is my giant sickle Mantis!

It's really easy to come here. I just wanted to be the 19th place. I didn't expect that when the chance came, I couldn't stop it. "

Giant sickle Mantis quickly took out his own identity jade card, looking at the "Nineteen" two words, full of hope that these two words become a "one".

As for dongfangxue, a primary Xuansheng, was ignored by it.

It hurt Dongfang Xue.

The giant sickle mantis is is motionless and stares at the jade card. However, after waiting for a long time, there is no change in it.

"Why? Strange? What's going on?

The jade card of my identity was also won. After killing the fierce beast with a long mouth and ranking, the words on it changed almost instantly.

This time, how can we wait so long?

Can we say that the change will be produced on the jade plate of ancient Xuan's identity? "

The giant sickle Mantis takes a quick look at the jade plate of ancient Xuan's identity.

However, the name above is still ancient Xuan, and the ranking is still one.

Gu Xuan's jade plate of identity has not changed?

The giant sickle mantis is confused.

Gu Xuan was cut into pieces all over the ground by himself. Look at the blood and spray all over the grottoes. In this battle, it was clear that he won. How could the identity jade card remain unchanged?

"Wait, I killed Gu Xuan.

I and his identity jade card, how should also disappear one just?

Now, neither of them has disappeared, and neither of them has changed... "

Suddenly, the giant sickle Mantis pupil shrinks, the face changes greatly.

"I still failed. NIMA, don't you just want to lose once and lower the ranking?

Is this kind of little wish not to satisfy me? "

All of a sudden, the voice of the ancient Xuan rang out in the grottoes.

On the ground, a piece of meat began to wriggle and grow.

Soon, intact, dressed in white, the ancient Xuan with a partial demeanor appeared in front of the giant sickle Mantis again.

"You fool, you must be poor at acting

Gu Xuan pointed to the giant sickle mantis, very angry!

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