Burning eight ye turned into hiding light and flew back to the warship.

Suddenly, a tremendous energy, like a circle of ripples, rippled from the warship.

Everything around, whether it's trees or mountains, is directly blown away by the ripple.

A column of light, rising from the warship, seems to run through the sky, straight to the sky above nine clouds!

Lu Ming, Xiong Bahuang and crocodile Dragon King, three fierce beast leaders, were shocked to see this scene.

From the warships, they felt a force of the utmost strength.

This power is far beyond the high-level Xuansheng!

This power makes them tremble!

After the shock, Lu Ming and Xiong Bahuang's mouth began to twitch.

A kind of bad premonition arises spontaneously in the two people's hearts.

This kind of power, it seems that burning eight Ye is preparing to make a big news!

The dark clouds suddenly condense in the sky, with the light column as the center, rippling around, as if to cover the whole world under the dark clouds.

At this moment, on the other side of Jiuzhi mountain, the escape light of Gu Xuan and Dongfang snow suddenly stopped.

They fell on the top of a big tree.

Dongfang Xue frowned, she noticed the abnormality between heaven and earth, but she didn't know where it came from.

Gu Xuan turned his head slightly and looked in a direction.

"There are dark clouds stirring the laws of heaven and earth, rolling!

It seems that the weather is going to change!

I'm afraid it's impossible to make it through the holy list competition one step at a time. "

Gu Xuan squinted.

His broken double pupil has already opened, observing this side of heaven and earth.

No matter how subtle the change was, it came into his eyes.

Dongfang Xue worried: "can you see what happened?"

Gu Xuan touched his nose.

"If I could see it, I would not have been so vague and so profound."

The snow in the East is too much, and I don't want to take care of the ancient mystery.

Dark clouds came from the sky and soon covered the sky above them.

This side of the world, as if because the dark clouds covered the sun, become dark down.

Of course, no matter how bleak it is, it doesn't affect them.

It's not only Gu Xuan and Gu Xuan who stopped the operation.

However, all the fierce beasts and warriors who are in the scope of the Holy Grail stop their actions.

Within five thousand li, countless creatures looked up at the sky with a look of surprise.

Everyone felt an unusual smell.

"Shengbangdabi, the last time to announce the ranking..."

The familiar voice once again resounded through the whole ninth realm.

Gu Xuan and Dongfang Xue stood on the top of the big tree. After hearing the sound, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"What's the matter? How could it be the last time the rankings were announced?

In principle, this should be the third time the ranking was published. How could it be the last? "

Dongfang Xue has a dignified expression.

She is still in the 25th place.

Gu Xuan only got the 19th place that can guarantee life safety.

It didn't come up to expectations at all.

Gu Xuan patted Dongfang Xue on the shoulder.

"Don't be nervous. It's just the last time you publish the ranking. It's not necessarily the final ranking.

This sentence alone proves nothing.

If there is really a big change, this is the final ranking, then I will immediately give you the ranking of nineteen. "

Dongfang Xue shook her head firmly.

"No, I won't live for myself and watch you die.

You live more than I do.

At least, you have a chance to avenge me.

This matter must not have been made by heaven. If I really die, you will find out the behind the scenes and kill him! "

Dongfang snow gnaws her teeth.

Gu Xuan held his chin and seemed to think of something.

"Don't worry. What I said just now is just a plan for the worst.

I have practiced a magic skill called "great causality", which is very sensitive to the feeling of life and death.

But right now, I don't feel like I'm facing a life and death crisis.

So, it should be OK.

As for the person behind the scenes, I think it should be the messenger of heaven who presided over the Dabi.

He got the list of burning heaven saints, and he really has the ability to do some things. However, to determine the final ranking directly, this is to work against the heaven.

He's not going to die like that.

Keep listening

After listening to the analysis of the ancient Xuan, Dongfang Xue felt at ease.

In the sky, that solemn voice, has begun to announce the ranking."The 21st, Oriental snow!

Twenty, three eyed wolf!

19. Ancient Xuan

Fourteenth, Mr. Liu


Tenth, Lu Ming

Fifth, Zhuge has no me!

Fourth, water saint!

Third, shizhixuan!

Second, Baqi Hades!

First, giant sickle Mantis

After the ranking was published, there was an uproar.

All the attention points are focused on the ancient Xuan and the giant sickle Mantis.

"What's the matter? How did the number one become the scythe Mantis?

I know scythe Mantis. Is it so powerful?

Did it hide its strength before

"It's not right. Even if the giant sickle mantis is is powerful, it should have changed from nineteen to the first.

But how did Gu Xuan become the 19th place?

He should have been killed. How could he still be alive and exchange rankings with scythe Mantis? "

Even the water saint, Shi Zhixuan and others were surprised.

They know how powerful Gu Xuan is. A nameless giant sickle mantis, just listening to this name, knows that it is a soy sauce dragon. How can it win the first place from Gu Xuan?

But Gu Xuan was robbed of the first place and didn't die?

This is even more wonderful.

If you want to win the other side's ranking, don't you have to kill your opponent?

There will be such a wonderful situation, but anyone who has a little understanding of the ancient metaphysics will think of a possibility in their hearts.

This is Gu Xuan, deliberately used some method to lower his ranking?

But how did he do it?

It's impossible to go to the scythe mantis and admit defeat?

It's ridiculous.

Gu Xuan was also arrogant. Even if this method was useful, he could not use it.

He must have used some other unknown method.

But there are new problems.

Why did Gu Xuan lower the ranking?

With Gu Xuan's shrewdness and prudence, he will never shoot at a target.

Since he has done so, there must be a reason for him.

Water Saint Zun and Shi Zhixuan, though thousands of miles apart, are thinking about the same problem.

When they both frown and ponder, they can only look at the ranking on the holy list with a strange look on his face. He simply suspects that he is wrong.

Gu Xuan's ranking actually became 19th.

First, is it a giant sickle Mantis?

What a mess?

"That Gu Xuan, actually made such a loss of dignity and shameless things?

In order not to be the first and become the target of public criticism, they actually chose the relatively safe 19th place?

I thought that this ancient Xuan was a character, but I didn't expect that he was such a greedy person!

He is nothing to worry about. "

In his heart, he made a judgment on Gu Xuan.

Others don't know how to lower the ranking, but he knows it.

However, he does not think that some people will lick their faces to admit defeat to the weak.

But Gu Xuan did.

He could not think of any other explanation except for the fear of death.

At the moment, Gu Xuan, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, is imagining that others can't believe or look at a loss when they see their ranking lowered.

It must be, it's fun!

The solemn voice, still not over, continued to ring through the sky.

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