"There's no mistake. The reward belongs to the top three of the holy list. The guy who was burned eight has been called out in advance!

Those six treasures should belong to the top three in the holy list. "

It suddenly occurred to Gu Xuan.

"Six treasures, the top three, should each have two treasures.

However, I don't know what kind of treasure I belonged to originally

This means that it is not only the treasure chest of water saint and phage Lingzi that is empty, but also the treasure chest of jinzhizi who has exchanged rankings with shizhixuan.

The gold leech must be looking at his treasure chest of heaven, and his face is confused.

A strange color flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes.

"So it's a blessing in disguise that the guy of Shi Zhixuan has given up the third place.

I just don't know why he gave up the third place?

I've known it for a long time. It belongs to the third treasure chest. It's empty.

Or are there other reasons? "

At this time, Gu Xuan noticed that his face suddenly changed.

He offered a five element Hunyuan bead, and after observing for a moment, his face turned black.

Obviously, he also found a trace of the "boundary source law" in his five element Hunyuan beads.

"Damn it! According to the strength of the boundary source law, such treasures should be the second prize. "

The corners of his mouth began to twitch.

He suddenly stares at Gu Xuan, his eyes full of blood.

"Gu Xuan, take out your star God plate and Qianyuan mirror and let me have a look."

To this kind of request, Gu Xuan naturally will not allow.

According to his observation, the "boundary source law" of his two top-notch tongxuan Lingbao is a little bit stronger than that of the five element Hunyuan pearl.

Since shuishengzun has identified the five elements Hunyuan pearl as the second prize.

That did not think, Gu Xuan these two top-notch tongxuan Lingbao, that belongs to the first prize.

If you take it out, the water saint's state of being possessed by the devil must be angry and burst out on the spot, and can't be suppressed any more.

For the sake of the water saint, Gu Xuan wisely decided that he should be a villain once and not take out the two treasures.

"My two treasures are only the third.

It's your five element hunyuanzhu

Gu Xuan exclaimed.

Water Saint Zun said angrily, "you liar!

Do you think I'm a fool or a fool.

Is he working hard for the third place

Gu Xuan's mouth trembled.

Actually forgot to burn eight, want to snatch the star Luo God plate this stubble.

Of course, Gu Xuan did not forget that his two treasures belonged to the first place.

"I'm doing it for you."

Gu Xuan concealed it with ease.

Around, people saw the atmosphere of two big men pulling out the arrow, one by one scared the atmosphere.

Fortunately, a new change has taken place in the light that envelops the people.

The solemn voice, again.

"The reward in the treasure chest of heaven must have been recognized as a success.

Next, the top nine awards, which are more precious, need to be accepted by the inheritance hall.

In the inheritance hall, there are many heritages left by the great powers since ancient times.

What kind of inheritance can be obtained depends on your own chance! "


The void began to vibrate.

The light from the first to the ninth of the holy list makes the void tremble.

The next moment, the nine beams of light were in front of the people and disappeared.

The nine strong men in the light column naturally disappeared.

They went to the inheritance hall, which belongs to the inheritance Hall of burning heaven!

Lu Ming and the crocodile Dragon King looked at the disappearance of Xiong Bahuang, and their eyes were full of longing and envy.

It is not only because it has the qualification to inherit the palace, but also because it gets rid of the fate of becoming a mount of ancient Xuan.

But they don't know, how will they be arranged by the way of heaven?

If you have been with Gu Xuan, you will never be able to get rid of the fate of the mount.

They can't help but hope that the light beam on their bodies will transmit themselves to other places.

As long as you don't mount, it's all right!

"This is the end of the burning heaven holy list contest.

Ninety nine people are selected from the list of the heaven of the Holy Land and the list of the heaven of the double heaven of the holy land.

In addition to the 16 people in the final ranking battle, there were 999 people in the eighth position, all of them were included in the ranking!

For all those who have the ranking, the gift from heaven has been distributed.Those who have the ranking will enter the burning heaven world by receiving the light!

Those who came to participate in the Dabi, even if they were not ranked, would be taken back. "

The solemn voice, with these words, disappeared completely.

Ancient Xuan and Oriental snow, eyes full of surprise.

You know, there were only 20 people on the list.

The situation of tianbang is similar.

But now, the way of heaven has made a full ninety-nine people, included in the ranking?

It must be that the way of heaven has another deep meaning.

Gu Xuan didn't think much about it. Anyway, he couldn't think about it.

What's more, the number of people on the list and the sky list is nothing at all.

The strength of the people in the holy land is too weak.

On the contrary, there were 999 people entering the eighth state, which was unexpected by Gu Xuan.

What's more, 999 is a coincidence.

Gu Xuan didn't believe in it.

Gu Xuan looks at Dongfang Xue, and Dongfang Xue just looks at Gu Xuan.

"Finally it's over, burning the sky, no, burning the sky. Goodbye!

I don't know where we're going to be teleported to.

If you and I are separated, remember to go to yingtianzong and find me! "

Ancient Xuan preached to Dongfang Xue.

Dongfang Xue nodded excitedly.

Left here, to burn heaven, is the home of ancient Xuan, can be much safer than here.


The remaining seven beams of light began to vibrate.

At this time, black Xuan's figure flashed through Gu Xuan's brain.

Heixuan doesn't know what the situation is now?

"He is with Ouyang Laozu and Zhongyuan domain master. He must be OK.

Unfortunately, I don't have a chance to see it. "

In Gu Xuan's heart, it's hard to hide his disappointment.

But soon he was happy again.

God knows how many good things heixuan will bring back?

It's dark, isn't it your own?

You and heixuan need not be polite.

At the time when everyone is looking forward to the burning of heaven, the sudden changes have taken place!


All of a sudden, there was a huge explosion in the sky of the ninth place.

In the sky, there is a huge vortex formed.

In the whirlpool, came the incomparably terrible suction, as if to inhale the world.

"Who are you? How dare you invade my world and destroy the order of heaven

A voice that was very familiar to ancient Xuan rang out, which was the voice of the order of heaven.

The faces of the people changed greatly, and they looked at the huge whirlpool.

At the entrance, there is already a chaos, which can not see the sky or the earth. Only the endless torrent of laws can be seen.

A terrible crisis suddenly enveloped the people!

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