Now, not only granny Ding was angry, but all the pharmacists present were angry.

Mother in law Ding has always been the leader of all pharmacists, and her status in the eyes of many pharmacists is incomparable even if she is a great master of eight grade medicine refining.

More importantly, Granny Ding condescended to stay in duanqingzong in order to repay the kindness of Yu Gu fairy.

Over the years, she has done her best to serve Duan qingzong. In terms of her contribution to Duan qingzong, none of the elders and disciples below the great elder can compare with her.

She has always been respected by the whole duanqing clan.

Although the ancient Xuan was the emperor of Dan, he could not slander granny Ding so much.

For a moment, the crowd was furious.

Finally, a group of pharmacists summoned up the courage to face Gu Xuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and denounced him for not so vilifying mother-in-law.

Several elders frowned. They didn't expect that things would go so far.

Gu Xuan saw that he had taken over a group of pharmacists. How could he offend everyone in a flash?

Isn't the prestige you just set up in vain?

The elder is ready to come forward and mediate the embarrassing situation.

However, as soon as she took a step, she was stopped by Yu Gu fairy.

"You're always so out of breath that you're old enough to be a dog.

Don't use your mentality to measure a strong man who has achieved so much both in martial arts and in Dan.

Even though, he seems to be a little out of tune. "

Yu Gu fairy preached to the elder.

The big elder's mouth twitched.

Yu Gu fairy is too blind and confident about this ancient mystery, isn't she?

Just relying on what he called "a furnace of hundred pills", that's just bragging. If you go on like this, there will be problems.

Of course, the elder can only think about these words in his mind.

Even if she was a great elder, she was not willing to disobey her words.

But she is not optimistic about Gu Xuan at all.

A group of pharmacists have been making trouble for a long time.

Gu Xuan just carried his hands and looked at them with a faint smile on his face.

This expression, like an elderly, is looking at a group of babbling, but also a lot of mistakes in general.

It's always good to have arguments.

Finally, Granny Ding spoke.

"Lord Dandi..."

As soon as she spoke, the rest of them fell silent.

She could have calmed the group of pharmacists behind her, but she didn't.

Even if it is Dandi, he should be scolded for his mistakes.

Even if he is Danti, he can't stigmatize himself like this.

All the people here are facing themselves, rather than a new arrival of Dandi.

Granny Ding's face had a look of pride that could not be hidden.

She looked straight at Gu Xuan, quite proud.

"Lord Dandi, if you come here to help duanqing sect, we all pharmacists will be very grateful.

If you come here just to crack down on me and our pharmacists, we will never let you stigmatize us

The smile of Gu Xuan's mouth is more prosperous.

From the first sight of the group of pharmacists, Gu Xuan could see that, relying on their status, they had long regarded themselves as the privileged class of the whole duanqing sect and even the whole real world.

One by one, they are arrogant.

They may really feel that their contribution to Duan Qing Zong can be called as dedicated.

But that's just what they think.

It's not really the way to do it.

Duan qingzong has been faced with the critical moment of life and death. The faces of the disciples of duanqing sect are always anxious. However, these pharmacists are used to treating the superior one by one, and there is no sense of crisis on their faces.

Not even a pharmacist had dark circles around his face or a little tired.

What does that mean?

It means that they should eat, sleep and rest well every day.

This kind of state, if it can be regarded as a kind of effort, how to beat them is not too much.

Li Wei, the first step.

The next slap is the second step!

Gu Xuan was staring at granny Ding, a pair of eyes, very deep, as if they could penetrate the human heart.

Mrs. Ding only felt that she was completely seen through, and that all her secrets and careful thoughts were all exposed in broad daylight.

Inexplicably, she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan didn't mean to look away.

"Granny Ding, why do you say that I slander you?

Do you think, I am a Dandi, need to rely on slander you, to make Wei?I'm just stating some facts. I don't have any empty words.

If there's something in my story that you think is impossible, it can only show that you are all rubbish! "

As soon as this was said, everyone's faces became ugly.

The elder several people, in the heart one clutters, knew the matter to be afraid to become bad.

Granny Ding glared at Gu Xuan again, and almost burst out fire in her eyes.

"Since Lord Dandi thinks what he said is true, I would like to see his ability!"

Granny Ding gently waved her hand, and in the space ring, there were thousands of medicinal plants flying out of it.

For a time, the air, filled with the fragrance of medicine.

"These are the herbs that I get in fixed quantity every month.

Please show me how to use such a little medicine to refine six heats, six hundred eight grade duanqing pills! "

With granny Ding taking the lead, the rest of the pharmacists also roared at Gu Xuan angrily.

"Please show me the immortal means of a hundred pills for us

"If you don't dare to show it, that's all. Since we don't conform to the wishes of emperor Dandi, we have to resign voluntarily and leave duanqingzong."

"I would also like to ask the Lord Danti to work quickly and strive for one month to refine these 600 eight grade love breaking pills, so as to prove that we are waste."

"If you can't do it, you're just like us.

It's my honor to be a waste with Danti. "

The group of pharmacists in front of them are worthy of being women. They are much better than the majority of male pharmacists in terms of fighting and ridiculing others.

For a while, Gu Xuan was almost drowned in saliva.

The three medicine emperor's eyes turned straight, discussing whether to come out to play a round field, Bo Dan emperor's favor.

At this time, the elder's face twitched and stood out.

It's a big deal.

A furnace of a hundred eight pindan, such a fantastic thing, is her kind of layman, also know is impossible.

Today, Gu Xuan is self defeating. He has wiped out the little prestige he has built up. It is very likely that duanqing sect will lose many pharmacists.

Who can stand the loss?

However, she just stood out, and before she had time to speak, Gu Xuan had already taken the first step out.

With a gentle grasp of the right hand, thousands of medicinal plants suspended in front of Granny Ding's body flew to the ancient Xuan.

"Since you want to be slapped in the face by me, then Ben Dan Di will certainly exert himself!

A group of rubbish, say you are rubbish, insult rubbish!

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