"All on guard, we must not let the day ghost step on the ship of Duan Qing Zong!"

The elder appeared on the rear deck of the warship.

Her voice, resounding all over the sky.

The figure of Gu Xuan also appeared on the deck.

His face was rather dignified.

Just now, as soon as the breath of the two trackers in front of the warship disappeared, the black masked warriors in the rear launched a sneak attack.

This is equal to the current situation of Duan Qing Zong, which is the enemy from both sides.

The only thing that is not clear is whether the enemy behind the warship and in front of it are people of the same force.

If it's not, then all of this is a little too coincident.

Yu Gu fairy's voice suddenly spread into Gu Xuan's ears.

"This must be a strategy of attacking the West with a sound East. The enemy behind the warship will play a more important role as a cover.

I'm afraid the enemy hidden in front of us is the right one.

The enemy in the rear is already a strong one like the daytime ghost, but the enemy in front is not sure how strong it is.

So, you guard the back, and I'll go to the front to prevent their sneak attack. "

Gu Xuan nodded slightly and said with the method of soul transmission: "no problem."

At the time of the conversation, the body shape of the daytime ghost has surpassed 30 masked martial artists in black, standing in the front and clapping directly ahead.


A huge palm suddenly appeared on the top of the warship, which changed the color of heaven and earth.

This blow is enough to smash the sun, moon and stars.

Fortunately, at this time, a light curtain covered the whole warship.

The giant palm is just on the screen of light.


The sound of a huge explosion sounded, and the whole ship was shaking violently, as if there were signs of collapse at any time.

"How strong!"

The pupil of ancient Xuan shrinks violently.

The day ghost is a strong man at the top of Xuansheng level!

All the disciples of duanqing sect were dignified at the same time.

"Ha ha, just a warship. No matter how strong the guard system is, where can it be?

The day guard obeyed the order and joined me in breaking the prohibition and destroying the warship

The ghost of the day laughs.

Hearing the speech, a group of masked men in black burst out with a powerful momentum at the same time.

These momentum, with the same family and the same origin, is actually showing signs of integration.

A battle array seems to be formed among the 30 day guards, which has aroused the natural force of heaven and earth, and made the light between heaven and earth seem to be dimmed.

They haven't really made a move yet, but the prestige, already can imagine, how terrible it will be.

With a cold smile, the elder is about to open his mouth and call on the disciples of duanqing sect to meet the enemy.

However, at this time, a figure came down from the sky and blocked in the middle of Duan qingzong warship and daytime ghost.

The day ghost's eyes flashed a killing opportunity, but did not immediately hand, just gently raised his hand, indicating that the day guards stopped shooting temporarily.

"Who are you? How dare you stop me from doing things? "

The ghost of the day stares at the visitor.

The visitor was dressed in a grey robe, and his face was full of shrewdness.

"Duanqing sect is an ally of liujue sword sect, and I am the leader and master of liujue sword sect!

I advise you to get back quickly, or you will die

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth and his eyes were full of confidence.

In the distance, the sound of exclamation was heard again from the warships.

"Liujue swordsman, I'm out of the pass!"

"He has been closed for thousands of years, and it is said that he is deducing the unique sword technique which has been lost for one hundred thousand years by the six Jue sword School of kuxiu. Moreover, he is closed to death.

This time, that unique sword skill must have been cultivated.

But I didn't expect that he would be the first to break the love sect.

Now, it's a good show. "

As a famous martial artist, he talked about it in succession.

On the six Jue sword clan's warship, the sound of cheering was booming, and everyone's face was full of excitement.

To see the leader of the six Jue sect, which is the most desired thing in their hearts, how can they not be excited?

"You! So, have you understood the six Jue Ji Jian

There was an unexpected look on his face.

Liujue swordsman, who was a famous figure more than 100000 years ago, achieved the peak of Xuansheng state 20000 years ago, and was famous.

If he had not died later, liujue Jianzong would have been in a low-key state without a leader. Otherwise, the reputation of liujue Jianzong would have been very prominent.

"Now that you know my reputation, you can get out of here.

You ghost shadow sect is famous for training day guard killers and night guard killers, and the art of assassination is unparalleled in the world.

I've heard of the name of the day ghost.

It is said that you have assassinated three peak Xuansheng, which has created an unprecedented reputation, known as the first killer in the real world.It's a pity that others don't know, but I know that the three top Xuansheng are just three loose cultivation. No matter how strong they are, they are limited. "

Six Jue sword master's eyes are full of disdain.

"In terms of frontal combat, no matter how strong your killers are, they are not my opponents.

So, before I change my mind, get out of here!

If you don't go away, I don't mind. I'll let you have a taste of the power of the six Jue extreme sword from my six Jue sword sect

Liu Jue Jian Sheng is confident to the extreme.

There was a smile in the elder's eyes.

Although it is obvious that the six swordsmen wanted to sell off the love sect, in the end, it is a good thing.

The great elder has seen the strength of six Jue sword master.

Liujue Jijian, the founder of liujue Jianzong, created the unique sword technique.

With this sword technique, he traversed the real world, and had a fight with two of the three strongest men in the real world, the mad old man and Zhenzu.

Moreover, although at a disadvantage, it is not a defeat.

If he didn't fall down when he was promoted to the emperor, the three strongest ones in the real world would probably become the four strongest ones in the real world.

If the six Jue sword master really practiced the six Jue Ji sword, then the name of the first killer in the real world would be nothing.

After all, the day ghost became famous only in these thousands of years. In the eyes of such strong masters as liujue swordsman, he is really just a younger generation.

"These six swordsmen are really strong."

With his hands on his back, Gu Xuan looked at the six Jue swordsman with great interest.

There are six unique swordsmen. Naturally, it's a thing you can't get. He's very happy.

The ghost of the day stares at the six Jue Xuansheng, and his eyes are full of murders.

"The name of six unique swordsmen is like thunder.

Since you are determined to break the love sect, we can only... "

The tone of the day ghost seems to be full of retreat.

Six Jue sword master's face is even more gratifying.

However, after the day ghost had a meal, the words in the back, but let his face of satisfaction, gone.

Instead, anger.

"Then I can only Even your six Jue sword clan has been destroyed

The day ghost's face is full of teasing.

His figure, in full view of the public, disappeared into the void.

The anger on the face of six Jue swordsman suddenly faded, and his face became dignified.

He didn't see clearly how the body shape of the day ghost disappeared.


The master of six Jue sword recited the magic formula and offered six swords.

This is a set of top-grade tongxuan Lingbao. The six swords are separated and can be attacked and defended. The combination of six swords is even more comparable to the top grade tongxuan Lingbao!


The six swords began to revolve around the six Jue swordsmen and formed a circle of airtight sword walls.

This defense can be called an iron wall without any flaws.

"You're so well hidden that I can't find you, but I can see you clearly.

If you don't come out, I'll kill them first!

Six Jue Ji sword, Tianjian storm

The six Jue swordsman drank a lot, and his momentum climbed to an unimaginable level!

The sword wall around the body actually rotates at a faster speed, forming a sword storm. Its powerful power seems to open up a channel through the sky and the earth!

In the twinkling of an eye, the storm of the sword, like a dragon, roamed nine days and shook the sky!

Everyone exclaimed. This sword technique is too powerful!

This "six Jue Ji sword" can be called against the sky!

The elder and others are even more speechless. They know that the six Jue sword master is strong, but they didn't expect that the six Jue sword master is so strong.

At least, the great elder lamented himself.

"It seems that Duan qingzong will be ok..."

The elder looked happy.

But before he finished speaking, he found that Gu Xuan's face changed slightly.

"Duan Qing Zong will be fine, but the six Jue sword master is something."

As if in order to confirm the ancient Xuan's words, the sword storm that almost shrouded the sky suddenly stopped!

The body shape of the six Jue sword master is suspended in the air.

His eyes, staring like cow's eyes.

His brow, a blood hole, runs through his head.

He's dead.

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