"The king of the evil fog?"

Gu Xuan was holding his chin with a look of interest.

"Unexpectedly, your ambition is bigger than mine.

If you can really accept a king of calamity and evil fog as the protector of your duanqing sect, even if it is the so-called three strongest ones in the real world, I am afraid it can also protect you from the danger of breaking the love sect. "

Yu Gu fairy looked at Gu Xuan suspiciously.

"So, what you have just planned has nothing to do with the king of calamity and fog?"

The ancient Xuanbai glanced at Yu Gu fairy.

"Isn't that nonsense? If I can tame the king of evil and fog, what am I still doing here?

I will go directly to destroy the three most powerful ones of the so-called true world, and then unify the real world. Isn't it beautiful

Yu Gu fairy was more confused.

"What was your original plan? Tell me?

I found that there were more and more disasters and demons in the space.

Either go ahead with your plan, or we'll slip away and delay. I'm afraid we'll be completely surrounded.

At that time, even if you don't want to kill the evil fog, you will have to force your hand. "

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes, waved his hand, and blew out a fist in front of him.

Between the four swings of boxing and awe, the fog of misfortune and demons that only came in a direct way was lifted out, and a road was opened up.

He and Yu Gu fairy flew forward quickly.

However, this emptiness, still seems to be a void, as if boundless, never go to the end of the general.

"Eight hundred Zhang ahead is the core of this space.

Whether it's going out or carrying out my plan, I have to go there.

We talk as we fly

Gu Xuan and Yu Gu fairy speed up the pace.

The distance of 800 Zhang is nothing to two people.

Even if there was a constant siege of them, the two reached the core of the space in a moment.

Here, there is a round bead.

This bead, surrounded by heavy space debris, is very secret.

A little further away, it's hard to find out.

"With your pupil and soul perception, your insight is unparalleled.

You can find this place thousands of feet away.

I can't. I'm afraid I can't find it even if it's tens of feet away. "

Looking at the Pearl of space wrapped by space debris, Yu Gu fairy couldn't help feeling.

Gu Xuan did not answer, but stretched out his right hand.

A mysterious energy gushed out on his right hand, forming a space-time rune.

Seeing the Rune of time and space, Yu Gu fairy's eyes once again showed surprise.

She never thought that Gu Xuan had mastered the powerful and mysterious way of time and space.

The way of time and space, that is the power above the simple way of space.

No wonder he found the core of the space so easily.


The space suddenly began to vibrate and hum.

Gu Xuan put his hand wrapped by the time and space Rune into the space debris and looked for the bead.

In the space debris, it seems that there is some kind of prohibition. As soon as the enemy invades, he immediately launches a counterattack.

"Ao Ao Ao --"

a demon fog of misfortune, as if he had been completely infuriated, even made a piercing scream and ran towards Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan squinted.

"The way of time and space, give me suppression!"

With a burst of drinking, Gu Xuan's body erupted the force of time and space which can be called terror.

His body, at this moment, seems to be completely cut off from this space and enter into another independent space.


Just listening to the sound of an explosion, Gu Xuan's hand finally squeezed the Pearl of space, which represents the core of this space.

The space debris, which had been overlapped and protected the Pearl of space, burst at this moment.

The power of space debris explosion rippled around, cutting the surrounding space into pieces.

Bang bang bang!

A series of explosions were heard again, and the one who only came towards the ancient Xuan was affected and his body was broken.

Thirty eight of them exploded and turned into black fog.

These black fog, no longer any consciousness, is just idle negative energy.

In the void, the only evil spirit fog, as if to see the prey, scrambled to rush toward the wisps of black fog, absorb it.

Each of them absorbed the black fog, and the body grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Gu Xuan didn't care."What on earth do you want to do?"

Yu Gu fairy looked at Gu Xuan and couldn't understand his mind.

There was a faint smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Didn't I just say that?

This space is connected with a broken world.

Opportunity and danger coexist in any world.

In particular, in that broken world, the birth of countless demons under the circumstances

Gu Xuan was playing with the Pearl of space in his hand, and the dazzling light broke out from it.

Countless time and space runes gushed out of Gu Xuan's body, forming a huge whirlpool in front of him and Yu Gu fairy.

And in this whirlpool, a passage of time and space appears slowly.

"Yu Gu fairy, with all due respect, you once granted blood town longevity, and your longevity yuan is already very low.

According to the current level of your qi and blood weakness, it is impossible for you to be promoted to the level of emperor. "

The light way of ancient Xuan.

Yu Gu fairy gazed at Gu Xuan.

"If you don't open a pot, I can't be promoted to be a saint?

But what does it have to do with your plan?

Do you want to make a mockery of me at such a time

A trace of mystery flashed on Gu Xuan's face.

"You have misunderstood that.

I've always been looking for trouble in front of the enemy.

What I want to say is that you can't be promoted to the realm of the king when you are in the real world.

After all, the natural calamity is so strong that you can only go through the road of death. Even if you use the method of feigned death to avoid the natural calamity and achieve the state of half step sage, it is very difficult to do so.

But if you don't get promoted in the real world, but go to the world that has been destroyed and there is no way of heaven, what will be the outcome? "

Yu Gu fairy's pupil shrank sharply.

Gu Xuan's words gave her a sense of waking up people in her dreams.

Indeed, it is impossible to be promoted to the realm of emperor in the real world with the way of heaven. What if we go to the broken world without the way of heaven?

Will it, will there be another turn?

"Wait, no, Gu Xuan, in a world where there is no way of heaven, there will be no disaster.

However, if you have not experienced the natural calamity, there will be no gift from heaven.

Even a promotion without a gift from heaven is not successful.

After that, I will return to the real world. I am afraid that the way of heaven in the real world will not recognize my promotion in the broken world.

So, I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense to go to the ruined world and promote the monarch? "

Yu Gu fairy wakes up.

Gu Xuan shrugged.

"Yes, there is no point in destroying the world and promoting the monarch, because it will never succeed.

But who said you wanted to be promoted?

If so, are you going straight to failure? "

Yu Gu fairy was stunned for a moment, her eyes suddenly released a burning light.

"I see.

I just went - failed! "

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