Time, in a flash, is three days.

The warship of Duan qingzong has never stopped for a moment, and has been advancing towards the stone family.

It's less than four days' journey to Shijia.

The whole real world is boiling over it.

No one expected that such a good play would be staged before Zhenzu's birthday banquet began.

However, until now, many forces still believe that the so-called blood washing stone family of duanqing sect is just talking about it.

This farce will eventually end in a more farce form.

Although Duan Qing Zong and Shi Jia can be regarded as a giant in the real world.

However, there is also a gap in strength between Ju and Ju.

The stone family, whether it is the inside story, or the strength on the surface, are more than Duan Qing Zong.

If the stone family can perish the duanqing sect, no one will doubt that they have this strength after all.

But if it is said that Duan Qing Zong can destroy the stone family, it is undoubtedly an Arabian Night thing.

Stone family land, Loulan city.

Suddenly, a warship came from the sky.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

More than 300 figures fell from the warships and entered the city of Loulan.

Inside the city Lord's house.

A group of stone family members gathered in the hall.

Several warriors, like a dragon and a tiger, came in from the hall, dusty.

"See the owner of the house!"

The stone family members saluted the head of a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man, with a square face, looks very ordinary, but a pair of bright eyes, has an indescribable dignity.

He is the current clan leader of the Shi family and the father of Shi San Shao. Shi Bupo!

When a group of stone family members saw him, few dared to breathe.

"Stone python, is the spy's information accurate?

The warship of duanqingzong is really heading for my stone family

Stone not broken face grim.

A strong man in splendid clothes, immediately stood out, it is the stone python.

"Big brother, there will be no fake.

Now the whole real world knows that the elder of Duan Qing Zong, Yu Gu Xianzi, declared war on our stone family and said that she would wash my stone family with blood! "

Stone does not break a cold smile.

"Very well, no matter what they want, as long as they enter the jurisdiction of my stone family, I will let them have no return.

If you dare to kill my son Lezhi, they will die even if they are true ancestors!

This time, I will let them die as many people as they come!

When the birthday banquet of Zhenzu is over, we will kill Duan qingzong and uproot them! "

The stone Python frowned.

"However, the envoys sent by Zhenzu have already gone to duanqingzong to mediate.

He didn't want us to miss Zhenzu's birthday party.

Therefore, I don't think duanqingzong will come to die. "

A wisp of cold light flashed in his eyes.

"No, they will come and die!

The emissary of Zhenzu is bullshit. Now our stone family has the best treasure to prolong life. Zhenzu has to act according to the face of my stone family.

The messenger, I have sent someone to kill him. "

The stone Python's face changed slightly.

"But, big brother, once things leak out, even if the real ancestor does not say anything in the way of prolonging his life, there will be pimples in his heart.

It's not good for the plan after the stone family. "

Shi Bu Po gave a cold hum.

"It's stupid. If I dare to send someone, how can I let things out?

That Duan Qing Zong did not know good or bad and forced me back from the way to the fire phoenix forest. How could I do nothing?

In a word, inform all the clansmen and be ready!

We must make sure that none of the people who break the love sect can escape! "


After a group of people responded in unison, they filed out.

For a moment, the whole city Lord's house, and even the whole Loulan City, became stretched out.

Baijingmen is a secret place.

The old star cloud sits on a futon.

"What is the matter?

Is Gu Xuan stupid enough to challenge the Shi family with Duan qingzong? "

The ancient Nebula frowned, but I couldn't think of it.

"According to my previous exploration, it took nearly an hour and a half for Gu Xuan to escape from the enclosed space I arranged.

This shows that his strength is twice as long as I expected.

This level is just the strength of the hundred saints, but the strength of our thousand saints is not enough to fear.

With such a little strength, and Yu Gu fairy, who is still far from the hundred saints, wants to destroy the stone family?

It's too arrogant. "

The ancient nebula is still thinking.How to look at it, both feel that ancient Xuan and Duan Qing Zong are seeking their own death?

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

He will not deliberately die, there must be some unknown plot.

But what would it be? "

The ancient star cloud fell into a deeper round of meditation.

Half an hour later, he came to himself from his meditation.

However, the harvest is not big.

"Is it a plan to build a plank road in the open and cover up the old storehouse secretly?

Duan qingzong clearly said that he wanted to attack the stone family, but in fact, he wanted to steal the treasure that could add five hundred years to Zhenzu's life?

If the purpose is just like this, with the strength of ancient Xuan, maybe it can be achieved.

After all, it is said that the stone is not broken in keeping.

And the strength of the stone does not break, in the stone family root is not the first.

However, although the stone not broken is not so good, its strength is not weaker than that of Yu Gu fairy. In addition, it is extremely difficult for people at the ancestral level of the Shi family who granted blood to zhenshou to grab things that can't be broken. "

The ancient Nebula clenched her fist, and her face suddenly twisted.

"Damn Gu Xuan, what do you want to do?

Why after so many years, I'm better than you, or can't see through you! "

These days are destined to be sleepless.

All the forces of the real world are paying attention to the direction of the warship of Duan qingzong.

The warships that had followed Duan qingzong had disappeared at the moment.

The owners of these warships, following Duan qingzong, originally wanted to make friends with the ancient Lingdan emperor and gain some benefits.

But now, Duan Qing Zong is about to start a war with the Shi family. What's the difference between the two.

No one is optimistic about Duan Qing Zong.

The strength gap between the two sides is already large.

Duan qingzong is still away from home, and has lost more than half of the battle.

However, although we can't openly follow the warships of Duan qingzong, there are still many strong men following behind.

The ancient Lingdan emperor, after all, is a sweet cake.

If there is a chance to save it, even if offending the stone family, it is worth it.

The warship of Duan qingzong is advancing firmly.

Time, has passed five days.

It is only two days away from Loulan City, where the stone family is located.

At this moment, it is in the deep valley of a hundred miles away from the ship of Duan Qing Zong.

A battle is going on quietly.

Of course, the battle can not be quiet, after all, this is the battle of Xuansheng level.

However, the movement of the battle can be isolated by array.

"Who are you? I am the messenger sent by Zhenzu and also the disciple of Zhenzu!

If you dare to attack me here, are you not afraid of my master's revenge?

When Zhenzu is angry, a million corpses will be buried and the blood will flow thousands of miles. No matter who is behind you, there will be the disaster of destroying the clan and clan! "

A young man, covered with blood, was roaring.

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