The warship of Duan qingzong stayed at the bottom of the water for a full month.

Even the great elder and others don't know why?

I only know that this order was issued by Gu Xuan, the two elders of the Supreme Court.

But in this month, no one has seen the figure of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan seems to be missing from a warship.

In the upper reaches of the river, about two times in January.

The first time was before the 20th.

A towering mountain collapsed, causing a huge shock.

The collapse of rocks, so that the entire river almost changed course.

Such a big move attracted the elder to investigate in person. However, he found that there were pools of blood on the ground, as well as several broken hands and feet.

The great elder failed.

The second vision appeared about three days ago.

Near the collapsed mountain, clouds suspected of cloud hijacking suddenly appeared in the sky.

The reason why it is suspected is that the hijacking cloud is too exaggerated and dense, which seems to cover tens of miles around.

Among the clouds, the thunder is constantly running and the thunder dragons are dancing in disorder, just like the scene of doomsday.

And the true and false, like a mirage in general, people do not really.

This cloud, if it is really a cloud hijacking, then the power of the sky robbery is simply too powerful to imagine!

Compared with one day's Xuansheng Tianjie, I'm afraid it's more than a hundred times stronger.

The elder and others decided that this could not be Xuansheng Tianjie.

But if we say that this is the emperor's natural calamity, it will be weaker.

Even more bizarre, the cloud appears faster, but disappears faster.

It's like someone directly broke into the cloud and broke it up.

After that, the color cloud, which was suspected to represent the gift of heaven, also passed away in a flash. With the eyes of the great elder, he could not see clearly.

Therefore, considering all the doubts, no one can determine whether this is a natural calamity or not, which can only be called a suspected natural calamity.

The elder even suspected that there might be a peak Xuansheng who tried to promote himself to the emperor. Unfortunately, he had failed before the Thunder Dragon was brought down.

Five days after the disappearance of the suspected natural calamity, they were extremely calm.

At last, Gu Xuan came out of the secret room and calmly gave the order to set sail.

The warship of Duan qingzong finally made its way to huohuang Xianlin again.

It's still nice to sit on the old teapot.

The elder stares at Gu Xuan and looks again and again. This is the same ancient Xuan. No matter in appearance or manner, or even in character, there is no change.

But the chief executive feels that the ancient mystery of today seems to be different from that of the past.

However, the elder couldn't say what was different.

Can't see, the elder simply went to the ancient Xuan.

"Elder Taishang, you have disappeared for a month. What are you going to do?

I always feel like you've changed a little bit? "

Gu Xuan gazed into the elder's eyes.

"What can I change?

This month, I just closed a small hurdle and made a little progress?

Not much change.

If you really feel that I have changed, it must be your look at people, there has been a change.

These days, you are under too much pressure. That's why God talks. Take a good rest. You'll be in the fire phoenix forest soon.

Don't let people look down on me

The elder frowned and wrote "doubt" all over his face.

It seems that they are really too much pressure, will produce illusion.

Shaking his head, the elder went to the chamber of secrets.

Gu Xuan felt that the elder had entered the chamber of secrets, and his face showed a faint smile.

Elder elder, of course, I read it correctly.

Today's own, and a month ago of their own, it is not too much.

It took me ten days to practice the body of the real emperor!

The one with broken hands and feet, as well as a pool of bloodstains, was left by the practice of ancient Xuan.

The mountain was also the most critical time for him to practice. He was in great pain. He didn't hold back for a moment and collapsed with one blow.

However, it is worth paying.

From now on, his body will also have the ability of real emperor!

Then, he spent a full 20 days to arrange many large formations. With the help of Xingluo Shenpan, Zhutian sword and meteorite sword spirit, he was promoted to the level of Xuansheng!

Although his natural calamity was much more powerful than the general Xuansheng's because of cheating at the beginning, he still managed to survive with the strength of Gu Xuan.In addition, many large formations have reduced the vision caused by the natural calamity, and have not attracted wide-ranging attention.

In addition, he passed through the robbery very fast, and directly rushed into the cloud of robbery. Even the powerful men such as the elder elder were only a few hundred miles apart, they were not sure whether it was a real disaster.

Other people, or even the stronger ones, let alone.

After that, Gu Xuan also relied on "swallowing Tian Gong" to give gifts of Tianjie. In a short time, all the gifts were swallowed in his stomach, and even the colorful clouds were not let go.

Today's ancient Xuan, it can be said, between raising hands and feet, one of the top Xuansheng can be destroyed!

Even for the first half step of the emperor, Gu Xuan also has a strong self-confidence, won the battle!

Now, no one can threaten Gu Xuan's life unless the real king comes.

"It's a pity that the true emperor's body is only the real emperor's body after all.

There is no advantage in front of a strong man at the level of half step king.

The true emperor is a person who practices physical and martial arts along with the spirit and body of the true emperor, and is a realm corresponding to the holy land.

What corresponds to the realm of Xuansheng is the realm of Xuandi!

If you want to be promoted to this level, it is too difficult and too difficult. "

There was some emotion in Gu Xuan's heart.

After he was promoted to the real emperor again, he tried to impact the realm of Xuandi. Unfortunately, any energy impact, like a drop of water falling into the ocean, could not lift half the waves.

This was the first time that Gu Xuan felt small.

He even felt that he could not be promoted to Xuandi even though he was poor.

But this kind of feeling, just appeared, was suppressed by his strong will.

If you can't be promoted to Xuandi now, it doesn't mean you can't succeed in the future!

One day, I will succeed!


The wind around the warship seemed to be louder.

In the distance, several warriors saw the warship of Duan qingzong, and immediately sent out the sound of exclamation, one message after another, and sent back the fire phoenix fairy forest.

The fire phoenix fairy forest is full of resentment at the moment.

A month ago, the warship of Duan qingzong could reach the fire phoenix forest in a few days at most.

But at this juncture, the warship of Duan qingzong is missing?

No one knows where it went?

Even Zhenzu and the crazy old man can only stare at each other.

But Zhenzu still insisted, waiting for duanqing Zong to arrive and then start the birthday banquet.

However, the people of huohuang Xianlin were not willing to wait. They sent many people to look for the traces of duanqingzong warship.

Unfortunately, nothing.

Fortunately, now, the warships of Duan Qing Zong have appeared again.

This time, the people of huohuang Xianlin have made up their minds to follow Duan qingzong's warship in order not to let out a single moth.

The warship of Duan qingzong appeared in the sky of huohuang Xianlin in the eyes of the public. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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