When the sword passes by, it leaves a mark in the void.

The space was deeply cut, but the wound showed no sign of spreading.

There is no room for turbulence.

Even if it is such dead things as space turbulence, it seems that they suddenly have the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and they are not willing to get close to any traces left by the sword.

The groundbreaking offensive, from top to bottom, cut to the ancient Xuan!

With this chop, people seem to have seen the scene that Gu Xuan was divided into two.

Even though she was a fairy, her eyes were full of despair.

This is a cut that can not be resisted by manpower!

Gu Xuan did not move. He seemed to give up the resistance.

He feels strange now.

The speed of the emperor's weapons should be too fast to describe, resist or even see clearly.

However, he has an illusion that he can still see the attack track of this attack clearly even without breaking his double pupils.

Everything in the world, in his eyes, seems to be playing slowly.

Gu Xuan still had extra energy, but he paid attention to the sudden operation of "great cause and effect" in his body.

Finally, he found that his heart that sudden appearance of confidence, from where.

The force of cause and effect was not controlled by him. Ten drops of blood essence were stripped from his body.

A feeling of weakness came from Gu Xuan.

Without warning, they will lose ten drops of blood essence. Anyone will feel weak at the first time.

His face suddenly turned white as paper.

This appearance, in the eyes of the three heavenly messengers, was the expression that Gu Xuan was afraid to do something about it.

He was more excited.

The sword in hand, continue to cut towards the top of Gu Xuan's head!

Only a trace, his sword, will cut the ancient Xuan!

This time, even if Gu Xuan had the body of true emperor, he would surely die.

There is the will of the emperor and the remaining power of the emperor, which is enough to burn the real emperor's body clean.

However, at this time, the three heavenly messengers suddenly felt that the sword in his hand had cut into an invisible wall.

It's just a little short of that. It's the critical moment to kill Gu Xuan. Baodao can't cut down any more!

Gu Xuan's eyes changed.

In his black and white broken pupil, the original shadow of the sword disappeared.

Instead, it's a trigger.

A jade ring!

It was the jade ring that Yu Gu fairy gave him!

I don't know when, jade ring finger has been suspended in front of his eyes.

Ten drops of blood essence stripped from his body by the force of cause and effect flew out of his eyebrows and disappeared into the jade ring finger.

Similarly, nature has the power of cause and effect.

The force of cause and effect and ten drops of blood essence finally activate the jade!

All of a sudden, the shape of the jade ring finger has changed.

It becomes a whisk.

A look, ordinary, there is no bright spot of the dust.

However, in this moment, Gu Xuan's inner strength climbed to the top.

This is not an ordinary brush.

It's the emperor's instrument!

That jade ring finger is the container for dusting!

Gu Xuan stretched out his right hand and held the whisk.

Suddenly, a line of information, into his mind.

Including the pithy formula of using this whisk, the name of this whisk, and its origin.

After receiving the information, Gu Xuan finally had a sudden feeling.

This brush is called Ince.

However, it is generally called because of the dust.

It is the weapon of the talented patriarch of duanqing sect.

Before she left duanqing Zong, she sealed the brush in the jade ring finger and left a trace of her will.

At the critical moment of the demise of Duan Qing Zong, this whisk will automatically break through the seal and protect Duan Qing Zong.

Today, this brush has already sensed that there is a great causal relationship between the birth and death of ancient Xuan and the existence and extinction of duanqing sect.

However, the ancient Xuan's life and death alone is not enough to break through the seal because of the dust.

Although the life and death of ancient Xuan is closely related to the survival and extinction of duanqing sect, it is not the most critical moment for the survival and extinction of duanqing sect.

The reason why it can appear has half to do with the great cause and effect technique practiced by ancient Xuan.

It is not so much a breakthrough in the seal as an automatic protection of the great cause and effect technique, which forcibly wakes the owner from the seal state.

Ten drops of blood essence, is to wake up the conditions of the cause of the dust, and recognize the Lord because of the dust!

As soon as he recognized the master, Gu Xuan felt that the power was so powerful that he poured into his body.Gu Xuan's thoughts also flew a little.

"This is the tool of the emperor.

That is to say, the gifted patriarch of Duan Qing Zong was already a strong one in the realm of holy monarchy before he left duanqing Zong.

But, this news, even Yu Gu fairy did not know.

Even, the whole real world, no one knows.

I'm afraid this is not a good phenomenon. "

Gu Xuan's thoughts soon recovered.

He clenched because of the dust, all over the body has inexhaustible strength.

At this moment, he was in a trance. He felt as if he was the supreme monarch who despised the world!

In front of him, holding a sword to chop at his three heavenly messengers, suddenly, how ridiculous?

"What is the matter?

What power is this? Why can't I cut my knife?

Why do you have a whisk in your hand

The three heavenly emissaries roared furiously and ferociously.

He didn't notice how the brush appeared in Gu Xuan's hand.

No one noticed.

From the perspective of ancient metaphysics, a lot of things happened just now.

However, all these things happened in less than one thousandth of an instant.

Speaking of long, in fact, short to incredible extent.

Gu Xuan was staring at the three heavenly messengers.

"Isn't your goal jade trigger?

Unexpectedly, you don't even know the truth hidden in the jade ring finger.

Do you think you can kill this young master with a king's instrument?

It's a pity that this young master also has a piece of equipment for emperor's life

He waved the dust, a powerful force came to the extreme and broke out from the dust!


This force, hit the sword, clean!


The three heavenly messengers felt the whole body shaking and flew backward.

"How could it be? That whisk is actually a piece of tool for the emperor

The three heavenly messengers stare at the reason whisk in Gu Xuan's hand in shock.

He couldn't imagine and couldn't believe that there was a piece of emperor's life in Gu Xuan's hand.

What's more, it seems that at the beginning, this Jun Ming Di ware was hidden in that jade ring finger.

No wonder, the order of Archangel is to rob that jade ring finger!

It turns out that there is such a big secret hidden in it!

The conversation between them shocked everyone.

Some martial arts people have never even heard of this kind of treasure. Unexpectedly, they have seen two of them today.

For a moment, everyone was excited.

Yu Gu fairy's eyes were full of surprise.

"I see! The secret of that jade ring finger is the dusting of the emperor's instrument!

I have broken my love family. I am saved! "

The mad old man turned pale.

Now, Emperor Xuanjun ordered the emperor to kill him?

"If I were you, I would run away with my tail between my legs."

Gu Xuan waved the dust and joked.

The face of the three heavenly messengers changed.

"Even if you get the emperor's instrument, you just got it.

And I have used this sword to fight more than ten times!

In terms of experience, I am far better than you!

I will win this battle!

Fu Tu Dao Jue, kill everything!

Die to me


The three heavenly emissaries roared and waved the sword. The shadow of the sword filled the sky, and the ancient Xuan was surrounded in an instant!

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