Chi Chi Chi!

The sound of several flesh and blood was heard.

Accompanied by a few screams.

Surrounded by fire skeletons and ghosts, the five half step sages have been cut into two by Zhutian sword.

They didn't expect that Gu Xuan's attack could not even be sensed.

Until the time of discovery, their own vitality, have been rapidly disappearing.

Ten bodies were torn into pieces by fire skeletons and ghosts, and were completely corroded.

"Damn it!"

Green snake Lang Jun a pair of vertical pupil appears more and more cold, full of hate color.

Yuanyang Taoist also clenched his fist and wanted to break the ancient Xuan into pieces.

The remaining six, who were confronting Gongsun Tu of the blood temple, felt cold all over the body.

The six of them are not like the green snake Langjun and the Yuanyang Taoist. They have been ordered by the emperor to protect themselves.

Ancient Xuan can Yin death of their five companions, can repeat the old skills, Yin death of them.

They saw the silent sword clearly, but they could not feel it at all. Once the sight was blocked, it would be a life and death situation.

"What to do?"

Yuanyang Taoist preached to green snake Lang Jun.

Now, he would like to cut Gu Xuan into pieces, but he did not have the courage to do so before.

The green snake is biting his teeth.

"Our loss this time is too heavy.

If you run away now, you don't know how much punishment you'll get back.

Besides, it is not easy to escape.

Only at all costs, the xuanshao will be killed!

His strength is far beyond our imagination. He is a big man hidden in the blood temple.

Only when he dies, can we make up for it

Taoist Yuanyang frowned.

"But how? Just now, we were all out, but he still beat us back.

Is it necessary to burn Shouyuan and blood essence? "

Yuanyang Taoist didn't want to get to this point.

Green snake Lang Jun's eyes flashed a touch of sinister color.

"No poison, no husband. Those six wastes have been scared to death. It's not meaningful to have them or not.

In that case, we can sacrifice them!

Use their lives to help us kill the enemy

Taoist Yuanyang was startled.

He never thought that the green snake husband was so cruel!

But it's a good idea.

The Yuan Yang Taoist agreed.

After a brief discussion, they were ready to start the plan.

Unfortunately, both of them had no idea that their voice was clearly heard by Gu Xuan.

There was a smile in the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth.

He did not expect that the two men were cruel to this extent.

The six and a half steps, but their companions!

"But you are doomed to be disappointed.

If you want to improve the power of two pieces of emperor's instruments by sacrificing six and a half step saints, how can I make you do it? "

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes, held his chin, and glanced at the six half step sages.

It is impossible to directly expose the conspiracy between Yuanyang Taoist and green snake Lang Jun.

Just so expose, those six people will not believe at all, green snake Lang Jun two people, will bite him back, say that he instigated dissension.

However, it would be safe to wait until the two men, the green snake, killed one of the six, and then expose them.

Gu Xuan clenched Zhutian sword, pure to the extreme energy, not into it.

Of course, he deliberately controlled Zhutian sword, so that it did not show half a sign of potential.

At this time, green snake Lang Jun and Yuanyang Taoist had already started to act.

They flew to the six companions.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. That xuanshao is too strange. Let's retreat first, and then take a long-term view!

Let's go east. We'll break up with Taoist Yuanyang! "

Green snake Lang Jun light way.

Six life and a half steps, the emperor heard, a sigh of relief in his heart.

They have no intention to stay here, but they have no strength to go out.

Even green snake Lang Jun and Taoist Yuanyang have proposed to withdraw. Naturally, they are willing to. Even though they are on guard against the people in the blood temple, they fly eastward.

Unfortunately, how do they know that the real danger comes from their companions!

"Hum! As expected, they are a group of rubbish. If you leave, you will not have any consciousness of the three major businesses.

What do you want from you? "

Green snake Lang Jun a sneer, a pair of vertical pupil in flash a touch of fine awn.As soon as he raised his hand, the invincible five saints turned into five white lights, which crossed the void like a meteor, and headed for the three and a half step sages, and they were biting away!

On the other side, the Taoist Yuanyang also made a move, waving an axe to break the army, and then the first to cut a companion in half, and then waved the axe to chop at the other two people!

He and the green snake husband agreed that each of them would kill three companions and sacrifice them to the emperor.

Unfortunately, before his second axe was cut off, he saw the shadow of the sword falling from the sky. In an instant, he actually protected the other two half step kings.


The sound of a series of gold and iron attacks sounded, countless swords, hit on the breaking axe, forcing the Yuanyang Taoist to withdraw from a full ten Zhang distance.

On the other side, there was the same sound of impact.

The five invincible lions did not even tear up a half step king, so they were blocked by the sword.

At this time, the remaining five half step monarchs did not seem to react, and their eyes were full of puzzled color.

Gu Xuan shook his head, these pigs!

It seems that they have to wake them up by themselves.

Gu Xuan gazed at the Taoist priest Yuanyang and exclaimed, "what a powerful sacrifice skill. After you sacrificed the half step sage, the power of the army breaking axe has increased by more than 50%!

Fortunately, I have the foresight to stop you in time.

If you sacrifice two more companions, the consequences will be disastrous! "

"What, sacrifice? You two want to sacrifice us? "

A half step sage, staring at green snake Lang Jun and Yuan Yang Taoist, angry way.

The other four were also furious and scolded.

The whole face of Taoist Yuanyang was twitching.

Heaven can learn that he had the intention to sacrifice his companion. However, he had just killed a man with his axe, but he had not yet come to sacrifice him, so he was stopped by xuanshao!

How can you increase the power of your axe by 50% without sacrificing?

That Xuan Shao, clearly is in the wrong oneself!

Although I want to do that, but I haven't had time to do it?

You can't take what didn't happen to me to injustice!

Yuanyang Taoist wanted to explain, but it was obvious that no matter how he tried to explain, he was powerless.

Not only that, the remaining five half step king, has been closely united together to guard against him and the green snake.

It is not so easy to kill them and sacrifice them.

"What a shame! Green snake Lang Jun, Yuanyang Taoist, you two bastards, big enemy, you want us to die first?

In this case, we will die together! Die together

A half step King bit his teeth and tried to rush up.

The corner of his mouth twitched at the sight of Gu Xuan.

What's the difference between just rushing up like this and sending someone to sacrifice?

He thought and imitated the voice of another half step King:

"no, you can't rush up. You will still be killed and sacrificed.

There's only one way we can do it, and that is to blow ourselves up!

Blow yourself up, blow up these two bastards

The sound is still loud.

In addition to the imitated half step sage, some doubts about how this voice is so similar to his own, the other four people are all eyes.

"Yes, Tianya Taoist, you are smart at last.

Ha ha, Yuanyang, green snake, come on, hurt each other

"Ha ha ha, Tianya Taoist, you're smart!

Why don't you blow yourself up and pull these two bastards into the water

In an instant, the power of destruction sprang up from the four and a half step kings.

Only Tianya Taoist didn't respond, and said in horror, "wait, what did you do? I didn't say that..."

Unfortunately, before he finished his words, he had no chance to go on.


The other four and a half step kings blew themselves up at the same time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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