The words of Gu Xuan are very impressive.

The air almost fell from the sky, but he didn't look back. He seemed afraid that Gu Xuan would catch up with him. He accelerated and disappeared in the sky.

Gu Xuan is not satisfied yet. He is preparing to speak.

I'm worried.

"Don't howl. He was cheated away. Don't stimulate him, or you will be in trouble if you stimulate him back."

Gu Xuan glanced at the insect clothes.

"You have the face to say that?

Didn't you just stimulate him to fight with me? "

She didn't blush at all, but she didn't answer Gu Xuan's question. She was not kind enough.

"Are you the saint of the Zerg?"

Ye Er did not know when, came over and took the initiative to relieve the insect clothing.

Before the insect clothing, she had not paid attention to ye'er, who was closely guarded by gongsuntu. Now she heard her talk and looked at her.

At this glance, the insect clothes were stunned.

Behind ye'er, there are three pairs of butterfly wings!

This is a sign of great success in cultivating the six changes of butterflies!

Although, these three pairs of wings are lighter than the illusion of butterfly wings when they display the "six changes of butterflies".

But there are three pairs!

Compared with their own limit state, there are two more pairs!

This, how can it be?

Only the high priests and saints can do it.

This little girl, I haven't seen her at all. She's not from the Tianchong tribe. How can she display the six changes of the butterfly?

Suddenly, the face of insect clothes changed.

"Are you the daughter of the former Saint, the adult worm away?"

Ye Er nodded.

"My name is Ye Er."

After a brief introduction, ye'er is reluctant to say more.

She got the memory of her mother, the insect separation, in her mind, and knew the truth of that incident. Her feelings for the Tianchong tribe were very complicated.

Ye Er looks at Gu Xuan.

"Xuanshao, help her and her brother. Their injuries seem to be very serious."

The insect clothing embraces the insect building and suddenly looks at Gu Xuan.

"Can you cure my brother? Really?

He was seriously injured. I'm afraid he won't last three days without treatment.

If you can cure it, I will thank you very much! "

Insect clothes excited way.

Gu Xuan didn't speak. He just looked at the insect building and frowned.

This guy took the two Jiupin Shenggu Rongxue pills that he gave to the arrow wolf. The medicine has not been exhausted. Where can he die so easily?

Although the injury looks really heavy, but said that can not hold up for three days, then how possible?

It's an insult to your two pills to say so.

Seeing Gu Xuan's delay in responding, the insect's clothes and clothes showed a disappointed look on his face.

Sure enough, the insect building's injury is not so easy to cure.

The man in front of him is a half step true king. If he is strong, he will be stronger. However, he is afraid that his skill in curing diseases and saving others will not go anywhere.

Just then, a space wave suddenly appeared.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and immediately locked in a space ten feet away.

A ripple of space, a three tail fox from the space.

It locked the insect clothing and the insect building's position, lightly jumps, is jumps over.

"Saint, I'm late.

It's not easy to cheat that strong man of Qunli clan.

I tried my best to set up a magic array, enticed them to send a signal for help, and then I came.

How is your injury? Is the insect building OK? "

Three tail fox asked a series of questions.

"Thank you, sister fox.

I'm fine, but my brother was badly hurt. I'm afraid it's dangerous.

I'm afraid I'll trouble you this time. "

Insect clothes excited way.

Three tails of the fox nodded, closed their eyes and muttered, the body of the fox was actually visible to the naked eye, transformed into a woman in white, beautiful appearance, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks among people.

A pure Dandao breath was released from her body.

This made Gongsun Tu's eyes flash with surprise.

"Eight grade master of medicine refining!"

"A three Tailed Fox that turns into a human being can actually cultivate into a great master of eight grade medicine refining?"

Several people's exclamation of voice, make three tail fox face flashed a trace of satisfaction.

She is the secret place of bitter sea. She has the most talent as a pharmacist in history. With time, she will even have a chance to attack the realm of Dandi!

She began to investigate the damage to the insect building.At this time, the arrow wolf leader frowned tightly, came over, took a careful glance at Gu Xuan, and sighed in his heart.

It wants to tell the insect clothes that the two nine grade three grain pills eaten by the insect house were given by this xuanshao adult!

When you see such a thigh here, you not only don't hold it, but also ignore people. Instead, let a master of eight grade medicine refining come to cure the insect building?

Although she is said to be one of the only two great masters of medicine refining in the secret place of bitter sea, no matter how powerful she is, she can't make Jiupin pills!

No jiupindan, insect building so heavy injury, how to save?

Sure enough, Sanwei foxes seemed confident at the beginning, but after investigating the insect building's injury, their eyebrows wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

Ye'er felt her face a little hot, staring at the insect clothes, and the corners of her mouth were twitching.

With good intentions, I ask xuanshao to help your brother and you heal. How dare you ignore xuanshao?

If you don't want to ask xuanshao, you should ask a great master of refining medicine to help you?

You are only injured, not blind!

Ye'er has an impulse to scold her for the first time. Those who dare to ignore xuanshao are not good people!

Gu Xuan was ignored by the fruit eaters, but he was not upset. Instead, he was like watching a monkey play. He watched the three tailed foxes fiddling around and watching the insect clothes in a hurry.

The insect clothes should be punished according to the attitude of calculating oneself just now.

After a long time, the insect building in a coma, issued a stuffy hum, spit out a mouthful of blood, but still did not wake up.

The insect clothes were shocked.

"Sister fox, how are you? Why did my brother vomit blood again

The eyebrows of three tailed foxes frowned more tightly.

"It's a strange injury. Obviously, it's very heavy. It's reasonable to say that the breath of life should go down sharply.

However, his breath of life, though weak, is relatively stable.

What's more, there seems to be a force to help him heal.

However, his injury is too serious to last three days.

I just vomited blood. I think it's because the injury is getting worse.

I can only try to suppress his injury, but I can't save him

Hearing the speech, Gu Xuan twitched a few times.

These three tail foxes, if they are their own disciples, I am afraid they will be killed alive?

Is the injury getting worse?

The one that vomited just now is congestion, OK?

His injury doesn't seem to be getting better, but is it really getting better?

"Sister fox, help me to suppress his injury.

I need enough time to take him back to the tribe, and the high priest will save him! "

Insect clothes pleaded.

"Well, I'll try my best!"

Three tail fox confidently way.

But she still has the ability to suppress the injury.


Seven hundred and seventy-nine gold needles flew out of the mouth of the three tailed foxes. They whirled around the insect building, and then they stabbed at the 49 acupoints of his body!

Chi Chi Chi!

The sound of flesh and blood being punctured by a gold needle.

Gu Xuan was shocked.

It's amazing how to treat wounds with such crude needling points!

His apprentice Mo Jingyun, or five grade, the hands are more delicate than you, OK?

Moreover, according to the 49 big acupoints of the thorn, where is this to suppress the insect tower's injury, which clearly is to kill him?

It's just. I can't see it anymore. I'd better do it!

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"Stop, put away your gold needle.

If you do that, it will only aggravate his injury

The three Tailed Fox frowned and looked up at Gu Xuan.

"His breath has become more stable. My treatment is effective. How can the injury worsen?

Don't talk to distract me. If you have any opinions, you can talk about it when you become a master of eight grade medicine refining.

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