At the foot of his body, he had no strength.

His eyes were full of fear and despair.

"How could it be? In less than a minute, more than 30 strong men and 11 half step sages of our Li family will all be lost to you except me?

This kind of thing, even if it is Li Changkong, it is impossible to do it.

Is Can you say that you are the embodiment of the real monarch

Gu Xuan's eyes were full of pity.

"I don't pay attention to the separation of the real king level strong.

As long as it is not the true king, the young master is invincible.

However, these are not things you should care about.

I'll give you a chance to live and tell me how to let Li Changkong show up? "

I have no official to smile coldly.

"Lord Li Changkong is closing down. When he leaves, you will die.

I can't sell my strength, Lord Changkong. I'll wait for you in the nether world

Gu Xuan nodded.

"I see. You can go at ease."

He raised his right hand slightly forward.

A sword spirit, then did not enter the heart of Li Changkong's eyebrows.

Li Changkong's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost. He opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. Unfortunately, he had no chance.


Li Changkong's body was blown up by the sword Qi and became powder.

With a smile, Gu Xuan turned and walked towards the ruins in front of him.

Under the ruins, seven men were lying motionless.

These seven people were the right envoys of the Tianchong tribe.

The seven of them had stopped breathing at the moment, and their vitality had dropped to a very low level. At first glance, they looked like dead people.

However, Gu Xuan knew very well that the seven men were still alive.

They have been imprisoned in a corner of the confinement space. They are only sealed by race, sealed with energy, and without even fatal injury.

Although the previous battle was fierce, Gu Xuan had been deliberately protecting them. How could they be in trouble?

"Don't pretend to be dead, you fools.

It is your saint, the wormwear, who begged me to save you

The light way of ancient Xuan.

Seven people still did not move.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

These idiots don't know what it is to pretend to be dead here?

If you are cautious, are you too cautious?

Gu Xuan kicked the insect's right waist with one foot and turned it upside down. He changed from lying on his stomach to lying down.

"Insect right emissary, wake up for me immediately, and then take your people to the secret cave of your family to find the insect clothes.

If you give me another decoration, you will be burned to ashes by a fire. "

As soon as this word came out, the insect right envoy immediately jumped up.

Gu Xuangang's strength was not small, and he could not bear the pain for a long time.

As soon as he stood up, the insect right envoy covered his waist and showed his teeth.

"Everybody get up, this adult is really coming to save us."

The reason why he said this was because Gu Xuangang's kick was very heavy, but when he hit him, he also took the opportunity to release a stream of energy.

As soon as this energy enters the insect right envoy's body, it helps him to dissolve the seal prohibition in his body.

Of course, this is not enough to make him believe in ancient metaphysics.

But Gu Xuan has already said that if they pretend to be dead again, they will be burned directly.

In this case, let alone whether Gu Xuan could believe it or not, they could only get up if they knew that there was fraud.

Otherwise, he was sure that Gu Xuan would set fire to make them roast suckling pigs.

All the people on the ground stood up quickly.

"Thank you for saving your life. I dare to ask you..."

The insect right emissary also wanted to test Gu Xuan, but he couldn't speak until he finished speaking.

As soon as Gu Xuan waved his hand, a tremendous invisible energy was exerted on the seven people.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The seven people flew out of the Tiankeng area and fell heavily on the ground.

"Get out of the way!

If you want to know who this young master is, ask yourself in insect clothes

Gu Xuan didn't have time to pay attention to these seven people. Now, he hasn't thought how to force the force of Changkong out!

Outside the Tiankeng.

"The seal on me has been lifted."

"Me too!"

Several people from Tianchong tribe are very excited.

"It seems that this adult does not mean anything to us.

Just now, we have been treating gentlemen with the heart of villains. ""That's great. What's the origin of this adult?

When did the virgin know such a strong man?

In less than a minute, he killed more than 30 strong men of the Li clan.

Between raising hands and feet, we untied the seal in our bodies.

I adore him

"Don't worship me. Go on. This adult seems to have a bad temper. Don't stay here and make him angry.

When you see the lady, you will know what happened

The insect right makes the face dignified, beckoning everybody to leave the Tiankeng quickly.

He knew very well that there was no free lunch.

There must be a reason why the LORD was willing to save himself and others.

Saint, there must be something in exchange.

And, most likely, it is related to the conditions of the divine tree fruit.

Otherwise, you can't think of anything else that can attract such strong people to the secret place of bitter sea.

"If this adult's goal is also the fruit of the divine tree, it will be troublesome.

This must be reported to the high priest as soon as possible! "

The insect right makes squint eyes, take advantage of the crowd unprepared, released a messenger paper crane.

The paper crane flew into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye. No one found it.

Of course, except for the ancient Xuan.

However, although Gu Xuan found the paper crane, he didn't care at all.

Anyway, no matter what was written in it, it had no effect on him.


Side, has left only the wind whistling.

Standing in the ruins, Gu Xuan carefully sensed everything in front of him.

According to the connection between him and the power of the soul, there is no mistake in the sky.

However, Gu Xuan could not completely lock his position in any case.

The distance between the sky and the ancient mystery, sometimes close and far, sometimes real, sometimes illusory, unpredictable.

"It seems that it is impossible to get into the hell prison map.

The only way is to wait!

No, it should be said, "wait for the hare!"

The corner of ancient Xuan's mouth was slightly hooked.

It's impossible to wait and do. Only by setting up a lot of prohibitions and waiting force to jump in, can we maintain our life like this.

With this in mind, Gu Xuan retreated.

He is going to arrange a large array covering the whole Tiankeng.


Gu Xuan offered an array plate.

When the array disk falls, the whole Tiankeng will be covered in an instant.

"This [water and fire, death prison and killing array] array plate, under my hand, is the first time.

So, you have to be more perfect.

In the last battle with the three major commercial firms, this array plate suffered a lot of damage, and the consumption was even greater.

Now, I have to fix it and replenish the energy consumed. "

Gu Xuan looked at the big array that covered the whole Tiankeng with a faint smile.

With the existence of this killing array, the later the force Changkong leaves the pass, the more surprised it will be.

Gu Xuan's hands began to seal, and the flames flew out of his body and did not enter the killing array.

At the same time, a stream of water law came from all directions, turned into the most pure energy, and also poured into the killing array.

The array disk, which originally had some disorder of energy, gradually became orderly.

The terrain above the array plate is also changing. It is quite different from the original terrain. On the contrary, it is very similar to the appearance of the Tiankeng before it was turned into ruins.

Obviously, Gu Xuan was going to take the appearance of the Tiankeng before it was destroyed as a template to make the death prison killing array look new.

Time goes by slowly.

Gu Xuan, for four months.

Today's Tiankeng has been completely restored to its original appearance and perfectly coincides with the terrain of the array disk of the death prison and killing array.

What Gu Xuan didn't expect was that Li Changkong didn't wait, but waited for another group of people.

And among these people, there is an old acquaintance - green snake Lang Jun! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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