The sky robbery array, just these three words, can already explain the weight and horror of this array.

In the world of cultivation, Tianjie has always been the existence of love and hate for all warriors.

If you want to improve the great realm, you have to go through the disaster. It's extremely dangerous. You'll die.

However, after the disaster, they can get gifts from the way of heaven. The stronger the robbery is, the richer the gifts will be.

Compared with the love and hate of Tianjie, this Tianjie array can only leave hatred for the warrior.

This is a "other kind of natural calamity" that can simulate the power of the heavenly calamity, but does not give you the gift of heaven.

All the people who saw the disaster scene turned ugly and recalled bad memories in their heads.

Gu Xuan's broken double pupil has opened his eyes. He stares at the crystal ball without blinking.

"We'll discuss it later if the Tianjie formation can take my life.

My young master is very curious now. Why do you come to this Tiankeng when you are obviously suffering from natural calamities?

Is this a second one? "

The chairman of Tianbao said coldly: "do you think the Tianba formation is so refined?

How can you refine a large-scale sky robbery array without this small-scale Tianjie array disk as the core?

I'm not afraid to tell you that in terms of power, I can only kill two top players like you.

But if I make a new array plate, I will be able to kill ten top strong people like you! "

Gu Xuan suddenly realized and sighed.

"So it is. I thought you were really ready to make a brand-new disaster array disk from scratch.

I didn't expect that it was just strengthening. It's disappointing. "

"Do you think it's easy to enhance the power of Tianbao?

I dare say that no one can do it except me!

Well, you already know enough. Now, you can die

With a cold smile, Tianbao read the Dharma formula, and a mighty force of law gushed out of his body and disappeared into the crystal ball.

A mysterious breath overflows from the crystal ball.

The breath expanded in an instant and covered half of the Tiankeng.

All the people present were naturally shrouded in it.


There was a strong wind.

The crystal ball rises into the air and hangs in the void.

Taking the crystal ball as the center, the cloud of robbery rolls around and condenses over the heads of the people. The thunder light flashes and the sound of thunder rushing in bursts, which is extremely frightening.

Several half step sages felt the power of the hijacking cloud, and then sat down on the ground, and the whole person began to shiver.

This is terrible!

this feeling is as like as two peas in a real sense of heaven robbery. They still think they have really brought about a natural disaster.

Half step of the body of the emperor, lead to the disaster, that can be promoted to the emperor of heaven, can be said to be ten dead without life.

Green snake Lang Jun is still calm, but only relative to the half step king, his whole person, also began to shiver.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The five invincible lions were sacrificed by him and kept rotating and running around him to protect him.

Tianbao president saw the appearance of the crowd, can not help laughing.

This is the real means of his heavenly leopard!

This, is not that idiot general Jiuyang president can compare!

Gu Xuan felt the power of the disaster, and he couldn't help but marvel at it.

Although the quality of the robbery thunder simulated by this Tianjie array is not as good as that of his own, but in terms of quantity, it is more than that. I don't know how many times.

"It's just drowsy. Someone's giving a pillow!

I'm just trying to make up for my thunder method. This sky robbery array is a treasure tailored for me

Gu Xuan's eyes began to shine again.

The value of this thing in Gu Xuan's mind at the moment is better than the power Changkong's map of the underworld prison.


Rob thunder rush, it seems that at any time will turn into a disaster, Thunder Dragon from the sky.

"Be ready to die, you will annihilate the fly ash!

Keep him surrounded. Don't let him escape

The chairman of Tianbao gazed at Gu Xuan and was very proud.

To kill xuanshao is a shame for the three chambers of Commerce. It's a great achievement!

"Run away? What do you think of this young master?

Don't you think it's stupid for you to rush to give me my baby and refuse to accept it

With a smile, Gu Xuan flew directly to the sky!

Tianbao president, green snake Lang Jun, etc., are all in a daze?

What does xuanshao want to do?

I don't think he died fast enough below, so I can fly high so that Jielei can chop him to death faster?

It was not until Gu Xuan reached out a hand and grabbed at the crystal ball which was looming in the Jieyun, and all of them reacted.He, unexpectedly, is trying to rob the sky robbery array plate!

The chairman of Tianbao started a new round of laughter.

I couldn't stand up with laughter.

"Ha ha ha, the power of the sky robbery array has been completely released.

At the moment, the array disk is equivalent to the core position of the hijacking cloud when the real disaster comes.

In this way, you are equivalent to flying into the cloud when crossing the sky.

The power of robbing thunder will break out in an instant, so that you don't even know how to die! "

The chairman of Tianbao looked at Gu Xuan with disdain.

"I see. You know you have to die, so you want to give yourself a painless way to die, right?

It's really xuanshao, smart enough!

Ha ha... "

Green snake Lang Jun and others, as if they were infected by the chairman of Tianbao, also laughed.

These three big chamber of Commerce killer level fierce person, finally still can't escape to die!

However, the next moment, all the smile on the face, then stagnated.

It's like stealing the sky and changing the sun. The whole Tiankeng is different.

The space beyond the Tiankeng has become a void.

No more blue sky, no more Obsidian day, no more insects and birds.

The heavenly calamity array plate, trembling in the void, the breath above it, becomes incomparably disordered.

Jieyun begins to deform at the speed visible to the naked eye, and then collapses and condenses. It seems that there is some kind of force that affects its power.

The power of thunder in the cloud is naturally reduced to the extreme.

Gu Xuan grabs the right hand of the heavenly calamity array plate, which is full of thunder, but the thunder light obviously does not have the power that the thunder should have, and doesn't even let Gu Xuan feel the pain.

"What's the matter? How could my sky robbery array suddenly become like this?

It doesn't seem to be able to maintain the formation.

Damn it, xuanshao, what have you done? "

Tianbao president's face became extremely ugly.

It was the hope that he would win the favor of the angels in the southern town circle, and the hope of his rise!

How did that happen?

Green snake Lang Jun a pair of vertical pupil, a few fine light flash.

He was the first to react.

"No! The whole Tiankeng has been covered by the array for a long time!

Since we entered the Tiankeng, we fell into the array! "

Green snake Lang Jun's face became very ugly.

"Covered by the array?"

Tianbao's chairman was stunned. No wonder he always felt that the energy fluctuation around him was familiar. He was just in a hurry and didn't respond to it.

But now, after the green snake Lang Jun's reminding, he immediately is the reaction.

"Damn it! This is my Tianbao firm's "water and fire poles · death prison killing array"!

Green snake Lang Jun, you idiot, didn't you say that this array was seriously damaged?

There is no sign of damage here

The chairman of Tianbao roared and wanted to kill the green snake.

If he had known that the death prison killing array had not been destroyed, how could he have pulled out the sky robbery array disk here?

This is equivalent to arranging a small array in a large array!

If the two arrays belong to one person, you can try it.

But the large array is controlled by the enemy, so don't even think about it.

Now, that's what happened.

The "death prison killing array" controlled by Gu Xuan completely disturbs the energy in the array range, making the Tianba array disk unable to release the complete array.

"Now, it belongs to me

Gu Xuan played with the crystal ball in his hand, and he laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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