After listening to Gu Xuan's words, the young people in the Confucian shirt all had a strong smile on their faces.

Since Gu Xuan said so, it was no different from his promise to join.

Let's introduce Sanxian League, which is just a walk in the street.

The two men had a brief conversation and introduced each other.

Gu Xuan's self introduction is naturally a castrated version.

But the young scholars are obviously satisfied.

After the introduction, Gu Xuan expressed his wish to join the Sanxian League, and both sides were very happy.

Through the introduction, Gu Xuan learned that the young man with Confucian clothes was actually 30000 years old.

He claimed to be a green hill hermit. His best skill was the way of wood, followed by the way of fire.

Gu Xuan estimated that this man's strength should be between Bozhong and qingshelang.

As for Sanxian League, now there are 15 people in total. In addition to Gu Xuan's words, there are 16 people who have a rest not far away.

"Xuanshao, follow me to the camp. Let's get to know each other."

The young man in the Confucian shirt did a job of invitation, and Gu Xuan followed him to a small camp.

The camp is just a simple isolation array.

The isolation effect is only aimed at some snakes, insects, rats and ants. The slightly stronger fierce beasts can easily break this array, not to mention the martial arts around.

Inside the camp, everyone looked at Gu Xuan curiously.

Gu Xuan also looked at the people a little, but he was disappointed.

This group of people are just ordinary half step kings. Their strength is among the half step kings. Even if they don't belong to the bottom, they are not in the middle.

With a smile, the young man in the Confucian shirt introduced to you: "this is xuanshao, a new member of our Sanxian League.

Xuanshao has been closed for thousands of years. Now he has just left the pass. He has hit and bumped into the secret place of bitter sea. It is fate to meet us.

As the old rule, please introduce yourself. "

Immediately, an old man with bright eyes said, "old Wu Hai! Good at the way of water

A competent man stood up, arched his hands and said, "in the river TianKuo! Good at Dao Dao

At this time, Gu Xuan suddenly felt that a faint breath suddenly appeared behind him.

He made a sudden turn and kicked into a void in front of the left.

"Ah! I'll go

Just heard a scream, a man in black suddenly showed his body shape, flew upside down and broke the isolation array of the camp with a bang.

All of them laughed, and the atmosphere became active for a moment.

The man in black covers his face and stares at Gu Xuan in his eyes.

"But just to make fun of you, do you need to hit me in the face?"

Gu Xuan shrugged.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little more alert.

Suddenly, he noticed someone behind him and thought there was an enemy sneaking attack. Naturally, he couldn't help kicking it out. "

The black man's mouth twitched a few times.

"It's just that you can find me.

I like people who have skills. "

The man in black smiles at Gu Xuan.

"Downstream, Shenzi! Hiding and escaping, I think the second, no one dares to recognize the first! "

The corner of the ancient Xuan's mouth was slightly and imperceptibly pulled.

After being kicked by myself, I dare to say that this guy's ability to hide his life is not the first, but the thickness of his skin must be the first.

"Cough, it's my turn to introduce.

Taoist friend, I am the sage of the three mountains. Of course, my realm is the half step sage.

However, I dare not use the title of San Shan Sheng Jun.

I'm fat, but it's all muscle! The kind that can block a knife or an arrow

A bareheaded man with a height of two meters and a weight of nearly a mountain stood up, his body was full of fat, and he almost didn't shake Gu Xuan's eyes.

Gu Xuan swore that this was the fattest person he had ever seen in his two life!

Think of it, this man is very good at defense, can be used as a meat shield.

The rest of them are introduced one by one.

Gu Xuan also repeated the words of bluffing Qingshan hermits. After introducing himself, he was finished.

Once again, they returned to their own resting state.

Gu Xuan found that the Castle Peak hermit was not what everyone wanted.

These half step monarchs, one by one, seem to have mediocre strength, but everyone, in a certain aspect, has very prominent advantages.

There are main defense, main attack, and even an old man who is good at the way of wood and water can heal people.

The combination of the way of wood and the way of water to treat others is a method that has not been studied in depth.

He's dandy. He doesn't need all these fancy things.However, Dandi is not a commodity, such a big real world, also about ten Dandi.

In this case, the use of the way of water and wood for healing, naturally there is a special person to study.

The old man, who called himself Shuimu Taoist, is undoubtedly of great attainments in this way.

With this in mind, Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and glanced at the green hill hermit.

It seems that the Castle Peak hermit is not simple.

If you want to find such a group of people, you can't get together by inviting them to join in.

Just a moment ago, a few more people in the shape of loose repair boarded the island, but the Castle Peak hermit just looked at it and ignored it.

However, the four people who have been following him are very active and seem to want to join them.

However, seeing that the green hill residents did not move, they also suppressed the desire to attract people to join.

This makes Gu Xuan more curious.

Before introducing myself, who knows if those people have any special abilities?

But the green hill hermit didn't even mean to ask?

What is the standard of joining the Sanxian League?

"Do you have any special skills of observing people?"

Gu Xuan guessed in his heart.

Otherwise, how can you invite him to join us?

Just as he was curious, a voice from his soul suddenly came to Gu Xuan's ears.

It's the sound of insect clothing.

"Xuanshao, what are you doing in Sanxian League?

All the strong have come, and the number is far beyond my imagination.

This time, the vitality of the divine tree has reached its peak, far more than it has appeared in the past few times.

It is likely that there will be more than one divine tree fruit.

We can't get it without your help. Can't you come back immediately and have a good discussion with us? "

The pupil of ancient Xuan shrinks.

"Is it true that there is more than one divine tree fruit?

This is a good thing. In this way, there will be no contradiction between us and we can really cooperate.

After all, you only need one fruit.

The rest, I can help you to take away all the firepower of the enemy, so that you can successfully bring your fruit back to the tribe... "

"Go away!"

Before Gu Xuan's words were finished, the insect clothes had already expressed the wish of refusing to receive the voice of the soul of ancient Xuan.

No matter what Gu Xuan said, he couldn't get into the ear of insect clothes.

Gu Xuan took out his ears in dismay.

This saint is too angry. She is just a saint of the Tianchong tribe. She really regards herself as the saint of the whole world?

"However, the divine tree fruit should have appeared many times. In the past, only one fruit was produced. Why this time

Wait a minute, insect clothing just seemed to say that the vitality of the fruit of the divine tree is at its extreme?

I'm afraid this is the precursor of prosperity and decline!

No, maybe it should be a bright future. I'm afraid this is the last glory of the divine tree.

After that, it will die!

It's a big deal. You have to tell the insect clothes. "

Gu Xuan quickly played the voice of his soul again, trying to contact the insect clothes.

Unfortunately, wormwear still refuses to hear from his soul.

Gu Xuan was about to contact ye'er, but at this time, a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared outside the camp of Sanxian League.

"All the people of Sanxian League, get out of here!"

A voice, outside the camp! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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