With his hands on his back and a faint smile on his face, Gu Xuan was staring at the green mountain hermit.

Qingshan hermit was stunned and couldn't say what he wanted to say.

Around the challenge arena, all the casual monks were stunned.

Even many of the half step sages who had already flown away stopped and looked back at the challenge arena.

Who could have thought that such a leader of the loose repair alliance could still have a follow-up after a round of struggle?

For a moment, the arena was silent.

But the silence did not last long. After a moment, there was an uproar.

Qingshan hermit stared at Gu Xuan as if he were looking at the biggest joke in the world.

"You just said, you want to challenge me? Are you sure?

Swords have no eyes. If you fight, you may die

Qingshan's words are full of threats.

In any case, he didn't expect that after he defeated the enemy wanqianxing, a small role in his own Alliance came out on his own initiative.

When he recruited people to join the league, he did have his own set of standards.

Therefore, such as youshenzi, Shuimu daoren, Sanshan Xuansheng and others, even if their fighting ability is not strong, but because of their unique advantages, they are still recruited into the Sanxian League as the initial team members.

These people were recruited after he understood their advantages and disadvantages.

Only ancient Xuan is an exception.

Castle Peak residents have a battle array, which requires the joint efforts of 16 people in order to play their power.

At that time, he had already recruited 15 people. He happened to see Gu Xuan fly to the island, so he immediately recruited him to the Sanxian league with the idea of gathering enough people.

First of all, if we get to the bottom of the 16 member team early, we can familiarize ourselves with the battle lines.

Secondly, the Wanxian league's wanqianxing has always been covetous of the Sanxian League. If it is fought, the number of the Sanxian League is too weak, and the individual combat power is not strong, so it can only rely on the battle array.

Therefore, with little understanding and consideration, Qingshan residents directly recruited guxuan into Sanxian League.

Of course, another reason is that Gu Xuan looks too young.

Such a person, genius is a genius, but it is much better to control than many old men.

The Castle Peak hermit never thought that Gu Xuan could bring him a threat.

I never thought that such a hairy boy would covet the position of leader after the merger of the two leagues.

What's more, after killing thousands of lines?

All of them believed that Gu Xuan was crazy.

In silence, youshenzi appeared on the side of the ancient Xuan body.

"I said xuanshao, don't be impulsive.

Can you covet the position of alliance leader?

Even if the Castle Peak hermits had fought once and consumed a lot of money, their combat effectiveness would not be greatly affected by the emperor's equipment.

If you challenge him, you will lose! "

Shuimu Taoist also flew over, his face painstakingly.

"Xuanshao, don't make such a joke.

No matter how confident you are, don't risk your life.

Although the position of leader of the alliance is respected, it is also a pioneer. Once the scuffle is opened, it is easy to become the target of public criticism.

Listen to me, don't argue

Sanshan Xuansheng also came and advised Gu Xuan.

However, most of the monks either looked good at the show or ridiculed Gu Xuan. They didn't know what was good or bad. They even wanted their lives to be the leader of the alliance.

In particular, several monks from the Wanxian League were already cursing Gu Xuan for being ungrateful and unkind in order to show themselves in front of the green mountain hermits.

However, Gu Xuan didn't care at all.

He just gave a smile to Shuimu Taoist and said, "since the leader of the alliance is the one who has the ability, but the young master thinks that he has the ability, of course, we have to fight for it.

If I lose, it means I'm not as good as others.

But how can I lose? "

On Gu Xuan's face, he had to write the words "invincible" with a cinnabar pen.

How could a mere green hill resident be his opponent?

Don't mention one, it's four or five green hill residents. Each of them has a piece of emperor's life. If he can break him up once, he will buy a lump of tofu and kill him.

The eyes of Castle Peak residents gradually became cold.

"I look down on you.

Since you have this confidence, I will accept your challenge!

Everyone else, get out of the ring at once

Shuimu Taoist several people looked at Gu Xuan and seemed to want to persuade him. But seeing Gu Xuan's firm eyes, he knew that his mind was determined, and he didn't say anything.

Several people stepped off the arena.

"Let's go!"

The Castle Peak hermit disdained to stare at Gu Xuan."I'll give you a chance to do it first. Let's do it!"

Gu Xuan nodded.

"Naturally, the young master is not polite.

In your hand, you have two pieces of imperial instruments.

But with your strength, using one is the limit.

So, Jingang stick, I'll grab it.

I tell you because I want to give you a chance to keep him.

I have only one move. If you can keep it, it is really to keep it. "

Gu Xuan's words are very arrogant.

He's always been like this. When others are crazy, he's even more crazy.

The Castle Peak hermit was so arrogant that he said that he would be given a chance to make a move. Gu Xuan naturally wanted to take back such a place.

This line has always been his!

The monks were in an uproar again. They were so arrogant and arrogant!

"Flatter the public

"Arrogance and ignorance!"

There was a lot of abuse.

The green hill hermit was livid with anger.


He inserted the golden Gang stick into the arena.

"OK, my leader is standing here waiting for you to grab it!

I don't recognize the Lord of the golden Gang staff. If you can grab it, it will be yours! "

Qingshan hermit angry road.


Gu Xuan smiles.

Before the voice fell, his figure suddenly disappeared from its original place.

By the time he reappeared, he was already behind the Castle Peak hermit.

Gu Xuan's eyes, cold to the extreme, lock the Castle Peak residents.

The cold killing opportunity also shrouded the Castle Peak residents.

Qingshan residents suddenly felt that they were locked in by some kind of great beast, which was extremely dangerous.

At this moment, his intuition told him that he had to fight!

If you don't, you will die!

In the face of this intuition, the green hill hermit stood up with sweat and hair. He could no longer ignore the bold words he had made before, and wanted to give Gu Xuan a chance to take the initiative.

"Tianshan dragon subduing rhyme!"

The green mountain hermit's hands bear the most mysterious Dharma seal, and the rolling energy rushes out from him.

Behind him, on the ground, the sound of a dragon chant sounded, shaking the entire arena.

Immediately, a law giant dragon came out of the ground, opened its mouth, and ran into Gu Xuan, trying to smash Gu Xuan into meat cakes!

Gu Xuan only felt a mountain like pressure, vast and mighty.

This law is powerful enough to completely collapse an endless mountain range.

Gu Xuan smile, his purpose, is to achieve.

In fact, from the beginning to the present, he has only changed a direction, and has no intention of officially launching.

He deliberately released a murderous spirit to lock in the green mountain hermit, but just wanted to let him hit himself in the face.

If you dare to be so arrogant in front of him, you have to fight hard!

"Tut Tut, how did you go back and forth?

Don't you mean to let me do it first?

How did you do it first?

Are you worthy to be the leader of the alliance if you break your word like this? "

With a smile, Gu Xuan blurted out his sarcastic words, and his voice rocked the sky.

Qingshan's faces are blue.

"Die for me!"

He suddenly turned around and patted forward with his right hand. It was a pure and perfect force of law. He got into the dragon of law and enhanced its power!

Now, he just wants to kill Gu Xuan, who is a disgrace to him, completely kill him!

At this moment, Gu Xuan finally made an official move!

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