"Suppress the sword

Gu Xuan's powerful energy poured into Zhutian sword along his right hand.

In the void, Zhutian sword has drawn out the most mysterious track.

At the point of the sword, even the space is cut.

Shua Shua!

Two swords were stabbed at Houtu Tianshan Mountain and Houtu altar respectively.


Two clear sounds rang out.

The Houtu Tianshan Mountain and Houtu altar, which were originally closed at a high speed, went up and down at a faster speed and flew back down the road they had come to.


The back Earth altar fell to the ground again, raising endless dust.

The circle of energy rippled away, so that a group of monks who had been watching around the altar went back one by one.

A moment later, Houtu Tianshan also fell next to the altar, smashing out a big pit.


Qingshan hermit is a mouthful of blood vomited out, his breath, become extremely dispirited.

The blow just now has consumed all his energy.

His eyes widened and his face was full of wonder.

"How could it be? How powerful is my attack?

Even if the five and a half step sages join hands, they may not be able to block it.

Even if you have an imperial instrument, you should not block it

Gu Xuan just smiles.

"It's very simple. It shows that I'm much better than you!

I can't be the leader of Sanxian alliance.

You can go at ease. "

Gu Xuan once again raised the sword of killing heaven.

There was despair and horror in the eyes of the green hill residents.

Even the most powerful attack that he used the rear earth altar to display was completely ignored by Gu Xuan. Now that he is seriously injured, how can he resist Gu Xuan's sword?

"Don't kill me, xuanshao. If you kill me, you will regret it.

As long as you don't kill me, I will respect you as the leader.

Even the Houtu Tianshan Mountain and the Houtu altar can be given to you! "

Qingshan hermit hurriedly begged for mercy.

Gu Xuan shook his head, and his eyes were full of irony.

"Kill you, I will be the leader.

So the Houtu Tianshan Mountain and the Houtu altar are mine.

You said that swords have no eyes.

But you can tell me why I regret killing you? "

"Because I blurted out

At this point, he suddenly realized that he almost said something he shouldn't have said.

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"In fact, if you don't, I know.

You're not a monk at all. You're a member of one of the big forces here, right?

Up to now, you still want to keep secret for them, but you are all going to die. Look around, you are in a big power. Can someone help you?

No, none of them

Gu Xuan deliberately said this in front of all the people.

Sure enough, the monks looked at each other and couldn't believe their ears.

The leader of their loose repair alliance is not a loose repair?

But someone from a big power?

Isn't that a fool to play with them?

Qingshan's face turned pale.

If this identity is revealed, even if Gu Xuan doesn't hand it, the group of monks will tear him to pieces.

If a person of great power pretends to be the leader of the alliance, a fool can figure out what it is for.

This shows that they want to use them as gunners and cannon fodder.

Outside the Houtu altar, one after another as if to eat people's eyes, has locked the Castle Peak residents.

Castle Peak was trying to explain, but when he opened his mouth, he felt a rune flying into his throat and sealed his voice.

He was just about to deliver the sound, but he immediately felt a rune formed by the power of the soul, which had been embedded in his brow and sealed his soul power.


The green mountain hermits could only make a whimper, as if they were crying.

"Why? Castle Peak hermit, you are such a big man. Even if I expose you, you will be wronged. Don't cry

The corner of ancient Xuan's mouth was slightly hooked.

"Stop crying. No one will save you.

So, why are you so stupid? What kind of righteousness and rules do you talk about?

Well, I'll give you a chance. I'll give you a chance to ask for help.

In ten seconds, if anyone can come to save you, I will let you go!

If not, it means that you have no value of existence, then you die. "

"Wuwuwuwu..."The green hill monk pointed to his mouth. Now he just wanted to ask for help, but he couldn't speak.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and said, "don't worry, Castle Peak hermit, you just couldn't help looking to the left for five times.

Although the range of action is very small, but I see it all.

It seems that the power behind you is the western town government. "


Castle Peak residents were even more frightened.

Gu Xuan smile, it seems, guess right.

"I'm from the western town. Don't kill me, don't kill me!

My Lord, help me, help me

All of a sudden, the voice of the green mountain hermit sounded in the void.

Of course, the voice was fake by Gu Xuan.

After counterfeiting, Gu Xuan immediately pretended to be surprised.

"It turns out that you are from the western town!

Hum! If it is a good method, what else do you have to say? "

Gu Xuan looked in the direction of the western town.

A well-known sanxiu, also with a look of anger, looked at the camp of the western town house.

These birdmen are so bad!

People of other big powers also looked to the western town hall with schadenfreude.

Although it offended San Xiu, it was not a big deal.

However, once the fruit of the sacred tree matures and the great scuffle begins, the members of the Sanxian League will certainly take special care of the people in the western town boundary government.

This is a good thing for other forces.

The Castle Peak hermit opened his mouth and could only make a whimper.

However, this time, he really cried, and even tears came down.

In this case, even if Gu Xuan let him go, the western zhenjiefu would not let him go. After all, this matter is disgraceful. Once exposed, the western zhenjiefu will lose face.

There was a commotion in the western town boundary government camp.

Outside the camp, a young man with wings on his back turned black.

"Hateful, who recommended the green hill scholar to join my western town government?

It's just that you can't do such a small thing well. How can you still be so greedy for life and death? "

As soon as he was angry, the whole western town government camp was shrouded in a layer of haze.

Because he is the master of the western town boundary government, the western town boundary envoy, the heaven Messenger, ximenfeng!

An old man came to the wind side of Ximen.

"This is not the time to talk about this. The most important thing is that the identity of the Qingshan resident has been revealed. He is also one of the messengers of heaven.

Now, are we going to save him or not?

If you don't save it, I'm afraid it will make other heavenly messengers feel cold.

What's more, the Houtu Tianshan Mountain and the Houtu altar can't be used cheaply by the group of scattered repairs? "

The old man sent the voice to Ximen Feng, and analyzed.

The wind of Ximen was cold and hummed.

"Steward Sima, you have said that. Do I have any other choice?

You go out and save him.

Let him kill himself and plead guilty. "

Steward Sima said respectfully, "yes

The voice of ximenfeng and Sima steward was heard by Gu Xuan.

"It seems that your death is doomed."

Gu Xuan looked at the green mountain hermit with a smile, and said in his heart.

In the distance, the steward of Sima has turned into a hiding light and flies towards the direction of the altar.

All people's eyes fell on the steward Sima or Gu Xuan.

They are all interested. How will the play end?

Gu Xuan glanced at steward Sima, but seemed to have not seen him.

"Castle Peak, I gave you ten seconds to wait for someone to save you.

But now, it's been a minute and nobody's coming.

You should die in peace. "


Gu Xuan once again raised the sword of killing heaven, and cut it down towards the green mountain hermit!

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