The high priest of Li nationality wiped the sweat on his forehead and laughed with pride.

"Since you sincerely ask me to stop, let's wait for a while..."

Before he finished his words, the king of the Dragon had a breath of dragon breath.

"How unreasonable! Who was this Dragon King afraid of?

I'll kill you with a breath of dragon breath

The Dragon King is angry.

This damned high priest of the Li clan is shameless!

A guy who has recovered 50% of his strength in his peak period and even tied with him who has only recovered 40% of his strength, is also entitled to let himself "beg"?

If this spread out, their own disciples do not laugh off the big teeth!

I can't bear it!

The high priest of the Li family was shrouded in the dragon breath, only to feel the heat coming, and the whole body seemed to be baked and melted.

"Well, this is what you want to fight. I will accompany you to the end."

The high priest of the family of Li regretted that he should not have been quick to speak for a while, but he would never admit defeat.

If you want to fight, you're afraid!

With a flash in his eyes and a wave of his right hand in front of him, a wave of energy like a willow branch or a centipede has been suspended in the void, releasing a powerful power, and the dragon breath on his body is instantly dispelled.


The pupil of the Dragon King shrinks.

The high priest of the Li family has used even Daoyun. This is a desperate posture!

Daoyun is a kind of energy that can be condensed only when the sage king level martial arts realize a kind of peak state and combine the power of law and the power of origin.

Its shape is like willow, its power is infinite, extremely precious.

This is also an indispensable part of the promotion of the emperor and warrior.

It can even be said that this is a benchmark to measure the strength of the warrior in the holy King's territory.

Only by condensing the 100 track rhyme and the martial arts of the first level of the emperor can he be promoted to the middle level of the emperor.

Moreover, the more the rhyme of Tao in the body, the faster the emperor and warrior absorb the power of heaven and earth.

As a wounded sage, the more rhymes, the faster the recovery speed.

The use of Daoyun in combat is strong, but it is also an extremely luxurious behavior.

If Daoyun is damaged or even destroyed directly, if you want to recover it, you need to realize it again. I don't know how long it will take.

Of course, the loss of a sense of rhyme is not unacceptable to the first emperor in his heyday.

But for a monarch whose own strength has been damaged, this is too difficult to accept.

But now, the high priest of the Li family has directly offered a stream of rhyme sacrifice and put on a desperate posture. Even if he is the king of the dragon, he has a little hair in his heart.

"Come on! Have the ability to sacrifice your Dao Yun!

Let's fight to the death! "

A look of madness flashed in the eyes of the high priest of the Li clan. His body moved and turned into a black competition. He rushed to the king of the dragon!

That track rhyme, as a whip by him, far away will draw down.

Boo Hoo!

The sound of breaking the sky rings, and the space is cut directly.

Within a kilometer radius, the power of heaven and earth is aroused, and its power is extremely terrifying!

The king's face was twitching.

"Wait! Hold on!

I don't think we have to fight for life and death here. We just let others take advantage of it.

Why don't we just stop and go to the next area? "

The king of Wudao dragon, while defending himself, also offered a sacrifice to Daoyun. He danced impenetrably in front of himself, and tried to persuade the high priest of Li nationality to stop.

But, he knows very well, it is futile.

The other side of the road rhyme sacrifice out, people are going to rush to their nose, now stop, is not a big loss of face?

Why do you have to fight a few rounds, and then go down the steps?

However, the next moment, the king knows that he is wrong.

"Yes, yes! That's what you asked of me

Just a few feet away, he rushed to the powerful high priest in front of the king of Wu Dao dragon. Without any hesitation, he turned around and turned into a competition and flew back.

The movement is flowing with clouds and flowing water. It is very natural and unrestrained.

In the blink of an eye, his body shape has disappeared in front of the king of the dragon, and entered the next area.

Wudao Dragon King's mouth twitched a few times.

"You don't really want to work hard, do you?

What's more, Ben Longwang didn't ask you! No! "


The Wudao Dragon King put up the Taoist rhyme, swung the dragon tail, and disappeared in the deciduous area.

"Why? What is this place?

What about those guys? "

The king of the dragon has entered the region of the dead, but there is no figure of the high priest of the Li family and the other two sages.In front of him, there were only a large number of puppet warriors and puppet beasts.

"What's going on? We should have been here together? "

The Dragon King frowned.

"Forget it, they will not be there if they are not there. Only this group of puppets is better. Ben Longwang blinks his eyes and can pass through here."

A group of half step King level puppet warriors and fierce beasts, no road Dragon King did not pay attention to.

Wu Dao Dragon King blinked, ready to go straight to a sprint, into the next area.

However, at this time, a voice full of ridicule, but it rang up.

"No way Dragon King, I think you have to blink a few more times.

Blink, but you can't make it. "

An old man with silver hair appeared on the top of the puppets in a space ripple.

"They are not your opponents, I am!

My purpose is very simple. I just want to ask you to close your eyes here forever

As soon as the words were said, the fury broke out from the old man with silver hair, and the puppets at the bottom fell back one after another.

He gently waved his hands in the void, full of ten rhymes, they have been around.

The Dragon King of no road widened his eyes.

Is this old man really in charge of Daoyun?

As soon as you take a hand, you will pull ten strands. This is the iron heart. Do you want to stay here?

Is this still alive?

Fortunately, I didn't fight too hard with the high priest of the Li clan. Otherwise, if I came here, I would really close my eyes forever.

"Who are you?

Even if it is the test of the divine tree, is it too difficult?

What about the others? What about the half step kings?

Don't tell me, you fought them yourself? "

The king asked a lot of questions.

The old man with silver hair just gave a cold smile.

"You just need to know that I am the spirit of the tree, and that's enough!


The old man with silver hair moved his body, and his body was blessed by the ten track rhyme. He displayed a powerful and mysterious boxing technique, and rushed to the Dragon King.

The king of Wudao dragon only felt that he was covered by a flower and endless fist shadow!

"The spirit of the tree?

Ya's tube you are who, this Dragon King with you spell, is not Dao Yun?

It doesn't look like anyone! "

Wu Dao Dragon King's mouth opened, spit out a breath of dragon breath.

In the dragon breath, there is also a ten track rhyme, which enhances the power of the dragon breath to the extreme!

Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions suddenly rang out.

The same scene happened to archangels, headless knights, and the powerful high priest.

Every emperor was forced to sacrifice Daoyun and fight to death!

At the moment, Gu Xuan and his party are standing on a flat land.

Here, in addition to the falling leaves, there are a large group of fierce beasts and poisonous insects all over the ground.

"These leaves, it seems, are very different from those before.

Especially the golden leaf

Gu Xuan held his chin and looked at the fallen leaves with a look of thinking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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