On Gu Xuan's wrist, there was a blood hole the size of a copper coin.

A wave of energy, like the maggot of tarsal bones, is constantly eroding this blood hole. It seems that this blood hole is going to be used as a breakthrough to corrode the whole body of ancient Xuan.

The energy is constantly mobilizing in the body.

Unfortunately, this energy, even the energy in his body has been eroded.

"This energy is so strong that even my Xuandi spirit is being consumed rapidly.

No wonder that cold and heartless died so cowardly.

Even if I had so many blood holes in my body and half of my meridians were blocked, I would have to pay a lot to escape. "

Gu Xuan turned his right hand into a palm knife and cut off the elbow of his left hand directly.

The broken left arm was completely eroded and turned into dust.

However, Gu Xuan's lost left arm also grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All this is long, but in fact, it is just a moment or two.

"Xuanshao, help!"

Insect clothing some panic sound, in the ancient Xuan not far away.

The ancient Xuan body shape moves, then flies toward the insect clothing.

Now that he has gone out, he has to save all the people he can, even if he is injured.


Gu Xuan mobilized almost all the strength in his body, so that he could be free from obstruction under the pressure of prohibition of emptiness and prohibition.

Soon, he was in front of the insect clothes.

The butterfly wing on the back of the insect clothing has been shot out several big holes by the light of the divine light treasure leaf, but her body has not been hurt.

The reason why she was worried was that the insect building and the insect right officer had their left shoulder pierced and the waist pierced.

If it is limbs, she may not hesitate to help these two people cut off processing, but left shoulder and waist, she can not.

"Let's go down first. Don't carry the prohibitions here.

I'll make my way

With a wave of his left hand, Gu Xuan's powerful energy shrouded the three men and pulled them behind him.

As soon as he turned around, he took the three men down and quickly fell down.

Whew! Whew!

From the body of the broken sky, there are more than a dozen rays of light, shooting towards the ancient Xuanfei.

This number is too much. Even if he wants to escape by himself, it is not easy. At this time, with three people behind him, it is even more impossible.


Gu Xuan offered a sacrifice to Zhutian sword. He waved it to his side, and a large sword light appeared.

The wall is like a sword. It's not like a sword.

However, he still did not dare to take it lightly.

If you want to use a weapon, you can use it for a long time. The reason why you wait until now is that it will be more dangerous if you use the emperor's instruments to fight against the divine light and precious leaves.

But now, he doesn't care.

After all, he came to save people. If he let these three people fall, wouldn't he be very shameless?


The sound of an explosion sounded, and a dozen rays of light all hit the sword wall of Gu Xuan.

The huge anti shock force made Gu Xuan's Zhutian sword almost come out of his hand.

Cracks, starting from his right palm, spread along his wrist and arms towards his body.

"I'll go! What power is this! It's too strong! "

Gu Xuan's face changed slightly.

His body, however, is Xuandi's divine body. He can resist the emperor's orders without any strength!

Now I rely on Zhutian sword to block more than a dozen rays of light. Unexpectedly, the whole arm and half of my shoulder have been cracked. Can't people live?

Not only that, but also the more terrible.

After hitting the sword wall built by the ancient Xuan, the light broke up, but did not disappear.

After the collapse, more than a dozen lights turned into hundreds of inch by inch.

These inch awns, still toward the ancient Xuan attack and go!

Insect clothing looked at the void, still constantly burst out the light of God, treasure leaf, look a Lin, then fly out.

"If you take the three of us away, the goal is too big.

You can take them down. If you don't get that piece of magic leaf, I'm not willing to do it! "

Gu Xuan didn't have time to stop it. He saw that the insect clothes were actually fighting the butterfly wings on the back. He was shot out of several big holes again and flew to the divine light treasure leaf.


"Your majesty!"

The insect building and the insect right make a great emergency.

"Xuanshao, don't worry about us. Go and save my sister.

We die when we die. My sister is the holy daughter of my family. She can't do anything. "

The insect building almost begged with a cry.The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

"Are you blind? Can't you see that I'm struggling to save you now?

Your sister is at least a saint and a guardian of the sacred tree. I think that piece of divine light and treasure leaf will be merciful to your sister. "

This, of course, comforts the insect building.

Gu Xuan himself did not believe that the magic leaf would be merciful.

But now he has to settle down the insect building and the insect right.


There was a series of bangs.

The sword of Zhu Tian in Gu Xuan's hand blocked the more than 100 inch awns in front of him.

His right half of the body was cracked by the terrible shock force.

However, that inch awn, still did not disappear completely.

They changed from an inch in length to only one millimeter in length, and the number of them reached thousands more. They once again attacked the three ancient xuanren at full speed!

At the moment, the distance between the ancient Xuan and the ground is less than 10 meters.

In the blood Temple Camp, Shen Zi Tang's body suddenly and violently trembles.

His eyes, his momentum and his breath changed in an instant.

His face, too, is changing rapidly.

He was staring at Gu Xuan.

"Asshole, stop attacking the light. Are you going to kill us all?"

Shen Zi Tang as like as two peas in the voice of Shen Gong.

Shen Ziwen looked happy.

"Congratulations, Dad, you've made it!

After all, this copy belongs to your body!

We have raised Shen Zi for thousands of years!

When it comes to this, we, father and son, will surely become the first pair of saints in the history of the real world!

Ha ha

Shen Gonghu didn't mean to be happy at all.

He was looking at the insect clothes angrily. As for Gu Xuan's attack, he didn't care.

"Son of a bitch, are you crazy?

That piece of divine light treasure leaf power has not yet dissipated, you want to rob now, will annoy it!

Besides, that precious leaf belongs to the Lord of this hall. If you dare to rob it, I will destroy you tianzerg! "

Shen Gonghu roared.

Unfortunately, no one cared about the object of his two roars, whether it was Gu Xuan or insect clothes.

Gu Xuan looked at the tiny light from the dense and dense sky, and once again raised the sword of killing heaven.

He is now in a dilemma. If he does not attack these lights, will he allow them to attack the three of himself?

A sword light appeared in front of Gu Xuan again, protecting him, the insect tower and the insect right envoy.


Another piece of metal struck.

At this moment, the ancient Xuan finally landed, and the huge pressure that had been acting on him like a mountain disappeared in an instant.

However, Gu Xuan did not have time to enjoy this relaxed state, that small light, has become almost indistinguishable to the naked eye of the tiny inch awn, toward him!

The warriors around the ancient Xuan were aware of the danger and quickly avoided.

Shen Gonghu pulled Shen Ziwen and flew back.

"Xuanshao, it's all your fault. I advise you to push the two guys behind you and bear the attack of these lights. Then you will be safe and others will not be affected.

Otherwise, you will die of exhaustion in the end

Shen Gonghu sneered.

Even when he was talking to Gu Xuan, his eyes were still on the insect clothes and the divine light treasure leaves.

Gu Xuan frowned. Naturally, he would not push people out to die.

Even if he had to bear the attack of these tiny inches, it was up to him.

But he didn't plan to.

"These things are endless.

At such a time, you can only use unique skills! "

A smile flashed across the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth.

If you can't solve the trouble by yourself, leave it to the boss!


Gu Xuan offered a sacrifice to the star Luo God disk, surrounded the body, and sucked all the tiny inch awns from the continuous shooting into the star Luo God disk!

"Gu Xuan, you pit goods!"

Soon, there was the angry voice of the meteoric sword spirit in the sky.

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