Everyone's eyes fell on Shen Gonghu.

On every face, there is a color of disbelief.

Even Shen Ziwen, the son of Shen Gonghu, was full of surprise in his eyes.

Shen Gonghu didn't even tell him about it.

Gu Xuan squinted.

"Insect clothes, you are the saint of the Tianchong family. This island is your home.

Didn't your family record the scene of the last Shenshu accident?

I thought it was you who knew the tree best. Now it seems that Shen Gonghu is the right one. "

Insect clothes thought for a moment, staring at Shen Gonghu, a cold smile.

"According to our records, the last time the sacred tree came into being, there was an accident, and the time when the divine tree appeared was only one hour.

There are dozens of people who have survived. How can there be only two? "

Shen Gonghu disdains to smile.

"You Tianchong people are just frogs at the bottom of a well. You can't even get out of the secret place of bitter sea. How can you know that this divine tree never only appears in your secret place of bitter sea.

Many years ago, I have witnessed the divine tree in a secret place on the 96th floor of South Tianmen Mountain. "

Hearing the words "the 96th floor", Gu Xuan's pupil shrank slightly.

He came to the South Tianmen Mountain, but the original purpose was to go to the 96th floor to find the ancient transmission array.

He never thought that there was a divine tree in a secret place in the 96th floor.

Shen Gonghu continued: "that time, the divine tree was in this world, completely different from the present situation.

The degree of danger should also be higher.

Because the people who want to fight for the fruit of the divine tree are not only the people in the real world, but also a large number of warriors in other worlds!

No, it should be said that most of them are from other countries.

In the real world, there is only one fairy except me.

You can't imagine the power of that fairy. Hundreds of foreign warriors were killed by him.

Even I was one of the survivors because of her shelter.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to the end with her.

When fighting for the divine light and precious leaves, I was hit hard and had to retreat.

Fortunately, the fairy, who divided me into two parts, was afraid that I could not control it.

It's a pity that I'm too weak, less than one thousandth of her strength. Even if Shenguang Baoye is divided into two parts, I can't control the Daoyun

When people heard the speech, they were shocked.

At the same time, there are countless questions in the heart.

Unfortunately, these questions are destined to be questions.

Shen Gonghu doesn't look like a person who can solve people's doubts.

Gu Xuan holds his chin. Through Shen Gonghu's narration, he has almost determined one thing.

That is, the secret place where Shen Gonghu saw the divine tree is the secret place where the ancient transmission array is located.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why there are so many warriors from other worlds.

This means that warriors from other worlds can also come to the real world through the ancient transmission array.

When all the realms have come, it is not easy to set fire to the heaven through the realms as a transit station?

Gu Xuan felt the crisis of burning heaven more and more.

The insect clothing has fallen into silence. All she knows about the sacred tree comes from the records of her family.

She always thought that the divine tree would only appear in the secret place of bitter sea.

She always thought that the Tianchong people were the natural guardians of the divine tree, and only they were qualified to pick the fruit of the sacred tree.

But the reality slapped her in the face.

Shenshu has never only belonged to the secret place of bitter sea.

Insect clothing did not feel sad, but felt a kind of relief.

The insect tower and the insect right envoy are also lost in thought.


One after another, the excited roar of the beast interrupted Gu Xuan's thoughts and that of insect clothes and Shen Gonghu's excited speech.

It can be seen that he was one of the only two survivors of the last divine tree's birth. He held back for a long time.

Now that I can finally say it, I feel very excited.

In the roar of the fierce beast, two golden leaves of divine light appeared again in the void.

They, as before that a piece of divine light treasure leaf that, looks attractive incomparably, causes everybody's eye, all concentrates on their body.

What's more, the moment they appeared, the ordinary leaves that had been falling constantly disappeared immediately.

Unfortunately, this time, no one dares to act rashly.

The lesson just now is still fresh in my mind. Who dares to rob it?

Shen Gonghu's disdainful eyes swept over the faces of the crowd."Don't be so afraid, folks.

I just used a wrong demonstration to tell you that it is dangerous to rob Shengguang Baoye.

However, as long as the ban on air traffic is strengthened, there is no need to worry about it.

Because the ban on air and prohibition is strengthened, it means that the battle for divine light and precious leaves has officially begun.

Soon, the divine light leaves will fall on their own initiative.

Each divine light treasure leaf has its own characteristics, that is, the characteristics of Daoyun.

You just need to show your strength, and the divine light treasure leaf will choose its owner.

Once selected, it will be in your hands.

There are ten leaves of divine light, and nine leaves are left except the one for the virgin. Let's rely on your own abilities. "

Shen Gonghu's words are full of sarcasm.

Just now, he killed and injured more than 70% of the soldiers on the scene because he deliberately robbed the Shenguang Baoye.

But now, he still dare to say sarcastic words?

Nangong Qiu and ximenfeng stare at Shen Gonghu coldly. If his eyes can kill people, Shen Gonghu may have died countless times.

Gu Xuan takes a look at Shen Gonghu and smiles.

"Is the Lord of the tiger Hall of Shen Gong the eunuch? How can you only say half of what you say?

If this young master is not wrong, when the divine light treasure leaf has chosen the master, will immediately become the target of public criticism?

Not only will you make a sudden attack, but those fierce beasts will not let him go. Will they fight for the divine light and precious leaves together? "

Shen Gonghu was exposed by Gu Xuan, but gave a sneer without explanation.

When they saw this, they all knew that what Gu Xuan said was true.

Shen Gonghu's insidiousness, in the hearts of the people, but also to a higher level.

If there is no ancient Xuan's warning, who gets the divine light treasure leaf later, I'm afraid that if one is not careful, it will be annihilated by fierce animals and Gu insects, and even die with no eyes closed.

In the void, the two precious leaves of divine light began to fall down at last.

However, they fall very slowly, as if they are hesitating whether to continue flying or falling.

Boom! Boom!

The momentum broke out from the fierce beasts.

Every fierce beast, even every poisonous insect, has burst out its most powerful momentum, showing its most unique temperament, attracting the divine light and precious leaves.

Shen Gonghu's eyes were full of salivation, and a powerful force of fire broke out on his body. Even the air around him seemed to become hot.

He wanted to attract the two precious leaves with the power of fire.

On the body of the insect clothing, a strong force of wood line broke out, and at the same time, the "six changes of the butterfly" also worked.

The other warriors, unwilling to fall behind, have shown their most powerful side.

Those who are good at Dao Dao are all covered with knives.

He who is good at Kendo has a strong sword spirit on his head.

Those who are good at the way of the soul release their soul power with the appearance of meditation.

Standing beside Gu Xuan, Shuimu Taoist priest was ready to release the power of wood in his body. However, when he saw the power of wood on the body of insect clothing, he resolutely changed to the force of water line.

Water vapor was swirling around his body.

Sanshan Xuansheng sat down with his knees crossed. In a moment, he actually exerted his earthly power and turned himself into a rock.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched for a moment, and he could not help but give a praise to Sanshan Xuan. In his genius head, it was probably a stone.

"Ye Er, why don't you act?"

Gu Xuan suddenly noticed that Ye Er didn't even release a trace of energy.

Ye Er shook her head.

"There are only two leaves of divine light. How can I compete with these half step sages?"

Gu Xuan said with a smile: "you can't say that. It's not the strong who attracts the divine light and precious leaves.

If you're contracted, you won't be able to give me all your treasures?

There should be other factors, such as potential, luck and even character. Who can tell?

Therefore, you may as well try, as long as the divine light treasure leaf falls to your hand, that is your

Gu Xuan said it firmly.

To their own hands of things, even if more people to rob, there is no reason to let out!

Ye'er, encouraged by Gu Xuan, smiles and starts running "six changes of butterflies".

She wants it too!

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