Shen Gonghu's body turned into a series of blood mists, which kept falling into Shen Zi's style.

Shen Ziwen, however, seemed to be unable to move. He stood still in his place with a look of panic and despair.

A Rune of usurpation appears in his body.

"Even in his own son's body, the Rune of usurpation has been planted by him!"

Nangong Qiu opened his mouth in surprise.

Ximenfeng's eyes flashed a thick color of fear.

"Shen Gonghu is really cruel!

He wants to combine the two and a half track rhymes to control a complete Daoyun!

Damn it, no wonder he was so easily damaged by us just now. He was afraid that he was ready to give up his body and take it again? "

Gu Xuan's eyes swept over Nangong Qiu and ximenfeng's face.

Shen Ziwen would be robbed by Shen Gonghu, which he had expected for a long time.

"What's more, it's worth more than it's worth?"

Gu Xuan held his chin with a faint smile.

Within half a minute, the panic and despair on Shen Ziwen's face had disappeared completely.

Instead, there was a smug look on his face.

Shen Ziwen's face changed slowly, becoming more and more mature and more like Shen Gonghu.

is as like as two peas.

"Ha ha ha, the master of this hall has finally succeeded!"

Shen Gonghu's voice rings in the void, which makes people's eardrums buzzing.

In his voice, there seemed to be a kind of pressure.

A complete rhyme of Tao looms on him, making his momentum stronger and more condensed.

Even, in a trance, people seem to see the phantom of a high-ranking monarch from him!

At this moment, whether it is the martial arts or fierce beasts, looking at Shen Gonghu's eyes, are full of fear.

The complete Daoyun is the energy that can be mastered by the martial arts in the realm of the emperor. Even if it is just a stream, Shen Gonghu has made a great stride on the road of the emperor!

His strength has been improved again.

It can be said that he is now the closest one among so many warriors present to the holy king.

"Xuanshao, ximenfeng, nangongqiu, and insect clothes!

You four, you better be honest!

The next four precious leaves of divine light will all belong to the master of this hall!

If anyone dares to rob, there will be only one end, that is - death! "

Shen Gonghu, with a sneer on his face, threatens everyone.

Gu Xuan just disdained to smile, and didn't pay any attention to Shen Gonghu.

Even if it controls a complete rhyme of Tao?

What is he afraid of?

Insect clothes cold hum a, her body also has a track rhyme existence, although so far has not completely controlled, but also made her strength to enhance a lot.

Moreover, it is still improving.

How can a cold-blooded person who plans to pass on his disciple and take away his son can make her bow his head?

Only ximenfeng and Nangong Qiu are not good-looking at all.

Shen Gonghu, once in power, was so arrogant that he didn't even pay attention to the two leaders of the town boundary government. How unreasonable!

Just then!


The arrow wolf leader's body, all of a sudden came the sound of the muscles and bones.

It is a whole wolf, from the beginning to the end, a new look.

That piece of divine light treasure leaf, has been completely melted into the body, recognize it as the main, no one can take it away.


With a smile of satisfaction, the insect clothes made a quick decision and came out of a group of fierce animals. Among the several flash attacks, they had already appeared beside the besieged insect building and the insect right envoy.


The two hands of the insect clothes are printed, and the colorful butterflies flutter, covering her, the insect building and the insect right.

When the fierce beasts roar and disperse the butterflies, where are the three figures?

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

The strength of insect clothing, from the fusion of that piece of divine light treasure leaf, seems to be increasing every moment.


Gu Xuan suddenly looked in the direction of ye'er.

Ye'er, who was guarded by Sanxian League and Dongshi Xianzi, suddenly burst out.

Even her breath suddenly increased a lot.

It even attracted the natural force of the surrounding heaven and earth, making her seem to have a feeling of being integrated with this space, which is very mysterious.

The three pairs of butterfly wings on the back of ye'er are more beautiful. They flutter slightly, and they appear in colorful colors, just like rainbows. They look very beautiful.

Gu Xuan stepped out, and then he fled to the ground.The rest of the warriors quickly broke away from the encirclement of the fierce beasts, and once again formed a confrontation with them.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A moment later, Gu Xuan and several people in insect clothing appeared in front of Ye Er almost at the same time.

"I've been promoted to a small level. I'm already a high-level Xuansheng, xuanshao!"

Ye'er, aware of the arrival of Gu Xuan, immediately opened his eyes and rushed forward to embrace Gu Xuan. After embracing Gu Xuan, he was so excited that he jumped and jumped.

Gu Xuan's broken double pupil had already opened his eyes. He looked ye'er from head to foot.

Ye Er is indeed promoted, and there is nothing wrong with him.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

How long before ye'er is promoted to the middle level of holy land!

How can you get promoted so soon?

This kind of promotion speed seems to be faster than myself, which is really frightening.

You know, when ye'er was first seen at the foot of South Tianmen Mountain, her talent was not outstanding, and her strength was only holy land level.

However, in a few months, ye'er's potential and talent can be described as evil genius.

At least, it's much better than insect clothing.

Insect clothing looks at leaf son excited appearance, can't help frowning.

Ye'er is obviously also because of that divine light treasure leaf, the strength will be promoted so much.

However, there is no reason why I have a complete pedigree of the Tianchong family, and I am also a saint of the Tianchong family. Therefore, it will be so fast to absorb the energy of the divine light and treasure leaves and integrate the Taoist rhyme into one's own elixir field.

Ye'er is only half of the tianzerg lineage. She has no reason to be faster than herself.

After pondering for a moment, the insect clothes can't help but ask:

"Ye Er, how much of your Daoyun has been integrated into the elixir field?

I've got a third of it. Look at you, at least a fifth? "

Ye'er is stunned.

"One in five? How could it be? "

Insect clothing smell speech, the bottom of my heart this just a loose.

Sure enough, Ye Er's speed of integrating Daoyun into Dantian is much slower than that of himself.

Less than one in five is normal.

"Never mind, ye'er, take your time.

After all, you have half the lineage of the Tianchong clan. I believe that we can go through it again... "

The insect clothes clothes words, has not finished, then already can't say again.

Ye'er has already opened his mouth and said, "I only put that qudaoyun into two-thirds of Dantian.

It's still a lot more than one fifth.

Moreover, I think it is not difficult to integrate the qudaoyun into the Dantian.

How could it take ten thousand years for the master of the blood god temple over there to kill his own disciple and son

Ye'er looks innocent and curious. He blinks his eyes and looks at the insect clothes. He seems to want the insect clothes to solve his doubts.

The insect clothes eyebrow picks, simply embarrassed can't help!

Is this little girl in front of me, the devil?

Only one-third of the Taoist rhymes are integrated into the Dantian, but two-thirds of them are actually integrated into her?

This speed is twice as fast as myself!

No, she got the divine light treasure leaf first than Ye Er, that is to say, she integrated Daoyun into the Dantian faster!

Gu Xuan was also embarrassed.

What are you talking about?

Why does it seem so powerful?

What will be the Daoyun into the Dantian?

The divine light treasure leaf in my young master's body is still the divine light treasure leaf. The Dao Yun inside has not been released yet!

You are actually talking about it and integrating it into the elixir field?

You are so good, why don't you go to heaven!

Of course, Gu Xuan is not the most embarrassing.

Not far away, there is another one who is embarrassed.

Gu Xuan looked at Shen Gonghu sympathetically. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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