In the eyes of all people, this is a deep impression.

Not only the enemy, but also our own people.

It's hard to hide the shock on all faces.

A group of warriors and fierce beasts who were fighting in the distance stopped fighting at the same time.

There was too much fighting and what happened was so shocking that they were all shocked and curious and wanted to see what happened.

In particular, the only four envoys of heaven trembled when they saw Nangong Qiu fall from afar.

Nangong Qiu is the master of the southern town!

The whole real world, one of the five big men in the heaven messenger cAMP!

But now, this big guy, just like that.

"Xuandi shenti! You are a half step real emperor

Shen Gonghu stares at Gu Xuan. He can't believe what just happened.

A half step king as powerful as the ancient Xuan is shocking enough.

Shen Gonghu didn't expect that Gu Xuan was still a true emperor in addition to his status as a banbu emperor!

It's too hard to kill a half step emperor.

Even if he had no rhyme in his body, he would not even think about it.

But now, he has decided to suppress the ancient Xuan in this area, even at a great cost.

Yes, repression, not killing.

"It can only be suppressed, and it can be sealed by using the array.

It's impossible to kill him! "

Shen Gonghu's eyes flashed a slightly unwilling look.

If such talents as Gu Xuan can not be killed completely, there will be endless disasters.

Unfortunately, he did not have the slightest confidence to kill Gu Xuan.

"First suppress him, seal him, and then kill him completely after I get the fruit of the divine tree and increase my strength greatly!"

Shen Gonghu smiles coldly and his hands begin to print.

All of a sudden, light came from him.

Three full array flags flew out of his body. With a whoosh, they fell around the ancient Xuan and surrounded it in a triangle.

"Die, xuanshao!"

Shen Gonghu drinks violently, and his body is full of murderous spirit.

Shen Gonghu's momentum soared to the peak in an instant.

He even started to burn Shouyuan, and once burned, it was Wannian Shouyuan!

It can be called the majestic energy, divided into three streams, respectively poured into the three array flags.

For a moment, the area covered by the array flag, even the space, seemed to freeze up.

The rest of us can't even breathe.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and made the broken double pupil work to the extreme.

Even Shen Gonghu, a strong man, has to spend ten thousand years to control the flag, which is not ordinary and can not be underestimated.

A hint of danger, if not, immediately enveloped the ancient mystery.

"Shen Gonghu is full of murderous spirit. He is not going to stop killing this young master. However, this array seems to have no chance to kill him. What's the matter?"

A trace of doubt flashed on Gu Xuan's face.

"This should be a very powerful array. It shouldn't be like this, unless..."

With this in mind, Gu Xuan's mind moved, suddenly like a mirror, and figured out everything.

"I see. This is seal array!

Shen Gonghu wants to seal me, not kill me! "

Gu Xuan's vigilant heart rises greatly, pedal Seven Star orientation, step by step a phantom.

In a flash, seven ancient mysteries appeared in the array area, all of them lifelike.

Seven ancient mysteries, facing seven directions, go out of the array area at the same time.

"I can't cheat you? As expected, he is worthy of having pupil skill!

Unfortunately, from the time I sacrifice these three banners, your fate has been doomed!

That is to be sealed by me

Shen Gonghu smiles coldly.

Time, less than a minute left.

With half a minute to seal xuanshao, the rest of the time, you can find the divine light treasure leaf from him.

After making up his mind, Shen Gong said something in his mouth and read the formula that drove the flag.

Three invisible walls suddenly rose from the ground, blocking all the seven ancient mysteries.

Six of them are illusions. After hitting this invisible wall, they will collapse.


The body of the ancient metaphysics also hit the invisible wall, and the body stopped abruptly.

"I don't believe it can trap me!"

With a cold smile, Gu Xuan suddenly bumped forward.


There was a loud noise and the earth was shaking.

Gu Xuan was directly bounced back.

"It's no use. You know nothing about this array!You have no idea how terrible it is

Gu Xuan frowned. He had already used 90% of his strength in that collision just now, but this array just shook slightly.

Even if he now, using 10% force to hit again, I am afraid it is not enough to break it.

"If the emperor doesn't come out, I will be invincible!

I don't believe that a single array can trap me! "

Gu Xuan observed the array and deduced the method to break it. He had a hunch that if it was sealed, it would be really troublesome.

However, he was not too worried.

I can't rush out. There's a big man in the star chart!

However, the big man's heart is too dark, and it's better not to ask him to do it when he has to.

Just when the ancient Xuan was thinking, ximenfeng suddenly let out an exclamation.

"No wonder! No wonder you are sure to trap xuanshao, who is a half step emperor.

This array is the seal array of the three ancient magic arrays in the legend of the real world

Ximenfeng's eyes are full of shock.

"In ancient times, when the emperor was still called the" holy emperor ", it was said that the demon kingdom could invade the real world.

When the real world was almost occupied by the demon world power, three saints paid the price of their lives to lay out the magic array of the three emperors to seal the magic power of the demon world and keep the real world.

I thought it was just an ancient legend. I never thought that this array really existed

The voice of Ximen wind is very excited.

It's a great honor to be able to see a legendary array.

Shen Gonghu's face has become a little pale, but his face is still hung with a proud smile.

"Master of Ximen mansion, I didn't expect that you had such insight.

You are right. This array is the one in the legend.

However, it is only the version after ten thousand times, one million times or even ten million times simplified.

Otherwise, don't talk about me. Even if the real monarch is here, it's impossible to arrange this array at the cost of ten thousand years! "

Ximenfeng retreated ten Zhang with fear on his face.

"It's a simplified version, of course I know.

The original version of "Three Emperors town magic array" has long been lost.

However, Rao is so. With the power of this array, xuanshao is sealed and has become a fixed number.

I won't argue with you for those three precious leaves.

But don't rob me of that piece of wormwear


Ximen wind turned around and flew directly in the direction of insect clothing.

In his opinion, Shen Gonghu is sure to win. While he is still entangled with xuanshao, he seizes the opportunity to rob the insect clothing of a piece of God's shining treasure leaf that does not recognize the Lord.

Time, only half a minute.

With the strength of insect clothing, it is only 10% possible for them to seize the divine light treasure leaf.

But even if it's only 10%, you have to try it!

Seeing ximenfeng leave, Shen Gonghu's face is even more pleased.

"It's interesting. Otherwise, the Lord of our house will have to kill you directly!"

At this time, Gu Xuan, who had been thinking about breaking through the array, suddenly flashed a faint smile.

"Three Emperors town magic array? One of the three legendary arrays in the real world?

Unfortunately, after all, it's a weakened version.

Since it is a weakened version, there must be weaknesses.

As long as there is a weakness, even if it is tiny, it will become a huge flaw in front of my broken double pupil! "

In ancient Xuan's eyes, energy flow, like two whirlpools, is incomparably profound, can see everything!

Zhutian sword is in his hand!

Dazzling light, suddenly burst out!

"Shen Gonghu, open your small eyes and see clearly how I can break the battle!"

Gu Xuan roared.

"Tiangang running thunder sword rhyme!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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