People look at the king of the dragon, a want to laugh but dare not smile.

It's funny how a real dragon man runs.

Gu Xuan didn't avoid it. He said with a smile, "I've seen a real dragon walking on two legs for the first time.

It's amazing

When people heard the speech, they held it harder.

The people of Sanxian League have already given Gu Xuan a great praise in their hearts.

In front of a real dragon at the level of a saint, I dare to die like this. I'm worthy of being the leader!


The king of the Dragon glared at Gu Xuan.

"Don't talk nonsense. Go to the next area.

The archangel, the night general, and the high priest of the strong family who killed that day, are coming.

Although the Dragon King is a little embarrassed, they are no better than me

The king of the Dragon waved his front paw and told everyone to go.

Gu Xuan and the entomologist followed him closely.

Soon, the party arrived at the regional junction.

The Dragon King frowned.

"There's no need to go to so many people. No, it's useless to go.

What should be left, stay, and go forward, that is, do not regard your own life as your life. "

This speech, let originally still some cheerful atmosphere, immediately fell into silence.

Since even the Dragon King has said so, the next area is bound to be more dangerous.

Gu Xuan and insect clothes are not vague people, even if they directly gave orders, arranged for people to go and stay.

The remaining six members of Sanxian League, including Shuimu Taoist, Sanshan Xuansheng, and Tianchan old man and Dongshi Xianzi, are staying here.

Both the insect tower and the insect right envoy were also left by the insect clothes.

Only Gu Xuan, ye'er and chongyiyi are left to go to the next area.

Gu Xuan's operation made the king's face strange.

He looked at Gu Xuan and Ye Er, and sighed.

"Since ancient times, heroes have been sad about Meirenguan. They have a knife in the beginning of the color word.

That's it. Let's go

The Dragon King of Wu Dao first walked into the next area.

He didn't say much. After all, he had already reminded Gu Xuan.

It's none of his business to be a saint.

He can remind one, already give face very much.

Gu Xuan took ye'er and prepared to go forward.

Ye Er is a little worried to look at the Winter Fairy several people.

"Xuanshao, is it really OK to keep them here?

The three saints in the back will come soon. In case... "

Gu Xuan shook his head and laughed.

"Don't worry, a group of saints, relying on their identity, will not attack them.

This is also an unwritten rule, otherwise, everything would be a mess.

Let's go, they're here

Gu Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, turned his head and looked back.

At the entrance, the three figures go hand in hand and appear together in the third area.

Sure enough, as the king of the Dragon said, all of them were injured.

What's more, the injuries are not mild.

The horse under the night general's crotch has disappeared, and is obviously destroyed.

The high priest of the Li family was dressed in black and ragged, just like a beggar.

Even the archangel, who has always attached great importance to appearance, has a bloodstain on his face.

The bloodstain was not big, but it was strange. It seemed that it was recovering slowly.

"But it's too slow.

With the strength of archangels, such a little flesh injury, should have been an idea, can completely recover it

Gu Xuan was curious. What did these people experience in the second area?

The second area is not a group of puppet warriors and puppet beasts?

How could this group of saints be so hurt?

If you want to know the answer to this question, you can only ask the Dragon King.

Gu Xuan's three men were about to leave, but behind them came the roar of the night general.

"Xuanshao, stop!

Tell me, what about my army of the dead?

Where have they gone? "

Night general's voice, seems to be full of anger.

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

"They are all back home!"

The hometown of the dead, of course, is the nether world.

"Damn it, did you do it?"

The night general was furious, and in the direction of Gu Xuan, he jumped up and wanted to fly.

Unfortunately, as soon as he flew up, he hit the ground with a bang.

Although everyone knows that it is because of the strong prohibition of empty space, this scene is still somewhat inconceivable.It's more funny than the king of the dragon who trotted all the way with short legs.

Of course, no one dares to laugh.

Gu Xuan was shocked.

It seems that the experiences of these saints in the last region are even worse than they imagined!

How much has strength fallen?

With a strong curiosity, Gu Xuan took ye'er and went to the next area with the insect clothes and disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing Gu Xuan leave, Dongshi Xianzi and others quickly moved towards the direction far away from the three sages and slowly retreated.

Their movements, very light, seem to be afraid that if the movement is big, it will attract the attention of the three sages.

In particular, the headless night general has just made a fool of himself in front of all the people. If he wants to kill people, who are they going to argue with?

Fortunately, these three saints really pay attention to their own identity. They don't even look at Dongshi Xianzi and others, so they quickly step into the next area.

Seeing the three sages disappear, Dongshi Xianzi and others are relieved completely.

At this moment, Gu Xuan and others are standing in the fourth area.

They have been standing in the same place since entering the fourth area without moving.

The archangel, the high priest of the Li family and the general of the night also entered here and appeared not far away from the ancient Xuan.

All people's eyes are focused on the scene in front of them.

The so-called fourth area is actually the area where the sacred tree is located.

Four hundred feet in front of us is the sacred tree which is thousands of feet high.

The seven fruits on the sacred tree are full of colorful light, which looks beautiful and fascinating.

Everything in front of us means that there is no fifth area.

In other words, the fourth region and the fifth region are fundamentally combined.

If you want to pick the fruit of the sacred tree, you just need to cross the distance of 400 Zhang in front of you, and then you can pick the fruit.

It's only four hundred Zhang. It's not too far to say that it's close to each other, especially to the four sages.

One step at a time, you can leap over.

But no one moved.

Even if the seven seem to be able to reach out to pick the tree fruit, no matter how attractive it is.

For there was a corpse before them.

That's the first one to enter here, ximenfeng's body.

Ximenfeng's face is still full of ecstasy and looks lifelike.

Unfortunately, as everyone knows, he is dead.

His head is separated from his neck.

Although the distance between the two is less than an inch, it is already the distance between life and death.

The only gratifying thing is that he died in ecstasy and should not have experienced any pain.

Gu Xuan, insect clothes, Ye Er three people stare at ximenfeng's body, the expression on the face, just some dignified.

But the king of the dragon and the four kings of Archangel were surprised and angry.

Of course, their eyes were not on ximenfeng's body.

The death of a Ximen wind is similar to the death of a mole ant in their eyes.

Their eyes are on the murderer of ximenfeng.

It was an old man.

An old man who made four kings hate and angry.

Time, as if still in general.

I don't know how long it took, the silence was finally broken by the Dragon King.

He looked at the old man in front of him and bit his teeth.

"Damn it! The spirit of the sacred tree, you old fellow, how did you appear again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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