Seeing Gu Xuan, the insect clothes swallowed the fruit of the tree, and his face changed greatly.

"Xuanshao, are you crazy?

The energy contained in the fruit of the sacred tree can be called majestic, which can only be slowly refined or refined.

If you swallow it, it will burst you

Ye'er is also worried.

Gu Xuan patted his belly with a smile.

"Don't worry, my young master, this is a big belly of Kun Peng. It's just a fruit of a divine tree. It's impossible to burst my young master!

What's more, even if it explodes?

Do you forget that I have the body of Xuandi?

Even if it's blown to pieces, I can still recover! "

Gu Xuan is full of confidence, and must be full of confidence!

The fruit of the divine tree is indeed in danger of bursting. Moreover, with the strength of Xuandi's divine body, if it is blasted by energy, it is a burst at the cellular level.

Each cell will explode, which is equivalent to that after it is turned into powder, each particle is chopped into pieces, which is almost to become nothingness.

It is impossible to completely recover from this situation.

This is a big gamble!

Therefore, they can worry about insect clothes, but Gu Xuan himself must not have such a thought!

If he doesn't have full confidence in himself, how can he succeed?


Gu Xuan's body suddenly expanded.

A stream of air was blowing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

Not only that, at this moment, every pore of Gu Xuan's whole body was constantly ejecting air.

This is not ordinary air flow, but extremely pure energy.

At the moment when he swallowed the fruit of the sacred tree into his stomach and began to refine it, the huge amount of energy contained in the fruit, as if he had found the pouring mouth, surged out.

The meridians of Gu Xuan's whole body were filled up directly.

The excess energy spills out of the body uncontrollably.

At the same time, Gu Xuan felt that, from the fruit of the divine tree, there were rules and rules pouring out constantly, forming a strong resonance with the energy in his body.

In the ancient Xuan's mind, all the perception of martial arts was as if it had been pulled, and slowly improved.

Many of the shackles that had plagued him for a long time were suddenly enlightened at this moment.

Even Gu Xuan felt that even his own understanding of Dan Dao had been improved.

It seems that he can't control his mighty Dan Dao at any time.

"Hoo Hoo!"

The pure breath in the energy is very pure.

These pure energy, even if it is absorbed by the first or middle level of Xuansheng, is of great benefit and can help them achieve breakthrough.

But now, this energy, like no money, is coming out of Gu Xuan's mouth.

There is no way, even with the speed of ancient Xuan absorbing refining energy, it is still unable to digest the energy from the fruit of the sacred tree in time and integrate it into the elixir field.

Gu Xuan's body has become a ball, as if it will explode at any time.

A sharp pain of tearing soul came from every cell in the whole body.

Even with Gu Xuan's strong body and strong will, he felt a sense of collapse.

This level of pain, if any other half step king comes, I am afraid that half step king will fall in an instant.

This is not the pain that half step King level warrior can bear.

Gu Xuan was biting his teeth to keep his platform awake all the time. He did not dare to slack off. Otherwise, if there was a slight mistake, he might lose all his efforts.

At this time, in fact, Gu Xuan had already been able to try to lead the emperor to Tianjie.

However, he always felt that there was something missing.

As long as the same, I can also make this promotion more perfect!

At this time, Gu Xuan only felt that the Dantian was shocked.

In his body, a precious leaf of divine light, which had been constantly refining, suddenly began to melt, and all the energy, all of which was blended with the energy in the fruit of the divine tree.

This piece of divine light treasure leaves, originally only into the Dan field less than a half of the way of fire rhyme, directly into the Dantian.


In ancient Xuan's elixir field, suddenly there was a fire.

These flames are cold and cold!

For a long time, Yunxi, who has been practicing, walked out of the flames.

"The way of fire is so powerful.

I feel that my strength is constantly improving! "

Yunxi's eyes were full of surprise.

Although her strength has always been improved with the progress of Gu Xuan, she has made too fast progress. As the spirit of the supreme flame, she has a feeling that she can't help him too much.In fact, it is.

Gu Xuan has not called her out for a long time.

Yunxi is also depressed about this.

As his master, the martial arts of Gu Xuan were too complicated.

Not every fight requires the use of the supreme flame.

Therefore, Yunxi has been practicing and becoming stronger. If he wants to catch up with Shanggu Xuan as soon as possible, he must at least turn himself into a big card of Gu Xuan.

Unfortunately, how could she catch up with Gu Xuan?

If she improves one point, Gu Xuan can make ten.

But now Yunxi sees the hope of her transformation.

The rhythm of the way of fire, has begun to blend into her flame.

She sat cross legged and understood.

"Yunxi, the charm of the way of fire, can be handed over to you!"

Gu Xuan ordered.

Now he has no time to study the rhythm of the way of fire, because the other four precious leaves in his body are just melting.

The energy of Shengguang Baoye melted into the energy of Shenshu fruit and turned into a mighty energy torrent, which impacted the meridians and bones of ancient Xuan.

At the same time, the other four strands of rhyme, also flew into the ancient Xuandan.

In the ancient Xuan's huge elixir field, the originally flaming flame suddenly began to shrink.

Four track rhyme, and flame fight each other, occupy a region in the Dantian.

In these four areas, there are four different visions.

There are green areas, covered with lush grass.

There are yellow areas, flying sand all over the sky.

The area with sword is full of sword spirit.

The most wonderful thing is that there is a huge fist in the last area.

Yunxi was surprised to see the four tracks rhyme.

"Wood Road rhyme, earth road rhyme, sword meaning road rhyme, boxing meaning road rhyme!

Hateful, if these four strands of rhyme, is the way of fire rhyme, how good? "

Yunxi was a little disappointed.

If these rhymes are all the rhymes of the way of fire, she will not only see the hope of transformation so simple.

If you can integrate the quintessence at the same time, I'm afraid she can really change.

Now, Gu Xuan has completely become a ball, and has been a Zhang size.

This is no longer human.

Anyone who saw Gu Xuan for the first time, I'm afraid, would not regard him as a man. His appearance is both frightening and boastful.

Insect clothing and Ye Er two people worry to the extreme.

It is proved that the ancient Xuan has not really entered the stage of crossing the robbery.

This is not the most dangerous time, Gu Xuan has been fat, if two people, into a ball, if the disaster really come down, how can he cross?

Even though the ancient Xuan had Xuandi's divine body, the danger would not be reduced in the face of natural calamity.

For the insect clothing and Ye Er two people's worry, Gu Xuan already can't feel, his whole body has been integrated into the refining of the divine tree fruit.

The original fist size of the sacred tree fruit, now only half, no, should say, there is still a full half!

Half of the energy, has let the ancient Xuan has been propped up into a fat ball, and the remaining half, how to resolve it?

The speed of refining these energy is far less than the speed of energy surging out of the fruit of the sacred tree.

"It seems that the only way to do this is to lead the emperor to Tianjie first, and then use the power of Jielei to help me consume these energies.

It's a pity that I can make this promotion more perfect, but I can't deduce it. "

With a sigh in his heart, Gu Xuan finally decided to lead to the natural calamity first.

However, at this moment, Yunxi's voice sounded in Gu Xuan's brain.

"This rhythm of the way of fire has been completely controlled by me, and has been integrated into the icy cold.

Moreover, it can be stripped off at any time and integrated into your other attacks.

Unfortunately, there is only one rhythm of the way of fire. If there are a few more, maybe I can complete the transformation immediately

After listening to Yunxi's words, Gu Xuan's brain seemed to have thunder blast, everything was suddenly clear!

A bold idea came into his mind! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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