
Ancient Xuan falls to the ground.


The ancient Xuan fell to the ground.

"Ah! My young master is dead. Don't chop it up

Gu Xuan murmured, then completely covered his own breath, no longer breathing, no longer showing any vitality.

In this scene, the four sages almost fell to the ground.

Even the insect clothing and the corner of the mouth of the leaf son, also twitch a few times.

And this kind of operation?

Feign death means feign death, but you are deceiving Tianjie. Can't you be serious?

What doggerel do you sing?

Such grandiose acting skills, I'm afraid even a fool can't cheat. Do you still want to cheat Tianjie?

"Brother Gu, although this annihilated dragon is stronger, even if you don't have confidence, don't abandon yourself so much!

You take out the previous momentum, die a little bravely. In the future, I will help you to break the love sect and boast that you are the first half step sage in the world, which is worthy of the name.

But you give up the resistance directly and make a feigned death look. You're bluffing! "

The tears from the corner of the Dragon King's eyes directly choked back. He couldn't cry.

Fake tree spirit laughs.

"Gu Xuan, are you out of your mind?

Before dying, give us a farce. Do you want to laugh us to death and let your people have the fruit of divine tree?

Is it too naive? "

The high priest of the Li family originally wanted to make a mockery of Gu Xuan, but when he heard the fake tree spirit's words, he had already ridiculed to the extreme. In a hurry, he could not think of a better irony, so he had no choice but to give up.

The archangel frowned deeply.

Although he was the enemy of Gu Xuan, he still had some praise for Gu Xuan. He thought that Gu Xuan could die vigorously.

I didn't expect that the last scene of his life would be so cowardly!

You a half step king, in front of the emperor's natural calamity to play feign death, is simply stupid!


The archangel pupil shrinks suddenly.

Can we say that the real state of ancient Xuan is not the half step sage, but the peak Xuansheng?

"No, with his strength, it would be terrible if it was not for the half step king.

What's more, who can be cheated by such grandiose acting and such poor feign death?

In any case, we can't deceive Tianjie. As soon as the annihilated dragon falls, he will die and die! "

The archangel thought.

"Ao Ao Ao --"

the annihilated dragon finally fell. It is only tens of Zhang away from the ancient Xuan.

Such a distance, for this powerful annihilation dragon, is no longer a distance.

The power of destroying the heaven and the earth had already been pressed on Gu Xuan like a mountain for a long time.

The ground around the body of the ancient Xuan appeared cracks at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The cracks, like cobwebs, spread around.

The air, as if it had been frozen, was so repressed that there was no breeze at all.

However, the huge crown of the divine tree is constantly shaking, as if annihilating the terrible power of the dragon, which has also affected it.

Gu Xuan lay on the ground with no waves on his face. He even opened his eyes at the critical moment of his feign death, as if staring at the annihilated dragon.

This appearance, as if to say: I will quietly watch you pretend to force.

Of course, in fact, Gu Xuan didn't think about it.

He is not looking at annihilating the dragon, but robbing the cloud.

After the sixth wave of natural calamity, he finally touched the threshold of the realm of the emperor.

After robbing the cloud, just a moment ago, it seemed that a gate appeared again.

This time, the gate has been lifted so slightly, it seems that as long as you push it gently, it can be completely opened.

Even from the crack of the door, you can see the scene inside the door!

Gu Xuan felt that behind the door, there was a sea!

A sea of martial arts!

The realm of a saint is like a vast sea.

And this piece of sea, is waiting for oneself to set sail!

At this moment, the power of all kinds of laws kept flowing in ancient Xuan's body, constantly enhancing his perception of martial arts.

These things cannot be seen by the four sages.

What they saw was only a ancient Xuan lying like a corpse under the annihilated dragon, pretending to be dead with his eyes open.

The faces of the four kings twitched at the same time.

I've seen arrogance. I haven't seen such arrogance.

Even ye'er and the insect clothes are in a hurry. I don't know which one Gu Xuan is playing?

Open your eyes to feign death, the whole real world, no, I'm afraid there is no second in the three thousand worlds!

Feeling the people's eyes, Gu Xuan was dismissive and even wanted to stretch his back.The annihilated dragon has already rushed to the top of the ancient Xuan, within ten Zhang.

This distance, even if you don't hit the ancient Xuan and the annihilated dragon directly explodes, the power is enough to release all the power and blow up the ancient Xuan into fly ash.

However, at this moment, a jaw dropping scene happened.

The annihilated dragon, which was enough to kill any saint on the scene, disappeared without warning.

In the sky, the rolling clouds also began to dissipate.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the looting cloud dissipated.

This side of the world, once again returned to calm, no waves.

The air, silent, terrible silence.

The four kings are in a daze.

The insect clothes and the leaf also froze.

What the hell is this?

No one can understand what happened just now?

Gu Xuan's pretentious death successfully cheated Tianjie?

If we can succeed in this way, there will be no failure in the world.

With a smile, Gu Xuan jumped up from the ground, patted the dust that didn't exist on his body. With his hands on his back, he looked like an expert and swept several saints with scorn.

How can a group of stupid sages understand this young master's profound behavior?


At this moment, a violent momentum broke out from Gu Xuan.

He, finally, became a half step king!

Inside, the rolling energy boils.

Gu Xuan only felt that his strength was constantly improving!

Many feelings of martial arts came into being.

Pentagonal rhyme, with his own combination, more closely, more like arm.

The breath of ancient Xuan is more and more condensed and stronger!

Suddenly, Gu Xuan noticed that there was a small whirlpool in his Dantian.

This vortex, it's golden.

It is constantly rotating, which seems to have a great suction, can swallow everything!

"This is..."

Gu Xuan frown slightly, separated a trace of mind, began to study the vortex.

"You How on earth did you do it? "

Wudao Dragon King was the first to react and asked excitedly.

If you know how Gu Xuan did it, then their disciples will have an extra way to protect their lives when they are promoted to the realm of the emperor by half a step.

The other three sages, staring at Gu Xuan, also have a faint expectation in their eyes.

Gu Xuan sneered.

"Hum! A bunch of idiots, or a saint, can't you tell?

The most important thing about fake death is not death.

The key is "fake"!

Even a fool can see that this is a fake.

This is the true meaning of feign death!

With your qualifications, I'm afraid you can't understand them, so don't think about it. "

It's a pair of nostrils, pointing at the back of the river.

He added in his heart: This is pure nonsense.

If you really want to cross the emperor's natural calamity, you dare to pretend to die. That's too long.

This sentence, a few saints can not hear.

Therefore, they fell into deep thinking, so that they did not feel despised even when Gu Xuan pointed his nose at them.

Of course, Gu Xuan was not really arrogant enough to look at people with his nostrils. He was looking up at the sky to see if the way of heaven, which suddenly appeared for a moment, would appear again.

After looking for a long time and making sure that the way of heaven would not appear again, Gu Xuan finally relaxed completely.

At this time, ye'er's soul transmission was lost in Gu Xuan's brain.

"Xuanshao, what happened just now?

Why can you cheat the sky? To succeed in becoming a half step king? "

For Ye Er, there is nothing to hide.

Gu Xuan organized his language and gave a smile.

"It's very simple. It's thunder that's brewing in Tianjie.

All attacks should be based on looting thunder and supplemented by other forces.

However, the annihilated dragon has obviously violated this condition.

From that moment on, I guessed that it was the real world that warned me not to continue to be promoted.

To be exact, it is the way of heaven in the real world. It seems that I don't want me to be a saint here.

Although I didn't have this plan, the way of heaven didn't know. He was afraid that he thought that I really wanted to be promoted to be a saint at one go.

He took the initiative to interrupt my promotion, which was to give me a unique way, that is, feign death.

Since it's the way of heaven, and he broke the rules first, it doesn't matter whether I'm a fake or a real one.Lying on the ground is my greatest respect for him.

I just stand and say it's a fake death. I have to recognize the natural calamity!

From the moment it appeared, the obliterated dragon was doomed never to fall on me

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