Archangel sneers coldly, single hand pinches out a few fingertips.

"Blood essence as the guide, tie soul method, arm born!"

A drop of blood essence flies out of the archangel's eyebrows, which contains his pure soul power.

Archangel's face, with naked eye visible speed, pale a few minutes.


This drop of blood essence did not enter the insect clothing eyebrow heart.

All of a sudden, the insect clothes only feel a shock, even their own soul has a sense of being pulled.

Her right shoulder, a red energy arm, grow out!

The worm's face changed. As like as two peas, the new red arm of

is completely uncontrolled by her, but it contains the power of her soul. From the perception, this arm is exactly the same as her original flesh and blood arm.

That is to say, this blood red arm will surely be able to pick the fruit of the sacred tree!

Archangel eyes, full of hot color.

Finally it's going to work!

Two sacred tree fruits, enough to help their own strength!

However, just when the palm of the insect's clothes was only three inches away from a sacred tree fruit, the soaring sword spirit came from below!

Zhutian sword has become black.

This is the power of chaos Shengyan, and Zhutian sword combined into one phenomenon!

It is like an arrow from the string. It breaks away from the hand of ancient Xuan, penetrates the space, and shoots the archangel away!

The archangel's face changed dramatically.

It's time for Gu Xuan to arrive!

Of course, he can continue to control the insect clothing and pick the fruit of the divine tree, but in that case, he will be severely damaged by zhutianjian in such a delayed moment!

"Damn it!"

Archangel looks very ugly, can't help but retreat first.

He controlled the insect clothes and stepped back. He wanted to avoid the edge of Zhutian sword first, and then wait for the opportunity to pick the fruit of the divine tree.

He was very anxious.

At the moment, the sacred tree has become more and more gloomy, at most in half a minute, I am afraid it will disappear.

Half a minute, for the warrior at the king level, you can do a lot of things.

However, with Gu Xuan's hindrance, half a minute is too short.


Zhutian sword stabbed in the air.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and took advantage of the opportunity to speed up. He blocked the angel's sight in front of the fruit of the sacred tree together with the insect clothes.

"Archangel, we have the courage to fight one on one!

You are not afraid of my half step king, are you? "

Gu Xuan grabs the sword of killing heaven and points to the archangel, with a faint smile.

The archangel snorted coldly.

He is very clear in his heart that there is a huge gap between him and Gu Xuan, who has made great progress in strength.

He used to be able to butcher Gu Xuan as well as a dog, but now, I'm afraid, the situation has reversed.

"No way. If you want to kill Gu Xuan in half a minute, you have to use the power given by the Lord of heaven."

The archangel clenched his fist.

At the time of the ancient xuandu disaster, the Lord of heaven suddenly appeared once.

At that moment, the archangel felt that there was something more in his chest.

It's a pill.

A pseudo holy pill beyond the level of Jiupin pill, but not as good as the level of holy pill, a flash of Bodhi!

Instant Bodhi pill, this is a pill that can make a warrior improve his great strength for a short time.

"This pill is enough to restore my strength to the peak!

But there are also huge risks.

Instant Bodhi, as the name suggests, its effect is very short.

At most, it's only ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, because of the huge consumption, I will become extremely weak

The archangel thought quickly.

"Wealth in danger, even if I become weaker, I will not die anyway.

With the protection of the Lord of heaven, I will be reborn and practice again!

It's done

In an instant, the archangel made a decision.

Just use a flash of Bodhi pill and spell it!

The archangel quickly took out the pill and threw it into his mouth, but he didn't refine it immediately.

He must seize the most suitable time to use this pill.

Gu Xuan was still, blocking the leaves behind her.

Just now, the moment the archangel took out the pill in his chest, Gu Xuan felt the tremendous power contained in the pill.

As a Dandi, he is most sensitive to the effect of pills.

It is a pill between the nine grade pill and the holy pill, which can be called the pseudo holy pill.

According to Gu Xuan's conjecture, it should be a pill that can improve the strength for a short time.The archangel itself is the king. Although he has fallen half way, he is still the king.

That pill, I'm afraid, will be able to completely pull back half of his fallen state, so that he can recover the strength of his peak period.

"It seems that the archangel has made a decision.

However, you have missed the best opportunity.

Just now, I was still interested in fighting with you, but now, I'm not interested.

No matter what means you use, I will drag you.

After half a minute, the tree disappeared completely.

Anyway, I already have the fruit of the divine tree. As long as you don't get it, you won't lose. "

Gu Xuan stares at the archangel and hears the truth directly.

The whole face of the archangel was gloomy.

"You are doing harm to others but not to yourself!"

Gu Xuan shrugged.

"I'm happy. Can you control it?"

The archangel snorted coldly, hesitated for a moment, and finally gnawed his teeth, ready to fight!

If you use the Bodhi pill for a moment, you may still have a glimmer of hope to get the divine fruit. If you don't take it, you will have no hope.

He thought a move, a moment of Bodhi Dan swallow into the stomach, refining.

A powerful force burst out of his body.

Archangel momentum, directly climbed to the peak, than he was several times stronger than before!

This is absolutely the most top-notch first-class emperor, can burst out momentum!

I'm afraid he's not far from being promoted to the rank of king.

The majestic momentum, mighty, rolling toward the ancient Xuan, there is a great sense that we should only rely on the momentum to crush the ancient Xuan into meat cakes!

Gu Xuan's face changed slightly.

After all, archangels are archangels. After regaining the strength of their heyday, they are so strong that they are even more powerful than the fake emperor. It can be called terror!

Even today's ancient Xuan, in the face of the release of this momentum of the archangel, is not willing to touch.

And there's no need to touch it.

The stronger the archangel's strength is now, the weaker he will be after the effect of pills is over. There is no need to touch him.

Gu Xuan is quite sure about this.

At this time, ye'er, who was behind Gu Xuan, suddenly said to him in surprise: "xuanshao, it's done!"

Ye'er looks excited.

Now, in one hand, she is holding a sacred tree fruit.

The two sacred tree fruits still on the tree have been picked by her!

She finally understood why xuanshao let her follow.

It turns out that it is not only the insect clothes that can pick off the fruits of the divine tree, but also their own!

There was a smile in the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth.

"Sure enough, as I expected.

Not only insect clothing can pick off the fruit of the divine tree, but also the leaves!

God tree is willing to get close to is not a Zerg, nor a saint.

But, six changes of the butterfly!

Only those who can master this skill can get the fruits of the sacred tree! "

Gu Xuan figured out a lot of things.

Archangels, you can't think of it.

"How could it be? Isn't it true that only the goddess of Zerg can pick the fruit of divine tree?

How can that little girl pick the fruit of the sacred tree

The face of the archangel became ferocious.

He even swallowed the Bodhi pill for a moment. In order to fight for the last time, he took off the fruit of the sacred tree by controlling the insect clothes.

But now, it doesn't work.

The fruit of the divine tree has been picked by ye'er. If you want to escape with the strength of Gu Xuan, it's no problem to protect ye'er.

"No, it's the fruit of the sacred tree. I'm going to make it!

Kill you, all the fruits of the sacred tree are mine

Roared the archangel.


He clapped his palm on the back of the insect clothes. The insect clothes didn't even scream, so he spat blood and fell from the sky.

"Clothes girl!"

Ye'er flies to the insect clothing.

Gu Xuan's eyes became cold.

"If you want to die, I will help you!"


The ancient Xuan turned into a hiding light and flew directly towards the archangel! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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