"The chaos in the real world has begun, and now it can be said that there are crises everywhere.

In the past half a year, there were three powerful monarchs coming to the real world, and many more powerful ones from the hidden world.

Under the order, all the disciples of duanqing sect are not allowed to step out of the hundred miles away from today!

Those who have been training abroad should be recalled immediately! "

Broken love, cold palace, ring up the voice of Yu Gu fairy.

"In addition, the protection of Zong array will be opened immediately, and you need to verify your identity in and out of it!"


The elders received the order and went out of the hall of Sui Han one after another, and began to deal with the affairs explained by Yu Gu fairy.

There were only two people left in the hall.

In addition to Yu Gu fairy, there are also ancient spirits.

Gu Ling sat on the throne of the patriarch, and her eyes were full of worry. She didn't seem to notice that the meeting, which required her to be present as a mascot, was over.

After a long time, Gu Ling swished to Yu Gu fairy.

"Elder Taishang, is the meeting over?

You go with me to see Huo Yan'er, he has been in a coma for half a year.

Have you found a way to wake him up? "

Gu Ling pulled Yu Gu fairy's long sleeve and kept shaking.

Yu Gu fairy comforted: "don't worry, huoyan'er has granny Ding and sunflower Dandi staring at him. It will be OK.

When your father comes back, he will be saved. "

Not to mention that Gu Xuan was ok, as soon as Yu Gu fairy mentioned Gu Xuan, Gu Ling's eyes immediately turned red and her tears began to flow down.

It's been a year since Gu Xuan left. There's no news at all. I don't know what's going on now.

Originally, there was a Huo Yan'er who could play with him. Unfortunately, one day half a year ago, a black flame suddenly lit up on Huo Yan'er, which could not stop.

The law of Yu's maiden has not even been put out.

Fire Yan'er couldn't hold on for a long time and passed out in a coma.

However, even if he was in a coma, the flame on his body still did not mean to extinguish.

According to Yu Gu fairy's conjecture, the reason why Huo Yan'er is like this is because he has refined the ancient Xuan's cold spirit.

At the beginning, when duanqingzong went to the fire phoenix forest to attend the birthday banquet of Zhenzu, Huo Yan'er was ordered to deliver a message to Gu Xuan.

At that time, Gu Xuan sent him a cold wave of cold spirit.

At that time, Bingpi Hanyan was the supreme god of Tianhuo. After Huo Yan'er got it, he could not wait to start refining. His strength was even more rapid and surpassed his master.

Unfortunately, man's calculation is not as good as heaven's. even the ancient Xuan didn't think that his ice soul cold inflammation would degenerate into chaos holy flame.

The ice soul cold inflammation in fire Yan'er's body also changes.

This was a good thing, but unfortunately, at that time, he didn't even succeed in refining ice soul cold inflammation. As soon as the flame degenerated, his body could not bear it directly. The flame leaked out and he was in a coma.

"Let's go and have a look at Huo Yan'er. I'll try to find out if I can wake him up."

Seeing Gu Ling crying, Yu Gu fairy quickly shifted the topic from Gu Xuan.

At the same time, he sighed that he was confused, which pot did not open and which pot to mention.

Gu Ling calmed down a little and took the fairy Yu away.

At the moment, the highest mountain in the real world, Jiutian peak.

The figure of Archangel came out of a magnificent palace.

Today's archangels, and half a year ago, are very different.

Both momentum and breath have undergone earth shaking changes.

Now, he has finally recovered the strength of his heyday. In terms of breath, he is better than the fake tree spirit. I don't know how many chips he has.

He looked at the direction of the South Tianmen Mountain, his face flashed ferocious color.

"Damned woman! You'll hide in the South Tianmen Mountain

The archangel clenched his fist.

"What's more, you can use the divine tree layout to calculate the Lord of heaven and this seat!

You have destroyed the ban of the Lord of heaven by your own hands, made many saints have an excuse to re-exist, and made the real world into chaos.

I must take revenge for this

The ferocious color on Archangel's face is heavier.


As soon as he stepped out, he turned into a streamer and flew towards the South Tianmen Mountain!

"Hum! You take good care of the ancient Xuan, don't you?

You want to help him, right?

That seat, kill him first!

The fruit of the divine tree should not have been refined yet. I still have a chance to seize it! "

The archangel grinned and flew faster.


In the Tianchong tribe, in a wooden house, there are cracks in the jade cup in Gu Xuan's hand.But one of the tea, did not spill even a drop.

"This jade cup was made by ten thousand years of cold jade. How could it break suddenly?"

The insect coat frowned.

"Insect building, change a cup of tea for Xuan Shao."

Insect building quickly should a, want to take away the cracked jade cup, but was shaken by the ancient Xuan, stopped.

"Broken jade is not a good omen."

Gu Xuan stood up from the chair.

"Don't continue to greet me. You and the high priest of Tianchong, go and do business.

I'll look around. "

"I have been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, but it's not too bad for a while.

The high priest needs to prepare something. It will take about an hour before casting.

Ye'er is with him, so I don't have to worry about it.

It's just a broken jade cup. Don't be suspicious. "

Gu Xuan held his chin.

"I hope I'm too thoughtful, but I always feel a little restless.

Just, soldiers will block, water comes and earth covers, this is the territory of your Tianchong tribe.

With the defense here and the strength of the high priest of Tianchong, even if the emperor comes, there will be no benefit. "

Gu Xuan shook his head, but he walked out of the wooden house and wandered around at will.

Even Gu Xuan himself was not afraid of the general first rank monarch.

In the sky, vaguely, there is a huge whirlpool, slowly forming.

The power of the stars is faintly emanating from the whirlpool.

Gu Xuan raised his head and looked up. He could not help but open his double pupils.

His eyes, deep and distant, seem to see through the vortex, from this end of the vortex, see that end.

This vortex is formed because the high priest of the Tianchong clan is attacking a huge array in the Tianchong tribe.

According to the statement of insect clothing, this array is the array that imprisons the Tianchong tribe.

If you want to get rid of the difficulties of Tianchong tribe, you must break through the shackles of this array.

"According to the description of insect clothing, this array should be a curse array.

It cursed the whole family of insects and bound them to the secret place of the bitter sea.

Therefore, as long as you have the blood of Tianchong, you can't leave the secret place of bitter sea. "

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

The Li tribe should have the same experience as the Tianchong tribe.

However, ye'er's mother, the former Saint of Tianchong clan, and the talent of Li clan successfully left the secret place of bitter sea.

I don't know how they did it.

"But no matter how they did it, they must have paid a great price.

If we want to get the whole Tianchong people out of trouble, they should not be able to do so. "

Gu Xuan went to the gate of Tianchong tribe, and one stop was an hour.


Finally, along with the center of the whole Tianchong tribe, a huge explosion sounded.

The high priest of Tianchong and chongyiyi finally began to break away from the Dharma array that Tianchong tribe had not known for thousands of years.

For a moment, the huge whirlpool in the sky became very low.

Even this part of the world, seems to have become dim.

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