The air of the sword is surging from Zhutian sword!

In the void, only a flash of black light can be seen!

Zhutian sword has been cut from the angel's waist!

Archangel, directly cut off by zhutianjian!


The archangel felt a sharp pain, as if even the soul had been cut in two, and suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood.

At this time, the archangel noticed that the golden whirlpool that had stopped him from going was suddenly broken up.

The force of space produced a slight fluctuation in the void, and then completely eliminated.

A golden light, also quickly disappeared.

The pupil of the archangel shrinks.

He finally understood that he had been fooled.

That golden whirlpool is not the magic power of ancient Xuan at all, but just a common whirlpool formed by the continuous rotation of the force of space.

As for why it is golden, it is because Gu Xuan used the power of gold to send out golden light and "plated" the whirlpool of space with a layer of gold.

Myself, cheated!


Archangel mouth is a mouthful of blood spit out, this time, is gas!

"Gu Xuan, you dare to calculate this seat like this. You can't die easily!"

Although the archangel has only half of his body, his vitality is very strong and abnormal. He is only injured and his breath of life has not been weakened.

He once again bit the tip of his tongue, released a few drops of blood essence, directly refined, in exchange for the majestic energy, and continued to want to fly away.

Ancient Xuan has two eyes and one Lin.

"Archangel, you are too naive.

My young master has made great efforts to calculate your success. If you still let you escape, how can I save my face? "

The archangel's face changed again, and a bad premonition came.

He only flew out of ten feet, then suddenly felt a flame burning in the broken waist.

It's a black flame!

What's more, it's not just burning on the surface of his body. The black flame has gone down his waist, into his body and into his meridians.

Archangel's internal organs, as well as the channels and bones, have been burning up.


The flame spread, directly from the archangel's shoulder, from the inside to the outside.

The face of the archangel was twisted to the extreme.

In this case, it is impossible for him to abandon part of his body.

Unless you amputate all the legs below the neck, you can't get rid of the flame.

"How could it be? This flame, even the body of this seat, can burn.

My body, water and fire do not invade, even the most pure weak water, even the most powerful sky fire, can not hurt me!

Why, your flame Ah, ah... "

The archangel screamed, so that all his abilities could not disperse the flame. There was no other way but to scream.

Gu Xuan stood on the side, watching with cold eyes, without any intention of relaxing.

Just now, when he attacked the archangel, the sound of thunder suddenly appeared. It is likely that the way of heaven is playing a trick to remind the archangel of danger.

Otherwise, his first sneak attack would have killed the archangel on the spot.

Why is it so troublesome that I dare not take it lightly until now?

Fortunately, this time, the way of heaven did not rescue the archangel.

The body of the archangel soon disappeared in the black flame.

The cry of Archangels is becoming weaker and weaker, and the breath of life disappears quickly.

Finally, the archangel was burned into nothingness.

There was only a black flame left in the void.


All of a sudden, the wind blows.

A black figure, out of the black flame, is just a wisp of Archangel ghost!

He is still alive.

"Mountains and rivers meet, ancient Xuan, we will meet again!

Before that, I have prepared a big gift for you.

When you return to the burning heaven world, this great gift will give you a surprise, ha ha! "

The ghost of Archangel flies to the sky with a whoosh.

Speed, compared with burning blood essence to enhance the speed of the archangel, even faster on a point.

Moreover, Gu Xuan clearly felt that there seemed to be an invisible force protecting the ghost of the archangel, so that he could escape safely.

"Hum! Damn the way of heaven, after all, it's done!

It's a pity that the man I'm going to kill, even if it's heaven, can't stop it! "

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks, the opportunity of killing flashed in his eyes.


He stepped out, the body will become a streamer, towards the archangel that a ray of ghost is chasing away!At the same time, thousands of years of life, in his mind, is burned by him.

His speed, immediately broke through his own limit.

In a moment, Gu Xuan had already caught up with the ghost of the archangel.

The archangel panicked.

"What? Are you out of you mind? Do you want to kill this seat even if you burn Shou yuan?

You will hurt the source like this. Don't be so impulsive

Gu Xuan just gave a cold smile.

The archangel is more flustered.

"Gu Xuan, don't kill me. I can't threaten you now.

Why do you have to struggle?

Even if I take the house and live again, I don't know how many years it will take to recover the strength of today. At that time, you have already surpassed me by thousands of times. Why bother with me? "

Archangel even "this seat" two words, dare not use, the voice is full of humble.

Unfortunately, there is only one word in response to archangels.


Gu Xuan suddenly drank. The power of the spirit in his body turned into a sword of the spirit and stabbed at the archangel!

The power of the spirit of ancient Xuan is stronger than that of an orthodox monarch, such as a fake tree spirit. How can it be that this remnant soul of Archangels can be compared?

The archangel was almost scared out of her wits.


There are ripples in the void.

Gu Xuan's sword of spirit and soul, just when he was about to stab the ghost of the archangel, a light shield actually protected the archangel.


Gu Xuan's face changed slightly.

Is the real world heaven's way still shameless?

When fighting with the archangels, they broke the rules and reminded the archangels. Now, they even directly protect the archangels and get involved in the fight between them.

What's the difference between this and when children fight, adults come to help?

The archangel was already desperate.

As an archangel, he knew very well that the Lord of heaven was limited by the rules and would not be so blatant to protect him.

But I didn't expect that the Lord of heaven finally made a move.

With the protection of the Lord of heaven, who else can kill himself in this world?

"Ha ha ha, Gu Xuan, didn't you expect that?

The Lord of heaven actually personally helped to save this seat.

This is my life. I should not die!

With the help of the Lord of heaven, within a thousand years, I will make a comeback again!

I just hope you don't be scared to death by the surprise left by this seat!

After all, your former apprentice, who knows what you like, will make you a surprise gift

Archangels laugh very arrogant, even deliberately slowed down the speed, no longer so eager to flee for life.

Gu Xuan's teeth were itchy.

The damned Archangel actually brought the traitor back to the real world.

It's a problem!

The ancient nebula is ruthless, needless to say, it is also a man of great fortune. I'm afraid no one can hold him except himself!

"I don't want to die today. I'll take the name of my traitor from now on!"

Gu Xuan was furious and controlled his own power of spirit. He attacked the ghost of Archangel again!

Archangel a Leng, turn back a way: "you amuse this seat to play?

Is your rebellious disciple still surnamed Gu

Gu Xuan gave a cold smile.

"What do you care about this young master? In a word, you just need to know that this young master wants you to die

The power of the spirit once again condenses into the sword of the spirit and stabs at the remnant soul of the archangel!

Unfortunately, still stabbed on that barrier, Archangel intact.

Gu Xuan bit his teeth.

"Brother meteor, help!

Cut me to death , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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