
Gu Xuan burst into a drink.

Rolling dead gas, then from the body of the seven headed wolf king, was forcibly devoured by the black big hand.

"No, what is this?

How can I even swallow the most original dead gas in my body

The big head leader was terrified.

"It's swallowing my power, my soul's power, my blood essence.

Everything I have is being swallowed up by it

"Lord, Queen, save us! Save us

The wolf king, who was at the level of king of seven and a half steps, only felt that after being held by a big black hand, he did not have a trace of strength and could not resist at all. It was terrible.

What is more terrible is that their will is also rapidly fading away, not to mention resistance, even the mind of resistance is gradually weakening.

That's terrible!

The king of Youlang stares at Gu Xuan coldly.

"Seven leaders were immediately released.

Otherwise, I want you dead

On Gu Xuan's face, there was always a faint smile.

The threat of the wolf king has no effect on him.

"Just now, these seven wolf Kings also said that they wanted me to die.

Unfortunately, they will die.

Those who dare to say this to me will always die in the end.

I believe that you, the wolf king, are no exception. "

The ancient Xuan Old God is in, pinches out a few fingertips in the left hand, entered the life and death book.

Suddenly, the seven dead hands were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If they were boa constrictors just now, they are python.

Since they are python, naturally more greedy, they absorb all kinds of energy from the seven wolf king faster.

Seven wolf king with naked eye speed, become a corpse, only a pair of skin bag.

Devour spirit dead hand this just has not finished, generally returned to the book of life and death.

Shining on the book of life and death.

It was obvious to Gu Xuan that the book of life and death had increased a lot, and it was on the verge of the rank of emperor's instrument.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

The book of life and death happily turns over the page automatically. The black palm of the hand, if looming, seems to stretch out from the book at any time.

Gu Xuan forced the black palm down.

"Don't move. You black palm can only scare people.

The opposite is the wolf king of the first level. If you want to swallow them, I will subdue them first.

If you do it yourself, you will only scare them away. "

Ancient Xuan conveyed information to the book of life and death.

The book of life and death calmed down.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa PA.

Seven pairs of complete skins fell to the ground.

The old woman was overjoyed.

"That's great. The fur of these seven wolf Kings is so complete that they can make seven good cloaks.

If you sell it at that time, it will certainly sell for a big price

The old woman took back all seven pairs of fur in her own space ring.

"Make a cloak? Look for death

The queen of wolf stares at the old woman angrily. This woman wants to make the fur of the noble wolf king into a coat. It's too much!

This is insulting the wolf clan!

However, although the mouth said "looking for death", the wolf queen did not mean to move.

"What? Don't you want this young master to die?

Why not

Gu Xuan stares at the wolf king and the wolf queen in a hasty tone.

The wolf king did not immediately respond, but exchanged a few eyes with the wolf queen.

They are Taoist partners, tacit understanding, only a few eyes, they have already exchanged a lot of ideas.

Finally, both men nodded cautiously at the same time.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and saw all the movements of the two wolf kings.

Although these two wolf kings are still very angry, their murders are sometimes weak and sometimes strong, which is not normal.

"These two wolf kings want to escape!"

Gu Xuan guessed the plan of the wolf king and the wolf queen.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Although I had known that the two wolf kings were timid and cautious, I didn't expect that they were so cautious.

He just showed a little bit of the strength of the first level emperor level, even the pressure of the book of life and death, did not release a cent.

In this way, the two wolf kings still want to escape?

It's a little too cautious!

However, it has to be said that the two wolf kings can live so well in the iron bone territory. This kind of cautious attitude is still useful.

"Damn coffin seller, you killed my wolf king leader, and caused heavy losses to my wolf family.I'll sooner or later... "

You wolf king's words have not finished, Gu Xuan has expected, it wants to say what.

It's nothing more than sending out cruel words to say that this revenge will be revenged sooner or later. Anyway, it means that this revenge will not be avenged today.

This, of course, is a trick to ordinary members of the Youlang clan.

After fooling around, the wolf king and the wolf queen will run away immediately.

Gu Xuan did not allow this kind of thing to happen, although at his speed, it was almost impossible for the king and queen to escape.

However, everything is afraid of accidents.

Therefore, Gu Xuan didn't intend to let the Lord of Youlang complete this.

His mind moved, and a force of soul flew out, directly into the body of a mysterious holy wolf and occupied its body.

Then the wolf suddenly raised his arms and exclaimed, "please kill them and avenge the seven leaders!"

"Light king killed them! Make decisions for the seven leaders

"Lord, please tear them into pieces!"

With the wolf under the control of Gu Xuan, the voice of shouting one after another was heard.

The wolf suddenly entered an unprecedented state of unity, it can be said that the crowd is angry.

You wolf king's words were suddenly interrupted, it did not finish the words, then can not say again.

The face of the wolf queen also became ugly.

Originally, I also wanted to fool the wolves, and then withdraw directly. After all, the enemy is a first-class emperor, so we should be cautious.

But now, they can't fool around.

If they leave at this time, I am afraid that the whole wolf family in the wolf forest will be scattered immediately.

No matter how they can remedy it afterwards, they will no longer be respected by ordinary members of the Youlang clan.

If this is spread out, other wolf groups in the whole necropolis will despise them.

Most seriously, some of the more powerful wolf lords, especially those who have become taboos, will not tolerate them even more. They will have to kill these two disgraced guys even if they come all the way.

The wolf king and the wolf queen looked at each other with a resolute look in their eyes.

"We can't escape, or we'll be ruined.

Only do your best to kill this man! "

The voice of the queen of the wolf king.

The wolf king nodded.

"Although he is the first emperor, he is a threat to us, but the threat should not be great.

Since we have decided not to escape, we should go all out to kill this person as quickly as possible. We can't let any accident happen

After the two wolf kings had made a decision, they would not be pinched any more. They should simply flee and fight simply.


Fierce momentum, from the two wolf king burst out!

"Today's feud is over today!

Children, don't worry, these four people are going to die today!

My seven brothers, their revenge, I will revenge now!

And you, die first

The wolf king raised his paw and aimed at Gu Xuan with a violent wave.

The vast shadow of claws appeared around the ancient Xuan and shrouded him.

Gu Xuan blew out with a fist.


The sound of a sonic boom.

All over the sky, claw shadow, suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the figure of the wolf queen of the wolf king disappeared in front of the ancient Xuan.

The claw shadow just now was the way that the king of Youlang blocked the vision of Gu Xuan. It never thought that it would hurt Gu Xuan by those claw shadows.

But the next attack is different!

The shadow of the king and queen disappeared for a moment. Suddenly, they appeared on both sides of Gu Xuan's body and launched an attack!

"Blood shadow Wang Jue, double wolf strangle!"

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