"Madman! Gu Xuan, you are really a madman

Lord Hessen stares at Gu Xuan.

Although Gu Xuan put away the book of life and death, until now, the energy fluctuation of his body has not yet converged.

Because, there is no need for convergence.

The eleven Dragon Knights have locked all the people below.

Herculen's whole face was twitching.

"Damn it, I thought that general iron would activate the Flamingo in the stone man because he wanted to kill the stone man.

But I never thought that the fire rosefinch was not awakened, but you, Gu Xuan, even used that piece of anti heaven treasure to save the two mole ants general coffin seller!

You cause a strong energy surge that puts the Dragon Knights into combat.

Once fighting, more yin soldiers will be disturbed, and we will be in a desperate situation because of your stupidity

Herculen roared. Obviously, he was angry.

Originally, it was very difficult to get through the pass of Yin soldiers alive. Was Gu Xuan stupid enough to let the Dragon Knights enter the fighting state?

The iron general stares at Gu Xuan. His whole body trembles with anger.

Everything is due to him.

But he didn't feel any guilt or regret.

In the eyes of the strong, no matter how close they are, they are just mole ants. If you want to kill them, that is the right attitude.

But Gu Xuan, actually for a few mole ants, did not hesitate to let himself into danger, this is simply suffering from loss of heart madness.

"I see. You know you're dead, so you want to drag us all into the water!

You are really cruel! But when you first used that treasure book, you convinced me of one thing.

That is, it must belong to my treasure book, also can only belong to me!

With it, I'm sure I'll get out of here alive! "

The iron general forced Gu Xuan to find a set of explanation that he could understand.

He will never believe anything that values love and righteousness.

In this world, only interests, will not cheat him!

Gu Xuan's eyes swept over the three iron general.

"What? When I used the book of life and death just now, your eyes were not very obsessed and intoxicated?

I thought you liked to see my life and death book?

I've just put it away, and you've turned a blind eye?

If I had known that, I would not have given you a chance to see the book of life and death. "

The iron general looked at Gu Xuan with burning eyes.

"Life and death book, what a beautiful name.

It belongs to the dead, you can not play its power.

Give it to me, and I may save your life.

Otherwise, I will let you not even die in the Dragon Knight's hand chance!

Since I don't have to hide the energy fluctuation any more, I'm going to kill you. That's easy

Gu Xuan stood in his place, his eyes always on the eleven Dragon Knights in the sky.

Gu Xuan didn't care at all about the threat and inducement of the iron general.

"If you want the book of life and death, come and grab it!"

But don't blame me for not reminding you.

Dragon Knights, are in combat.

And they will rush down immediately


The sound of the dragon's chant rings again.

Eleven dragons, under the control of Dragon Knights, dive down!

The majestic momentum, from the Dragon Knights burst out, mighty.

Compared with today's Dragon Knights, the Dragon Knights who have not entered the combat state can not be compared with each other.

The terrible killing machine has locked several people in the ancient Xuan below.

Each dragon knight is a powerful middle level monarch. Under their feet, they also control a real dragon who is also a middle level saint.

The sum of the two is far more than one plus one equals two.

However, even under such circumstances, the general's attention was always divided into half and fell on Gu Xuan.

Not only his eyes, but also the eyes of heiqiling and Lord Hessen, wandered around Gu Xuan intentionally or unintentionally.

The Dragon Knight enters the combat condition, has locked them four people, this is ten dead no life situation.

Even if you want to escape, but in today's independent space-time, where can you escape?

Besides, even if there is a place to escape, under the siege of Dragon Knights, I'm afraid no one can fly out of the seven mountains.

Therefore, all people have decided that the only way to live is on the book of life and death of Gu Xuan.

Even at the risk of being wounded by the Dragon Knight, we should try our best to seize the book of life and death.

This is the idea of the three iron generals at the moment.

On the occasion of several people's thoughts, eleven Dragon Knights raised their swords at the same time!Whew! Whew!

The crisscross swords, suddenly cut!

Each sword light contains a very high sense of kendo. Where it passes, it leaves a mark in the void.

What's more, the dragon power is revealed in every sword. Obviously, in the attack of the Dragon Knight, the power belonging to the real dragon is also blessed.

The sword fell, and at the same time covered all the four people below.

Gu Xuan's face became more dignified.

"Every sword is enough to kill a newly promoted first rank monarch in seconds!"

Ancient Xuan analyzed it.

"You can't just hit hard, you can only hide or swing your sword away!"

Gu Xuan made a decision.

Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, the four kinds of momentum will burst out.

Gu Xuan and iron general several people, seem to have discussed the general, unexpectedly at the same time.

The ancient Xuan stepped on the seven star position, displayed a mysterious body method, and hid to one side.

It was not difficult for Gu Xuan to avoid these direct swords.

His broken double pupil can clearly see all the attacks, all the tracks, and work out the best way to avoid them.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ancient Xuan's body, as if transformed into a series of illusions, left and right, up and down.

A sword, almost close to his body flying.

Many of the swords that seemed certain to hit him were always passing him at a distance of a fraction of a millimeter, and they could never hit him.

The iron general, heiqiling and Lord Hessen are not backward at all. In terms of combat experience, they are more abundant than Gu Xuan.

After all, they are far from the heaven defying talents and opportunities of Gu Xuan. They can become a strong man who can compete with the middle-class emperor in only two or three hundred years.

I'm afraid the three of them spent more time fighting than Gu Xuan.

What's more, when the three men were avoiding the sword, they even approached the ancient Xuan intentionally or unintentionally.

Obviously, they want to seize every opportunity to kill Gu Xuan.

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

These three guys, at such a critical moment, are still trying to kill themselves and take away the book of life and death.

"In that case, I will not be polite to you.

If you want to seize the opportunity to kill me, I don't want to kill you

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed a fine light.

He was never a man waiting to die.

Unfortunately, things are never as simple as you think.

The first wave of attack completely ineffective Dragon Knights, seems to have been angry, they control the real dragon under their feet, and even directly hit several people below!

This collision disrupted everyone's plans.

"No, hide!"

The general's face changed slightly.

If he is taken seriously, even if he is called "iron bone", he must be severely damaged.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several people in succession toward the right line, began to dodge, pull the distance between each other.

Boom! Boom!

Eleven real dragons, did not hit a few people in ancient Xuan, one of them was not enough, all hit the ground.

The whole qichongling mountains are shaking.

The mountains, which were already half as low as half, are now being razed to the ground.

Eleven real dragons, quickly out of the ruins, each recognized the enemy, rushed away!

Full of three giant dragons, towards the ancient Xuan surrounded!

Whew! Whew!

Countless swords, from three directions, flew to Gu Xuan to cut him into pieces.

After a few jumps, Gu Xuan dodged these swords.

However, the encirclement formed by the three Dragon Knights has narrowed down and trapped him firmly in the middle!

The next attack must be one that completely covers the encirclement.

At that time, Gu Xuan could not hide!

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