When the messenger of heaven left, the warships of Zhongyuan domain also flew away quickly under the command of Zhuge wume.

Zhuge Wu, I know very well that he is not qualified to go through the muddy water today.

Gu Xuan and he were both the successors and competitors of the life style of the son of God. Only one of them could live.

If Gu Xuan takes the opportunity to fight him now, the final winner must be Gu Xuan.

"One day, my strength will surpass you!

One day, I will kill you and become the true son, not one of the owners of his life

The warship has gone away, Zhuge has no voice from me, but it seems that it is late, and has not entered the ancient Xuaner.

Gu Xuan looked at the horizon, the direction of the warships in the Yuan Dynasty, and gave a cold smile.

"I have never been interested in this son of heaven.

Believe it or not, even if you return to Zhongyuan domain, I will destroy you as well as destroy you! "

After saying this sentence, I saw the warships of Zhongyuan Region in the sky, which accelerated abruptly, and soon disappeared into people's view.

Li's warship, under the control of Dan Zun, also quickly away.

A group of warriors who had been watching the ruins of daomen no longer dared to stay and retreated one after another.

In the ruins of daomen, no matter what secrets there are, whether there are treasures or not, they are not able to touch.

In their eyes, Gu Xuan was a complete madman.

Even the heavenly emissaries in the realm of the emperor dare to kill. Such a person is not a madman, so who is it?

Daomen ruins, once again restored calm.

Gu Xuan turned and fell from the sky and stood in front of them.

"In the past 100 years, we have worked hard.

I'm back. "

In one day, the news of the return of the ancient Xuan spread throughout the whole burning heaven.

The strength of ancient Xuan also shocked the whole burning heaven.

With his own strength, in a quarter of an hour, he killed eleven monarchs, which shocked everyone.

Such a feat also worries all warriors.

The great calamity of the burning heaven world is coming. Every emperor's resource is very precious.

Since the return of the ancient Xuanxuan, together with the Taoist sect leader, he has killed 12 first level sages, which will undoubtedly weaken the overall strength of the burning heaven world.

After all, an early monarch, in some of the smaller worlds, is enough to dominate a realm.

For a moment, there were attacks on ancient Xuan.

Led by Li family, Wanxing League, Tianchen shangguo and other forces, many forces united to strongly condemn the tyrannical behavior of the Tianzong patriarch Gu Xuan.

Some forces are even ready to unite to boycott yingtianzong.

And this is just what happened the next day after the first World War in daomen ruins.

There is an invisible hand that seems to be pushing the whole burning heaven realm against yingtianzong.

Unfortunately, this is destined to have no result for the time being.

There was no way out. Gu Xuan destroyed four of the eight great forces and reduced them to ordinary first-class forces.

The remaining four great forces are yingtianzong, zhongyuanyu, Ouyang aristocratic family and Zhuque Xianzong.

Yingtianzong and zhuquexianzong of these four great forces were in a pair of pants. As for Ouyang family, they also made friends with yingtianzong.

There is only one Zhongyuan domain left, so far the attitude is still unclear.

However, it can be imagined that once the Zhongyuan region wants to deal with yingtianzong, it has to deal with the three great forces of yingtianzong, zhuquexianzong and Ouyang aristocratic family at the same time.

No matter how stupid you are, you won't do it.

Unless, there are sufficient benefits.

However, all those who were jealous or dissatisfied with Tianzong were waiting with hope.

They are waiting for the message of the messenger of heaven.

Gu Xuan wounded the chief envoy of heaven, shuishengzun, and slaughtered eight Tiandao messengers at the level of emperor. This incident was tantamount to hitting the face of the Heavenly Master.

The Lord of heaven will never give up.

Otherwise, what prestige does he have to command the whole burning heaven to deal with the invasion of external forces?

Some hot blooded warriors are ready to go. As soon as the Lord of heaven speaks, they will fight yingtianzong and do their best to eliminate Gu Xuan, the criminal who burned heaven.

However, some wonderful things are that these ready-made hot blooded warriors will prepare many pills when they are preparing.

And these pills are produced by yingtianzong.

Yingtian Pavilion owner is fierce, has seen business opportunities, launched a number of anti yingtianzong pills package, one of which is directly named "Daogu Dan box".

This set meal, which is a delicate box, is filled with pills for healing and stimulating potential. However, with the name of "Daogu", it is quite popular. Even if the price is doubled several times, it will be sold out immediately.Inspired by Yingtian Pavilion, the hanging pot house of the Li family immediately launched more straightforward "miegu Dan box", "Zhenxuan Dan box" and "yingtianzong destroying pill package". The business was surprisingly good.

Such a good business is easy to covet.

On the fifth day after the battle of daomen ruins, the second day when the hanging pot house was full of money, the ruthless bandit gang "blood skeleton group" attacked again. They not only robbed all the remaining pills, but also ransacked all the crystal stones and all kinds of natural materials and local treasures they had earned in the past few days.

The owner of the hanging Hutou building was beaten by the blood skeleton on the spot, which made him vomit blood and was in a coma.

The only thing to be thankful for is that none of the warriors in the hanging pot tower died.

But more unfortunately, the gate of the hanging Hutou building was once again hung with urinals, and it was no longer one, but five heinous ones!

Such insane behavior made the hanging pot house become a laughing stock again, and also made the owner of the hanging pot house Li Mu vomit blood again after waking up.

In the early morning of the sixth day after the battle of daomen ruins, a booty sharing meeting was held in the ruins of daomen. Oh, no, now it has become a heaven burning city!

Although the city of burning heaven is nominally a "city", but now, there is only a name.

The city Lord's house has just been built. It will take us a long time to become a city.

In the backyard of the city Lord's house, the booty sharing meeting had just been held for half a quarter of an hour. Before the spoils were distributed, Gu Xuan entered the backyard.

Gu Xuan did not participate in the operation of the blood skeleton group, or even knew nothing about it.

Therefore, when he saw the accumulation of pills and all kinds of natural materials, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Li Jiagang just lost a saint, Xiao ou and Dashi, and even took people to rob the hanging pot house?

No doubt, this is to spread salt on the wounds of the Li family. It is adding to the frost!

"No more."

Gu Xuan sighed.

"I've improved the teleport array again these days.

I will get the space Rune beads from the God killing graveyard into this super long distance transmission array.

Now, yingtianzong and huotiancheng have been completely connected.

No matter how many people, they can freely travel between yingtianzong and the city of burning heaven.

So, if you prepare, we will immediately respond to Tianzong. "

Xiaoou shook his hand impatiently.

"Now that the transmission array has been completed, what are you anxious about?

You go out and wait for us. It's a big deal. We'll have to wait until we've divided the spoils.

Where did you just get it? Oh, yes, to the poor and afraid of saints.

These Jiupin pills belong to you

Small lotus root throws out a few nine grade Dan.

The poor and afraid of the saints caught it and gathered them up.

Looking at this scene, the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched again.

This group of bastards, too shameless, dare to ignore their own boss, it's worth beating!

Gu xuanqiang tolerated the anger in his heart and calmly went to the poor and afraid of saints.

"Oh, by the way, the poor are afraid of saints. Don't blame me for not caring about you.

When I killed daomen Daochen old man, I got a piece of emperor's equipment from him. It can catch the star light and is very powerful.

You're good at the way of the stars. It's perfect for you.

As the so-called whisk presents to heroes, this thing will be sent to you. "

With a smile, Gu Xuan summoned the seven stars from the ring and handed it to the poor and afraid saint.

The poor and afraid Saint trembled to take over the Seven Star dusts, and felt the energy fluctuation and pressure of the only emperor's instrument, and he was moved to tears.


Small lotus root and big stone just ready to throw into the mouth of the pill, fell to the ground.

This accumulation of pills and natural materials like a hill is no longer fragrant.

With a smile, Gu Xuan disappeared from the backyard like the wind.

"Boss, boss, don't go.

Where's my present? "

Little lotus root can no longer enjoy the joy of sharing the spoils, chase out.

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