A variety of pictures flashed in his mind.

Just now, when Gu Xuan was meditating in front of the pool, a door of space suddenly appeared behind him.

After entering the door of space, Gu Xuan entered a small independent space.

This independent space can only be opened automatically to attract the attention of ancient Xuan only after it is sensed and confirmed.

In the independent space, there is only one medicine tripod.

It is a very simple, but some broken powerful medicine tripod.

After Gu Xuan recognized him as the master, he immediately learned about the name and driving method of this medicine tripod, as well as a little bit about the origin of this medicine tripod.

This medicine tripod is called shengmuxian Ding.

It's at least a few million years old.

This is a treasure brought back from the outside world by the way of heaven. Even in the whole treasure house, it can be called a very precious treasure.

According to the conjecture of ancient Xuan, its former owner should be an external Dansheng.

Because above the medicine tripod, there is the breath of Dan Dao that only Dan Sheng can possess. Although it is very weak, it is not necessary for you to feel it.

But with the ancient Xuan's attainment in Dan Dao, as well as the strength of the soul, it is easy to detect.

The medicine tripod left by Dansheng is exciting just by thinking about it.

The only drawback is that the holy wood and immortal tripod is dilapidated and has lost its power.

Moreover, if you want to repair it, you must find a top-notch master and a Dansheng, and gather their strength to join hands.

Otherwise, it is impossible to fix it.

It's a pity that there are no such level of weapon refining masters, Dan Sheng and burning heaven.

Of course, this had no effect on the ancient metaphysics.

If the holy wood immortal tripod is not broken, it is still the medicine tripod that can be used by Dansheng at the beginning, then its level is immortal ware!

Immortal ware, which is superior to the emperor's equipment, belongs to the legendary level of existence.

The history of burning the heaven is so long that there are few legends about immortal utensils.

Among these legends, the most famous one is the tongxuan Lingbao named "painting dragon brush".

It is said that the "dragon painting brush" was refined by a piece of supernatural wood from heaven and earth. It not only captured the nature of heaven and earth, but also possessed unimaginable power. Even the way of heaven wanted to accept it and use it for his own use.

The way of heaven in the world wants to take over a piece of tongxuan Lingbao. No one believes this.

But heaven did.

According to the law of heaven, when the world's treasures line up to go with him, but the Dragon brush is different.

It is devoted to freedom and love freedom. It thinks that it is a great shame to be accepted by heaven, so it resolutely rejects the way of heaven.

Of course, the way of heaven can't give up and want to forcibly recognize the Lord.

The Dragon brush swore to death, but with the body of tongxuan Lingbao, it led to natural calamity. Unexpectedly, it wanted to jump from tongxuan Lingbao to the stage of emperor's life, so as to be promoted to an immortal tool. It was even a little short of success.

As a result, it failed in the end when it was about to be promoted to immortal.

As a result, the Dragon brush fell several grades at one fell swoop, and then disappeared. Only the legends about it still spread.

Even the Dragon brush, which has not been promoted to an immortal, can leave so many legends, which people like to talk about.

If shengmuxianding is still in its heyday, its power need not be said.

Gu Xuan asked himself that with his own strength, he could not completely control an immortal tool.

Now, this dilapidated holy wood immortal tripod is just a top-notch imperial instrument. If you want to control it, you can do it by yourself.

These are not the most surprising places for Gu Xuan.

What surprised him most was that when he opened the lid of the cauldron, there was a pill lying in the holy wood and immortal tripod.

The pills give off a strange fragrance. Even if it's a strong person like guxuan, they all have a refreshing feeling.

If the warrior of lower level hears it, I'm afraid it will help to improve his strength.

After careful identification, Gu Xuan affirmed that it was a semi-finished elixir, named "multiple refined elixir".

The success of the pill is enough to help a junior monarch and increase the chance of success by 50%!

For a junior monarch, it is self-evident what it means to increase the chances of 50% promotion success.

This is priceless!

After seeing this elixir, a bold idea appeared in Gu Xuan's mind.

Once this idea is realized, shuishengzun will lead a large number of powerful forces and mobilize the public opinion of burning the heaven to punish Tianzong, which will become useless.

The crisis of yingtianzong will disappear completely.

Therefore, Gu Xuan did not feel any pressure.Whoa.

The sound of splashing water brings the ancient Xuan's thoughts back to reality.

I saw the lotus root drooling, while probing into the water right hand, a nine color carp king, has been caught in his hand.

"Boss, since you have thought of a way to deal with the water saint's trouble, let's celebrate it!

This nine color carp king will be made into roast fish. How about it

Small lotus root tries to ask a way.

I don't know why. Since I ate some nine color carp king which is prepared by the poor and afraid of saints to jump the dragon's gate, the little lotus root is always nostalgic about the taste.

The nine color carp King caught by Xiao Ou is struggling in his hands in terror.

As a king of carp who has been qualified to jump the dragon's gate, it has a high level of wisdom. It can understand the words of small lotus root, and it will be eaten when you hear it. It's strange if you don't panic.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several figures, flying in from outside, are Dashi, 9527, little squirrel, Xuezu and others.

Gu Xuan's favorite spirits are all together.

"I seem to hear someone say they're going to eat fish?"

Xuezu was very excited.

"Are you really going to eat grilled fish again?"

9527 is looking forward to it.


Gu Xuan a violent chestnut, on the small lotus head.

Small lotus root screams, a loose hand, nine color carp king then fell back to the pool.

One side of the big stone conditioned reflex generally hugged his head. After the reaction, it was not himself who was beaten, but after the little lotus root, he looked around for a while. Seeing that no one noticed himself, he quickly put down his hands and pretended that nothing had happened.

If people know that their big stone ancestor, actually because of the small lotus root beat was scared, their stone face, where to put?

Gu Xuan looked down at the lotus root and took a glance at the group of spiritual pets in front of him.

"It's no wonder that the success rate of nine color carp king who is poor and afraid of saints is so low. Did you unite with little green and cheat the nine color carp king to eat?"

Ancient xuanyue thought, the more possible.

Longmen is small green, he should move hands and feet, plus small lotus root in the side to help, that is not easy?

Xiaoou's brow is lifted.

"Wronged! There's no such thing!

I was wrong just now. I thought it was an ordinary colored fish!

How can I eat it

With a smile, Gu Xuan called Xiaolv to come to him, touched him green and bald, and said softly:

"Xiaolv, is it really none of your business?"

Suddenly gentle, will be small green scared legs are trembling.

"I swear, it was the lotus root that lured me!

I'm a dragon. I haven't eaten any fish. How can I be interested in the nine color carp king?

I was completely bewitched by him!

Every time he uses a lotus leaf to bewitch me. The leaf on the medicine emperor, however, you can't control it Is that right? "

Little green looks aggrieved.

Little lotus root can't be angry.

"Dare you betray me? Which time did you bake?

And little tripod, little green, little squirrel, 9527, they all ate it.

By the way, and Xuezu, he also ate it

Gu Xuan was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

This group, what are they!

Before Gu Xuan started to scold, Dashi had a good stride, rushed to the small lotus root, and picked up the collar of the small lotus root.

"You rotten lotus root with no sense of righteousness, you steal the nine color carp king to cook fish, and you don't even call me?

The idea is from Shizu!

I thought you didn't steal it. As a result, you didn't give it to me!

I want to break up with you

Dashi was angry.

These guys in front of me are too much!

Gu Xuan had blue veins on his forehead. Originally, it had nothing to do with the big stone. He was also a little pleased. Unexpectedly, the idea was put forward by this guy!

"A bunch of assholes! Today, I'm going to make all of you can't eat. Take it with you

Gu Xuan was angry, and with a wave of his hand, countless rules of the rope flew out, and all the people present were tied into zongzi and hung upside down on a tree next to him.

No matter how Xiao ou and others beg for mercy, Gu Xuan doesn't look at them much.

He snorted coldly and flew to Tongtian tower.

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