The second wave of disaster, easy to ride through.

The third wave of natural calamity is still easy to get through.

Until the beginning of the fourth wave of Tianjie, the strength of Tianjie Thunder Dragon has been improved qualitatively.

Unfortunately, with the orderly sharing of the eight people, this great improvement has become a small one.

Until the beginning of the seventh wave of natural calamity, the eight elves, emperors and emperors, could be regarded as having real strength.

All of them were hurt seriously, but it had no effect on the combat effectiveness.

The eighth wave of natural calamity, people spit blood.

In the ninth wave of the disaster, all the internal organs and organs were damaged.

Looking at Jieyun, Gu Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, there are ten catastrophes, which are better than most of them.

This is the penultimate wave of natural calamity. It doesn't matter if you are seriously damaged.

The last wave of natural calamity is the one among the heart evil robberies, and it is not affected by serious injuries. "

At this time, the eight elves and emperors only felt that the scenery in front of them was changing, and they even entered a dreamland at the same time.

Here, it's a forest.

A forest burning with fire and all trees charred.

The shrill cry came from the trees.

They are dancing and struggling.

The trees are all tree people!

Obviously, this is the demon robbery of the elf emperor.

Those burning tree people are her people.

"It's a boring robbery."

The elf emperor stood by coldly and was not moved.

This demon robbery really caught her weakness.

What she was most afraid of was to see her people being slaughtered.

This is her deepest nightmare hidden in the bottom of her heart.

If she alone into the magic world created by the demons, perhaps it will cause her a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, she is not alone.

There are eight people here!

Seeing that the tree man was killed, the poor and afraid of saints, Mo Jingyun, Feihong fairy and others, how could they be touched?

The eight people are of the same mind. As long as there is one soul clear and bright, they will not be trapped in the magic land. What's more, all eight people are sober now.

Eight people raised their right hand at the same time, and the power of soul gathered on the right hand.

A palm knife, gently across the void in front of.

Eight cracks suddenly appear, tearing up the magic land completely.

Welcome eight people, is a shining ray of Thunder Dragon.

The light comes from the treasure chest on the back of Thunder Dragon.

That is the gift from heaven for the success of the eight people's robbery!

It can be said that 90% of the whole process of the emperor's natural calamity, and eight of them had a perfect time.

The only imperfection is the last gift from heaven.

The difficulty of crossing the robbery is only one eighth.

The final harvest, of course, is only one eighth.


The treasure chest with heaven's gift was opened, and a ray of light flew out of it and fell into the heart of the fairy emperor's eyebrows.

This time, she was taken as the core, and the gift from heaven was naturally concentrated on her.

Naturally, the fairy emperor would not hide himself. As soon as the gift from heaven entered her body, it was divided into eight parts by her.

Seven rays of light, along the chain around his waist, flew toward the other seven.

At the same time, it appears in eight people!

In the sky, the sky has begun to dissipate and become empty in a flash.

At this point, the eight people's emperor's natural calamity was completely ended.

"Congratulations, eight. From now on, you will be the first emperor!"

The voice of Gu Xuan sounded in the ears of all.

He regained the power of the spirit, and stopped the operation of "covering the sky".

With Gu Xuan's words in his mouth, the chain of eight people's waists slowly shrinks back.

A powerful force suddenly acted on the eight people's bodies, pushing them straight out of the holy wood immortal tripod.

The eight people did not resist, but turned into eight escape lights, flew out and fell behind Gu Xuan.

With the arrival of eight people, Xiao ou, who was behind Gu Xuan, stumbled and almost lost his footing.

Small lotus root sour way: "you eight, still don't restrain your momentum.

If you can be promoted, the emperor of medicine will make great efforts

Small green eyes a turn, looking at the lotus root, a face to show off the color.

"Lotus root, don't worry. We just can't control this momentum for a while.

After all, just promoted, you know!

Don't worry. I won't hurt you.

From now on, I will be the king. Some people bully you and report my name! ""And my name!"

Xuezu also showed off his fangs with a grin.

Dashi also wanted to show off, but he always felt that what others had said and what he said was not new, so he fell into thinking.

Small lotus root in the heart of acid, become bitter.

"A bunch of stinky guys, stinky show off!"

Small lotus root hate teeth itching.

"Why, what's wrong with Shengmu xianding?

Why are there so many cracks? "

At this time, the spirit emperor had noticed the holy wood and immortal tripod in front of the ancient Xuan.

On the top of the holy wood immortal tripod, there are cracks of different depth and length.

These cracks are still expanding.

If this appearance appears on any piece of Jun Ming Di ware, it can be judged that it is abandoned.

Even, they can't keep their form and collapse directly.

But on the top of the holy wood and immortal tripod, there are still incantations and mysterious energy circling, collapsing but not collapsing.

Feihong fairy's face was full of apologies.

"In order to help us survive the robbery, the holy Muxian tripod was destroyed.

Gu Xuan, you have lost too much this time. "

Even though it has fallen into the category, it is also worth more than the ordinary first-class emperor.

Gu Xuan shrugged his shoulders.

"After all, it's just a tripod. If it's destroyed, it will be destroyed.

Sooner or later, I'll get a real immortal!

No, a lot of them! "

Xiaoding doesn't know when, and has been standing together with Xiaoou.

His eyes were full of salivation.

"Yes, it's destroyed.

It's enough for the boss to have my invincible Bu Tian Ding.

The holy wood and immortal tripod is not worth mentioning

Gu Xuan took a look at the small tripod.

"Since it's not worth mentioning, what is your appearance of reincarnation like a starving ghost?

It's going to crash right away, or I'll try to save it?

Even if can not save, also reluctantly let it whole remain, leave a memorial?

In the future, if you go out to brag, I will be a person who has owned immortal tools. Isn't it beautiful? "

Xiaoding is in a hurry.

"No! It is past hope. When it has not collapsed, it still keeps the essence of the fairy organ, so that I can swallow it.

Sometimes, I am also very enterprising and want to improve myself! "

The small tripod did not wait for Gu Xuan's consent, then flew up, and its body became bigger in the wind. In a moment, it became a hundred feet in size.

In front of him, the eighty-eight foot holy wooden tripod seemed a big circle smaller.


The cauldron cover of mending heaven rises from the sky.

A force of swallowing and sucking comes from the small tripod.

Shengmuxian tripod was directly swallowed into the stomach by the small tripod.

Bang Dang.

The lid of the tripod fell.

The body of Xiaoding shrinks rapidly and falls in front of the ancient Xuan body.

"Come on, boss. I can't refine it.

Throw some chaos flame into my body and help me refine it.

Be careful not to burn me

Looking at Xiaoding's anxious appearance, everyone only felt funny.

According to ancient Xuanyi, he opened the lid of the cauldron and threw a mass of chaos into the cauldron.

Xiaoding suddenly appeared a kind of intoxicated breath, he seemed to be drunk in general, stumbled to the side to jump.

"I need a little time, boss. You must wait for me.

Don't leave me in a god killing graveyard, one... "

Before Xiaoding finished his words, he fell into a state of silence as if he were asleep.

Small lotus root looks at the small Ding appearance, pouts up the mouth, a pair of heartbroken appearance, fell at Gu Xuan's feet, a hug his feet.

"The smelly bat and the bald dragon have become saints, and the small tripod has gone to swallow the immortal utensils.

They didn't do anything!

This medicine emperor is to contribute to the original fire, but also contribute to the body, it can be said that the vitality of the great injury!

You take me as suqi'er, take pity on me and make up for it?

It's better to help me become a medicine saint. If I can't, I'll be promoted to chaos Shengyan?

Oh, boss, don't throw me, don't throw me... "


The lotus root turned into a meteor in the sky.

Gu Xuan coughed twice.

"When we just passed through the robbery, we all got the gift from heaven. However, it was not a complete gift from heaven.

Therefore, you still need to consolidate your holy monarchy.

In addition, you are all seriously injured, and you need to take good care of them.

Time is running out. I'll help you and try to finish it in two daysThey nodded and sat down with their knees crossed.

Gu Xuan took out some pills, gave them to eight people, and began to help them heal and consolidate their realm.

Two days passed in such a hurry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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