The power of a sword breaks the void.

Sharp sword spirit, straight up the sky, as if to cut the whole sky in two!

The emperor's sword is in the hand of fengmanlou. A sword at will is comparable to the one with all one's strength under the skill of shuishengzun!

All the soldiers watching the battle were frightened and frightened.

This sword, too strong!

It's so strong that all the people watching the war feel unable to resist it!

Even if any one of the middle level monarch here, also dare not lightly say can block this sword!

Gu Xuan only felt that his whole body was covered by a sharp sword.

Even the space around the body seems to be a bog.

Even if he moves, he will be subject to great resistance.

In addition, the "sky spider binding" that covered the whole body of the ancient Xuan was the energy that was not confined in the ancient Xuan body all the time.

In any case, Gu Xuan is dead now!

But in his eyes, there was no wave.

It's a joke to want to tie him up with a spider web!


Black flame, from the ancient Xuan body.

Even for a moment, the spider has been burned into nothingness.

At the same time, Gu Xuan's left hand in front of his body gently spread out a book with a rustic flavor, which has already appeared in his hand.

This book is the book of life and death!

Whoa, whoa.

The pages of the book opened automatically when there was no wind.

The majestic Qi of life and death turned into two giant dragons, circling and entangled on the body of ancient Xuan.

Finally, the heads of the two dragons were fixed on the left and right shoulders of guxuan.

They look at the back of Gu Xuan's body. Their eyes are like whirlpool. They can see through everything and let everything sink.

"Life and death book, help me!

Please Xuanwu

In ancient Xuan's mouth, there were words and phrases, just like the sounds of heaven.


The void trembled.

A shield like a tortoise shell suddenly appeared behind the ancient Xuan.

On this shield, there are extremely mysterious patterns that capture the nature of heaven and earth, which can not be outlined by human beings.


The sound of gold and iron strike sounded, and the sound waves swayed everywhere. It seemed that the sky was shaking.

The sword in the hand of fengmanlou is completely blocked by the shield of tortoise shell. It is difficult to move forward any more.

Strong anti shock force, so that the wind around the floor arm suddenly a pain.

The magic sword in his hand is actually out of his hand.

Feng manlou's face changed slightly. He was about to change his moves. However, he felt a great force coming from the shield.

The shield is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the shield gets bigger, the wind pushes the building back and forth.


The face of the wind all over the building became more and more ugly.

In the blink of an eye, he was pushed dozens of feet away.

And the shield, which had risen to the size of a hundred Zhang, was firmly protected behind the ancient Xuan like a mountain.

"No, this is not a shield, but a real Xuanwu beast!

However, all the things called out through the book of life and death are dead things. How can they be so powerful?

How can you stop my sword

The wind is all over the building and the corners of the mouth are twitching.

"Gu Xuan, are you afraid of this seat?

Do you dare to fight with shuishengzun with a sword, but dare not compete with me in kendo?

You want to hide under the tortoise shell and be a shrinking turtle? "

The wind fills the building and excites the ancient mystery.

A crowd of onlookers were already stunned.

At the moment, I heard the wind all over the building and immediately echoed it.

"It's not fair! It's cheating

"Gu Xuan, you traitor, you are despicable.

Have the ability to take back the spirit of Xuanwu god beast, and fight fairly with the emperor! "

"The head shrinking turtle, the scum of the heaven!"

The sound of scolding never stops.

Gu Xuan did not know when, had already stood on the top of the Xuanwu god beast, flying in white, like a God.

He was as cool as a cucumber, and all the words of ridicule and fury didn't seem to get into his ears.

"It's a joke. When did I say that I would compete with you in kendo?

You and I are fighting for life and death. Naturally, we depend on our abilities.

Can you use the son of Heaven Sword given by your cheap father, but can't I use the book of life and death?

It's all made by the emperor. How can I take advantage of you? "

Once Gu Xuan retorted and quarreled, it must be the enemy who couldn't stand it.

That sentence "cheap father", let the wind all over the building, as well as a number of heavenly emissaries and holy gate martial arts, all red eyes.Cheap dad?

What does that mean?

Are you insulting the emperor or the emperor?

Anyway, it's a capital crime!

"What a shame! Do you really think you can save you with this turtle.

The soul of the dead spirit called by the book of life and death is limited no matter how strong it is.

In order to resist the pull of the rules of the nether world, the energy consumed by you is even greater. I want to see how long you can persist!

Die to this seat

The wind filled the building with a roar and stepped out, then turned into a rainbow and appeared on the top of the ancient Xuan.

He danced the emperor's sword in his hand and chopped it towards the top of Gu Xuan's head!

Whew! Whew!

The sound of breaking the sky suddenly rises, and illusions abound.

At this moment, the wind is full of buildings, as if the incarnation of a emperor wearing a dragon robe. With a shout of arms, you can be proud of the king in the world!

"The emperor's sword, the emperor's nine swords!"


The emperor's sword was in the void and turned into nine swords!

The nine swords were in the air and formed a sword array, which covered the ancient Xuan with incomparable power and change.

Gu Xuan was staring at the wind all over the building. His black and white eyes seemed to be able to see everything.

The wind is full of the nine swords of emperor Lin.

From this sword, he can see the shadow of the water saint when he displayed the nine forms of heaven.

He had a sudden insight.

Water Saint Zun's so-called "Heaven's nine forms", although only six, or in other words, he only knows the first six.

But even so, Gu Xuan had already seen that it was a simplified version of the emperor's nine swords.

The final complete version of the "emperor's nine Swords" should be a sword array.

With a sword cut out, you will be able to exert the incomparable power of the sword array. This skill can be called terror!

In Gu Xuan's eyes, the shadow of the two magic swords, one black and one white, was slightly shining.

In ancient Xuan's mind, there are countless illusions. One move is in one form, and the sword technique is disassembled.

For a moment, Kendo in his heart had a new understanding.

This set of "nine swords of emperor's presence" brought a lot of inspiration to Gu Xuan, as if opening a brand-new door in front of him!

But this is not the time to think about it.

Blocking this sword is the key!

Everything, just like the wind full floor said.

In order to maintain the existence of Xuanwu god beast, and still exist in such a powerful way, the energy consumed is huge.

Even if it's yourself, it can't last.

Blocking the wind all over the building is the limit!

Gu Xuan pinched out a few fingers with his left hand and entered the book of life and death.

The Xuanwu god beast roared, taking it as the center, a light shield suddenly came out, covering all the ancient Xuan and it.


There was a terrible explosion.

The sword array formed by the nine swords of emperor bombarded the light shield thoroughly.


The light shield broke at the sound.

The tortoise shell of the Xuanwu god beast also appeared a spider web like crack at the speed visible to the naked eye.


The Xuanwu beast dissipated in the void.

Push! Push!

The terrible power of counterattack made the ancient Xuan recede obliquely.

Step by step, four steps at a time, he stood firm.

Even the space has been stepped out of the cracks.

As for the wind over the building, it is inclined upward.

It's only when they fly out of the sky that they can stand firm. Compared with Gu Xuan's calm and self-confident, they can make a high-level judgment!

Just a blow, the wind full floor is a half lost move.

However, not only was he not angry, but his face was full of excitement.

"Hahaha, the spirit of Xuanwu beast is just like this.

Next, I'd like to see what else you can do?

The sword of the son of heaven can lead the power of heaven and earth, and the power of fuze to lift us to the realm of the middle level emperor temporarily

The wind all over the building aroused the natural force of heaven and earth within a hundred miles.

At the same time, there is an indescribable force, gathered together, although subtle, but extremely mysterious, extremely pure.

All the energy is gathered on the sword of the son of heaven.

The whole world seems to be in full swing. We should help him destroy the enemy!

The realm of fengmanlou, in an instant, has been upgraded from the realm of the first level to the middle level!


Once again, the wind filled the building into a rainbow, flying to the ancient Xuan with the momentum of penetrating the sun!

In a flash!

"The emperor's nine swords! Out , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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