The appearance of a slovenly man was unknown to the sky, but Gu Xuan saw it clearly.

What impresses Gu Xuan most about a slovenly man is not his beggar's clothes which are more realistic than real beggars, but his eyes full of vicissitudes.

That pair of eyes, filled with a variety of complex emotions.

There is anger, there is pain, there is regret.

It's not. It's excitement.

Even though the slovenly man was laughing, Gu Xuan could not see any excitement or joy in his eyes.

When Gu Xuan put all the focus of his soul power on the dirty man's eyes, trying to see something, those eyes suddenly flashed a fine light.


The slovenly man took the three magic pills on the ground and disappeared without a trace.

Gu Xuan smiles.

"Have you been found? That slovenly guy, no matter the realm, or the strength of the soul, seems to be unusual, even I don't see the clue.

Is he a middle or a high king

Gu Xuan guessed secretly in his heart.

But how can such a thing be easily guessed?

After all, both sides didn't even fight head-on.

"Although we can't confirm his realm, we can be sure that he is a strong enemy no matter whether he is a middle-level or a high-level emperor!"

Gu Xuan had a strong premonition that they would meet again soon.

"I just hope that at that time, even if we are not friends, at least, we should not be enemies!"

Gu Xuan suddenly had this idea in his mind.

When this idea appeared, I was a little surprised.

He shook his head, leaving behind all the images of a slovenly man in his head.

Star to the sky stood behind the ancient Xuan, his face was not good-looking, and he stopped talking several times.

Finally, he finally plucked up the courage to say what he wanted to say.

"Mr. Gu Xuan, in fact, the scenery along the way in the depth of the Seven Star region is very good.

In particular, the "nine finger snow Valley" in front of us is the center of the whole seven star region. It is not only extremely beautiful, but also has many opportunities.

When the seven star world was still in existence, many warriors came to explore here every year.

In my memory, a million years ago, there were a large number of warriors every year who got the chance to improve their own realm.

If you want to see it, I can take you around as a guide. "

Gu Xuan laughed.

"No interest."

The star twitched to the corner of the sky's mouth. Although he had known that Gu Xuan would refuse, he refused too simply.

At least think about it and refuse yourself!

Flying boat, continue to move forward at a very fast speed.

A snowy Valley soon appeared below them.

From the top down, the snow Valley looks like two palms.

However, two palms add up, only nine fingers, which is worthy of the name of "nine fingers snow Valley".

Snow Valley, in addition to white, or white.

The sky clearly did not snow, but inside, it was covered with thick snow.

What's more, the snow, even in the sun, did not melt.

"Why? It was... "

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly found that in the snow Valley, there were several green dots. He was chasing after them, as if he were killing a fierce beast.

"It's the green winged sword beetle, Lord Gu Xuan!

I didn't expect that there are also green winged bladders here, and it seems that they are also mutated!

Shall we go down and have a look? "

The star said excitedly to the sky.

Gu Xuan took back his eyes and put his hands on his back.

"No interest."

The excited color on the face of the star to the sky suddenly solidified.

Soon, the boat flew over the "nine finger snow Valley".

Star to the sky is anxious to scratch the cheek, according to this speed down, at most one day and one night, ancient Xuan will be able to reach the star moon city.

Now, the people of the Seven Star region are not ready for everything. If Ren guxuan goes so soon, everything will be over.

Gu Xuan always looked ahead, but his soul power was always paying attention to every move of the star to the sky.

Star to the sky in mind what is thinking, Gu Xuan is very clear.

But he doesn't matter.

No matter what the Seven Star region was arranging, Gu Xuan felt that it didn't matter.

Even if they set a trap, Gu Xuan also had confidence and left safely with his power.

In fact, Gu Xuan had already made up his mind that he would not arrive at Xingyue city too soon. Instead, he would give them enough time to prepare for everything.

But, this idea, he did not reveal to the stars to the sky.

Such a long journey, so boring, nothing to see the stars to the sky suffering, anxious like a monkey like appearance, seems to be very interesting."Master Gu Xuan, I suddenly have a stomachache!

I suspect that I am possessed in practicing martial arts, which leads to diarrhea. I will go down and solve it!

You wait for me, you must wait for me! "

The star suddenly uttered such a remark to the sky. With a whoosh, it turned into a hidden light and flew down.

Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows.

Is this guy deliberately rubbing his IQ on the ground?

Holy king, crazy, diarrhea?

I don't know how many years I haven't eaten food since the existence of Bigu. Can you have diarrhea?

What's more, I haven't heard of being possessed by the devil and can cause diarrhea?

"Come back to my Lord!"

Gu Xuan clapped it with his right hand.


A huge palm, directly condensed in the void, with the sound of wind and thunder, falls down.

In an instant, he will fly down the star to the sky to seize.


The star was thrown back to the sky and landed on the boat.

At this moment, he was a little confused.

In the whole process, he didn't even have the slightest resistance.

"You Your strength has improved again. Congratulations!

It's really worth celebrating. It's worth... "

Star to the sky scared some incoherent.

"Shut up!"

Gu Xuan angrily scolded.

"You really think my Lord has a good temper, don't you?

If you want to procrastinate, you can think of such a stupid excuse!

My patriarch is very curious. What are the aborigines of the Seven Star region planning?

Are you planning to escape and leave the burning sky?

Or are you going to build a cozy nest and get all your people in? "

When star Xiang Tian hears the word "happy nest", his face changes involuntarily.

"You How do you know?

Along the way, I never let slip a word. You really... "

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

"How do I know? Of course, it's in your head.

You want to delay time for several times, and you are still so obvious. My Lord has already expected that you must be arranging something. I don't want to be known by me.

In this situation, if you really have any plans, do you have a third choice in addition to escape and hiding?

Escape, as difficult as heaven, even if you can do, it is impossible to take all the people.

So, we have to hide. "

Star to the sky is a butt, fall on the boat.

After all, I'm too naive to hide from Gu Xuan?

Since Gu Xuan already knew all this, the arrangement of his own people had to be in vain.

"Come on, how long will it take for you to complete the arrangement?

No matter how much time you need, I will give it to you! "

Gu Xuan suddenly asked.

The star was stunned to the sky.

For a moment, his brain seemed to be short circuited, but he couldn't react.

He couldn't think of it. What was the purpose of Gu Xuan's words?

"Seven, oh no, ten days!

It will take at least ten days to set it up! "

Star to the sky is to say seven days, but the words to the mouth, and extremely clever changed to ten days.

The speed of the boat slowed down as he read.

"In that case, I'll give you ten days."

The stars are happy to the sky.

"Thank you very much

Gu Xuan waved his hand.

"You don't have to thank me. I just want you, the Seven Star aborigines, to recognize a reality.

That is, whether you want to escape or hide, you can't succeed!

Even in front of me can not succeed in the plan, not to mention, want to escape the expedition of the messenger of heaven, and the coming catastrophe.

You will face only despair

The star was stunned again.

His eyes are full of confusion.

But soon the blank color in his eyes disappeared.

"No, it's impossible. Our arrangement is perfect and will be successful!

The seven star world will be immortal forever

Star to the sky clenched his fist, staring at the ancient Xuan, firm way.

Gu Xuan disdained a smile and kicked the star to the sky and flew out.

"My Lord is hungry. Go and catch some fierce animals!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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