Gu Xuan was staring at the dust floating in front of his eyes, and could see clearly every stripe on it.

The power of the spirit is around this dust, the dust inside and outside, all see through.

It's been half an hour since I kept this state.

Xing xiangtian stood beside Gu Xuan for half an hour with a sarcastic look on his face.

When Gu Xuan began to observe the dust, he really scared the stars to the sky, thinking that Gu Xuan had really discovered the secret place of mountains and rivers.

But after seeing the dust suspended in front of the ancient Xuan, the star calmed down to the sky.

That is clearly a grain of ordinary dust, and how can it be transformed by mountains and rivers?

Gu Xuan's appearance, in the view of xingxiangtian, was just to cover up his embarrassment. He refused to admit that he had made a mistake. He wanted face and suffered a lot!

"Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan, even if you can see the flowers in front of you, you can't turn an ordinary dust into a secret place of mountains and rivers."

The star sneered at the sky.

Gu Xuan didn't pay attention to the stars.

The dust in front of us, on the surface, is indeed an ordinary dust.

But the more ancient xuanyue looked at it, the more he felt that the dust was greasy.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that this dust has a mysterious place which is hard to say.

As if this dust can speak, all the time tell others, it is a common dust.

This feeling, too uncomfortable.

It was strange to see Gu Xuan for half an hour, but he could not be sure whether it was an ordinary dust.

Of course, there are many other ways to prove the authenticity of this grain of dust, such as burning with flame and refining with energy.

If it is really a grain of ordinary dust, such a burning, a refining, will directly become nothingness.

Gu Xuan did not.

First of all, he was holding a breath in his heart. He didn't believe that he could not discover the mystery without these methods.

Second, he felt vaguely that he could not do this. Once he did, something unexpected might happen to him.

Gu Xuan always believed in his intuition.

Since we have this intuition, it means that we can't really do this.

After all, he had the great cause and effect technique, and he was more sensitive to the cause and effect than the general sage.

Of course, the most important thing is, it doesn't help.

Even if it is proved that this dust is the secret place of mountains and rivers, then what?

Isn't it impossible to open the entrance?

But if we can discover the deep mystery, it will be different.

"Half an hour is not enough. My Lord will look at it for another half hour.

I don't believe it. I can't see any clue! "

In his heart, Gu Xuan competed with himself.

Then, under the scorching sun, it was half an hour, quietly passed away.

Star to the sky is no longer willing to stand, but lying on the ground, a face comfortable.

However, his eyes always looked at the direction of the ancient Xuan. Of course, he was not looking at the ancient Xuan, but at the grain of dust floating in front of the ancient Xuan.

He has produced several times, directly a torch that dust, refining into nothingness, and then make a good mockery of Gu Xuan.

However, this impulse was suppressed by him.

We are enemies. Since Gu Xuan is willing to do such a stupid thing, let him do it. How can he help him?

At this time, the top of an ancient pagoda.

Fierce and an old man, have been staring at the Xuanguang mirror in front of him for an hour.

The old man frowned and scratched his head. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Finally, I can't stand it.

"Old man, are you deceiving me?

You say that dust must be a secret place of mountains and rivers.

But why did my great Shizu observe for so long, it seems that there is no discovery?

In my great master's eyes, I should have seen it in minutes.

What's wrong with it? "

At the same time, he tried to talk from the old man.

The old man rolled his eyes violently.

"Don't you look like I scratch my ears?

Do you know why I look like that?

That's not right!

Obviously, it is a secret place of mountains and rivers. With the ability of ancient Xuan, since he can find the right answer in the vast dust, how can he still not see that it is greasy? "

The old man began to scratch his ears again. It seemed that he was more anxious than Gu Xuan.

I squinted a lot.

"I'm more interested in what you're doing now than that dust.You are also a native of the Seven Star region. Shouldn't you expect my great master to fail?

How could it be... "

The old man gave a fierce look.

"One more bite of a native, and I'll cut your tongue.

We are the warriors of the seven star world! Hum

He squinted again.

"The old man is really a cat. I was not a native just now, and he didn't have any opinions.

Now the reaction is so big, clearly do not want to answer my question, deliberately digs the topic.

Is it to say that the old man and the other aborigines do not deal with them and do not want them to be better off? "

Fierce thinking.

In the Xuanguang mirror, Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly flashed a fine light.

Suddenly he looked at the stars and the sky.

I seem to have been ignoring a problem.

A problem that shouldn't have been ignored.

"I just care about fighting with myself, but I forget this one.

Since only the martial arts of the seven star world can open the entrance of the mountain and river secret place and enter the mountain and river secret place by some means.

Is it true that only the martial arts of the mountain and river secret land can discover the real mountain and river secret land

Gu Xuan held his chin.

his soul as like as two peas, and changed from star to sky.

In order to show off before, he had changed his soul breath in front of the stars.

However, after the star showed enough shock to the sky, he was content to change back.

After all, sustaining the change of soul breath will also cost the soul and mind.

After changing his own soul breath, Gu Xuan waved his right hand, and a force of soul fell on the star to the sky.

as like as two peas, the soul of heaven is just like the ancient mystery.

Xing xiangtian found the changes in Gu Xuan and himself, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He didn't understand why Gu Xuan did this. He only scolded Gu Xuan in his heart, and then continued to look at Gu Xuan as if he were watching a monkey play.

Gu Xuan will disguise as a star to heaven's soul power, released in front of the suspension of a grain of dust.

"Sure enough!"

Gu Xuan's eyes brightened.

With the spirit of the stars to the sky, plus the strength of their own spirit, the dust in front of them finally changed.

The veins on the dust, originally there were 80, looked disorderly and irregular.

But now, a new striation, and the previous one, perfectly fit together, making the whole dust become mysterious.

These veins, like the meridians of martial arts, have an indescribable energy in them, which is constantly flowing.

All of a sudden, the whole dust seemed to have changed from dead to living.

Gu Xuan pushed the pupil force of breaking the double pupil to the extreme, and saw clearly the energy flow direction in that stripe.

"All energy begins with new veins, and ends with new ones!

The eighty first fringe is the key of the key! "

Gu Xuan deduced it carefully.

The pattern and direction of the 81 stripes appeared in Gu Xuan's mind.

The ancient Xuan began to deduce the various effects of these 81 stripes after they were separated and when they were combined together.


Around the body of ancient Xuan, there was wind and energy circling.

A series of rules and regulations, suddenly condensed, suddenly dissipated.

The star turned white to the sky.

"Play the devil! It's so ridiculous

What? What's going on?

That dust, just in my eyes, is not like that!

It clearly had 81 stripes just now. Why now, there are only 80?

Is Is it... "

Star to the sky, a heart, fell to the bottom.

He's got it.

Their own spirit now belongs to the ancient Xuan!

The dust that I see now is what it looks like before ancient Xuan!

But that is not the real appearance of dust, but disguised!

And after Gu Xuan simulated his own soul breath, he saw that dust, the real appearance!

And, because of his stronger soul and insight, he saw much more than himself!

That dust is really the secret place of mountains and rivers! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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