A hundred miles away is not far for any high-ranking monarch.

Slovenly Dandi and Li Wuya are flying with all their strength, and a few breathing skills will come.

The map of mountains and rivers has appeared in their sight.

This is supposed to be a happy thing, slovenly Dandi and Li Wuya's faces are not good.

According to the previous assumption when they were under the ground, they only blocked the area of tens of miles at most.

But the map of mountains and rivers, actually appeared a hundred miles away.

This means that if we follow the original plan, the map of mountains and rivers has been completely hidden and can no longer be found.

Fortunately, the mountain and river map suddenly changed, and there was a huge explosion in the void, which made the sloppy Dandi and Li Wuya aware of its trace.


Slovenly Dandi and Li Wuya put the mountain and river map in the middle.

They didn't rush in or attack directly.

If all this is a wolf's plot directed by himself, it will be dangerous to approach rashly.

"Stupid wolf, where are you going now?"

He stares at the mountain and river map coldly.

At this time, the wolf head on the mountain and river map has disappeared.

So, after waiting for a long time, there was no wolf's voice on the mountain and river map.

At this time, only listen to a hum, mountain and river map in the void trembling, a sharp sword, from the shoot, straight to the sky to stab!


The sword awn disappeared in the sky, as if through the sky!


Just after the sword disappeared, there was another fist meaning. It broke out from the map of mountains and rivers. It exploded in the void and shocked the whole area.

"The explosion just now is very similar to this one.

The stupid wolf was shouting at the fairy hall before. I'm afraid it was because Gu Xuan was attacking his fairy hall.

Gu Xuan was afraid that he had discovered the importance of the hall of immortals. He wanted to destroy the hall of immortals and make the space of mountain and river map appear loopholes, waiting for an opportunity to escape. "

Li Wuya speculated.

"I didn't expect that Gu Xuan's strength was so strong.

That stupid wolf has no chance to hide now, unless he can suppress Gu Xuan, who is making trouble in the map of mountains and rivers. "

His face was full of schadenfreude.

Now, they don't have to rush to attack the mountain and river map. They just need to wait for the opportunity.

However, untidy Dandi didn't have the idea of waiting. Since he knew that Gu Xuan was making trouble inside the mountain and river map, he would take this opportunity to attack the mountain and river map from the outside.

If the mountain and river map can be destroyed, then the wolf head will be severely damaged.

At that time, it will be easy to recognize him.

Therefore, it is not a conspiracy to make sure that the wolf head disappears from the mountain and river map. The untidy Dandi is the first to take action.

With a wave of his hand, a small tripod flew out from between his long sleeves.

The small tripod will rise in the wind, and in an instant it will rise to ten feet.

"Guiyuan Shending, hit me!"

Dirty Dandi cold drink, a map of mountains and rivers.


Guiyuan God Ding into a streamer, with the force of heaven and earth, with unstoppable potential, hit the mountain and river map.


A huge explosion, in the void.

The mountain and river map suddenly is an earthquake, a wave of energy appears on the mountain and river map, making the mountains and rivers on the map vibrate, as if they will collapse at any time.

Especially on the river, the mixed black and White Palace gives people a sense of tottering.

"Damn it! You must have colluded!

In the mountain and river map, the ancient Xuan attacks the immortal Hall of this seat, while you are outside, directly attacking the mountain and river map itself.

You don't want to recognize the main mountain and river map. Do you want to die? "

The voice of the wolf head is extremely angry, which explodes inside and outside the mountain and river map at the same time.

Mountains and rivers.

Gu Xuan held the sword in his right hand, while on his left hand, he condensed the pure fist meaning.

The wolf head is suspended in front of the palace gate and stares at Gu Xuan.

They have just done a few moves.

It's mainly Gu Xuan's attack and wolves' defense.

Not long ago, Gu Xuan defeated the one armed emperor and was ready to enter the immortal hall.

Unfortunately, the fairy hall has been closed, and the ancient Xuan couldn't get in.

This made Gu Xuan uncomfortable.

Even the stars to the sky can enter the hall of fairies, he actually can not enter, this is also good?

In addition, Gu Xuan speculated that this immortal hall is the core of the mountain and river map. As long as it is destroyed, the mountain and river map will immediately have loopholes, and people can no longer be trapped.

Therefore, Gu Xuan immediately attacked the immortal palace several times.It is precisely because of this that this caused such a big movement, so that the mountain and river map, which had already escaped and hidden hope, was once again exposed in the eyes of the toothless and slovenly Dandi.

If you want to go to the bottom of the mountain, you can't get into the river.

It's a pity that Gu Xuan didn't give the wolf a chance.

As soon as the wolf head appeared, Gu Xuan was sure that his guess was true. The immortal hall was definitely the core of the mountain and river map.

Therefore, Gu Xuan still launched an attack on the immortal hall, forcing the wolves to stop in a hurry. In a hurry, even at the risk, he transferred part of his sword and fist intention directly to the outside world, and was not willing to have any energy to fall on the immortal hall.

When Li Wuya and slovenly Dandi found the mountain and river map, they saw a sword that soared into the sky, and the fist meaning that made the void explode, which was the power that the wolf head transferred out.

Gu Xuan looked at the sky, his eyes flashed a touch of doubt.

However, this trace of suspicious color, only a flash away, the wolf head did not find.

"The sound of the explosion just now came from the outside.

That is to say, there are also people outside attacking the mountain and river map.

Listening to the tone of wolf head just now, I'm afraid it thinks that I and the people outside are together.

I'm just going to cheat him

Gu Xuan's thoughts suddenly changed, and a smile of conspiracy appeared on his face.

As a king, acting must pass.

"Ha ha ha ha, you are really a stupid wolf. You didn't react until now?

Do you really think that this patriarch is the first emperor?

I'm just pretending to be the first emperor. Otherwise, how could you take me into this mountain and river map without any precaution?

Now, it's just a matter of time before we fight you down and take you in.

What's more, do you think the warriors of the Seven Star Kingdom are your welfare?

No, they are nothing but cannon fodder!

A bunch of cannon fodder for you to enter the urn

The tone of Gu Xuan is extremely proud.

Although his words are full of loopholes, but at this time the wolf head, has been angry, how can we have time to analyze the loopholes in ancient Xuanhua.

It had been suspected for a long time. At this time, it was "confirmed" by ancient Xuan. What happened before was like a conspiracy.

Wolf's eyes, more and more gloomy, full mouth teeth bite creak.

At this time, Gu Xuan suddenly noticed something, and his pupils shrank slightly.


An explosion was heard from inside the fairy hall.

"What? How is that possible? Who can reverse the chart and make it explode?

Damn it, when the astrolabe explodes, the prison will automatically lift its seal, and the star clan's hundred million warriors will not be trapped.

In order to reverse the chart, we must have the power of spirit!

Those people inside are all rubbish. How can they have the power of spirit? "

The wolf said to himself, obviously shocked to the extreme.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

Just now, Xing xiangtian did not know why, and his life was in danger.

Only then did Gu Xuan activate the power of the spirit and the means to protect his life. Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly reversed the so-called divine soul astrolabe?

Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions were heard inside the fairy hall.

A breath, in the depths of the fairy hall, can easily be detected from the outside.

It's the breath of the star warrior who's being held inside.

The breath is revealed, which means that they have been able to move freely without being sealed off in terms of body and strength as before.

"Damn it, it's terrible!

Dirty Dandi, you are so deep in your mind, I will say, how can you be so kind as to let me swallow up hundreds of millions of warriors of the star family.

It turns out, it's all conspiracy!

You have left the power of spirit in the body of astral people!

I've been cheated, I've been cheated! "

The wolf's head is completely broken down, and the raging energy bursts out of it.

Under its head, its dark body grows at the speed visible to the naked eye!

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