"Woo --"

the wolf spirit looked up at the sky and made a long roar in his mouth.

Rolling sound waves, rippling around, distort the space.

In this sound wave, it seems to contain some kind of rhythm of heaven and earth, which stimulates some supreme jurisprudence between heaven and earth.

Within the reach of sound waves, this has already become a world of color, and once again it has become the color of black and white.

"It's said that the Sirius fairy has two kinds of blood vessels of gods and beasts, and can realize two kinds of magical skills.

I have seen the first magic power of wolf spirit, which is a seal technique.

This must be its second power. "

Gu Xuan's expression was dignified. He only felt that the space within the range of thousands of Zhang was oppressing himself.

His body, which was comparable to that of the emperor, felt a sharp pain under the pressure, and had to urge the body protection energy to resist the pressure.

As for the toothless and slovenly Dandi, even the body protection treasures have been sacrificed, and a layer of body protection barrier has been covered on the two people.

But the protective barrier, under the impact of sound waves, actually has a sense of being eroded and is constantly consumed.

"He is fighting with me for control of the world of mountains and rivers, and I can't compete with it.

When the control of the world of mountains and rivers is controlled by it, the power of the second magic power will break out completely.

This is a force that is very close to the great perfection, and no one can resist it.

Let's seek our own good fortune

Li Wuya is constantly waving the indefinite pen of years, pointing and pointing. He shoots the power of laws from the tip of the pen to the wolf spirit, trying to block the magic power of the wolf spirit.

Unfortunately, it doesn't help at all.

At the beginning of the year, the pen attack can be close to the wolf spirit within three Zhang.

But then, they can only get close to five Zhang, ten Zhang.

Now, as soon as you leave the tip of the pen more than ten feet away, you will get into the distorted space. If you want to get close to the wolf spirit, you can't do it.

Wolf Ling looked at the toothless, more ferocious expression on his face, more proud.

"Wuwu --"

the wolf spirit is still roaring.

Sound wave has spread to the whole world of mountains and rivers.

Here, once again turned into a black and white world, space distortion is more intense, almost visible to the naked eye.

Strangely enough, no matter how distorted the space is, there is no sign of it being broken.

Even the more distorted the space, the more tenacious it is.

The three ancient Xuans, as if they were deeply mired in the mire, were extremely laborious in their every move.

A sense of suffocation enveloped them and grew stronger, as if to suffocate them.

Invisible, as if there is a big hand, has seized their throat.

Among them, two of them are top-notch high-ranking monarchs, and one has reached the level of high-level emperor.

When you are a middle-level sage, you can kill several with one slap.

But now, they have the feeling of suffocation, which is like the Arabian Nights, but it really happened.

The expression of the three ancient Xuans became more dignified.

The wolf spirit's second magic power has already possessed such power before it has completely erupted. It's really terrible.

Once a real attack comes, how powerful will it be?

"You can't go on like this, you have to break this sense of bondage.

Wolf spirit is squeezing our mind and God, trying to make us despair!

You can't fall into this kind of atmosphere! "

A slovenly Dandi gritted his teeth, and his body suddenly glowed.

Gu Xuan's hands were imprinted, and his whole body was like a sword, sending out a soaring sword.

Li Wuya brandishes the indefinite pen of years, and a series of "broken" characters fly out from the tip of the pen.

But, still useless!

The feeling of suffocation did not abate at all.

His toothless face became extremely ugly.

"My years have not been fixed, and have been suppressed!

What's more, all the powers of wolf spirit's second magic power will explode immediately

Wolf Ling sneered.

"You are completely bound by me. Welcome your destruction."

"Wuwuwuwu --"

is another wolf's roar, resounding through the world.

The whole world of mountain and river map immediately changed.

All the mountains and rivers, all disappeared, the world seems to fall into chaos, illusion cluster.

Countless fierce beasts appear in the chaos.

Numerous ancient great powers also appear in the chaos.

They all roared, Qi Qi used amazing skills, and launched an attack on the three ancient Xuan people!

The sound wave of terror, the supreme art of killing, the law, the rules, and the method of attacking the soul, all appeared at this moment, and were enveloped in the three men.

The whole world is oppressing three people.The whole world wants to annihilate the three.

At the moment, the three ancient Xuan men were completely covered by the threat of death, which was a powerful attack they had never seen and heard of.

The faces of the three were hard to see.

Li Wuya takes the lead.

"Let me break this heavy sense of oppression, otherwise, you will not be able to give full play.

Don't leave your hand, or you will die "

years are not fixed, a pen will set mountains and rivers, a pen will control heaven and earth!"

A few drops of blood essence, along the sharp toothless right hand, has not entered the years of indeterminate pen.

Tip, red light.

He wrote a word "town" in the void!

As soon as this word appeared, the heaven and earth gave birth to a vision. Unexpectedly, from this piece of black-and-white space which was trapped in chaos, Shengsheng tore out a region full of colors.

This area of color suddenly enveloped the three of them.

The suffocation and heaviness of the three disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the word "town" in the void, like a meteor, collides with the attacks of fierce beasts and powerful men in the void.


There was a series of explosions.

However, such a terrible explosion failed to make the space that has been twisted to the extreme and appeared half space cracks.

The word "town" in the void soon dissipated. The fierce beasts and ancient great powers were aroused with ferocity, and they launched more violent attacks.


Li no teeth spit out a mouthful of blood, the years in the hands of indefinite pen, almost can not hold.

"I'm not. I'm running out of energy.

Next, it's up to you! "

In the eyes of sloppy Dandi, there was a flash of essence.

"It's enough that you can break through the chaos and let the space around us appear color and barely become a normal space.

My card is enough to dissolve the second magic power of wolf spirit!

Dragon Yuanyang tripod, help me

With a wave of his right hand, the tiny medicine cauldron that he had held in his hand grew in an instant and became a huge tripod with a full size of ten Zhang.

On the top of the medicine tripod, the little red dragon circling around also became a giant dragon.

"The secret of Yuanyang's Dragon turning!"

The slovenly emperor drank so much that his whole body was empty, just like the soul, flying towards the giant tripod.

In a flash, it did not enter the body of the dragon.

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks suddenly.

"It's a powerful skill. It turns the truth into emptiness, the body turns the soul, and the soul controls the dragon!

The dragon, originally a part of the medicine tripod of the emperor's order, now has its soul, which can be called the dragon shaped killing weapon!

What's more, it's an indestructible dragon shaped killer!

No wonder can be slovenly Dandi as the bottom card, this hand, enough and the most powerful peak of the king to pull the wrist.

Even the strong who can block the great perfection

The untidy Dandi was stunned.

"Why didn't you come up with such a unique move?

I'm afraid that dragon Yuanyang tripod is comparable to half an immortal vessel now.

Don't say to hurt wolf spirit, dissolve the second magic power of wolf spirit!

If it's resolved, we'll win! "

Gu Xuan frowned slightly.

I don't know why. He always feels that the magic power of wolf spirit is not so simple.

It's hard to beat wolf spirit!

's eyes became as like as two peas.

"Ao --"

the Dragon looked up to the sky and chanted, shaking the chaotic space in front of him.


The Dragon flew out of the cauldron and flew straight to where the wolf spirit was.

Boom! Boom!

In the chaos, all the attacks on the three ancient xuanren were attracted by the dragon and fell on it.

The sound of the explosion, which destroyed the sky and the earth, rang out one after another.

On the dragon, it immediately became riddled with holes.

But it is still straight toward the wolf spirit, even the speed has not been weakened.

Bang bang bang!

In the place where the Dragon passed, the illusions born in the chaos, the countless fierce beasts and ancient powerful men, were all smashed and scattered.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the dragon and the wolf spirit is only one Zhang!

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