The Imperial Palace in the sky seems to be covered with a layer of haze.

However, it seems that nothing has happened.

The whole heaven is still running in an orderly way.

Every day, the generals and ministers went to court as usual.

However, when people enter the palace, after they leave the palace, those who are familiar with them will find that some changes have taken place in their personality and breath.

Time, a flash is three months past.

The kingdom of heaven suddenly announced that the new king of the state, "cloud Lord," ascended the throne.

As a giant force in the western territory, every move of Tianchen shangguo has attracted much attention.

The news of the cloud Lord's accession to the throne has spread all over the western territory.

However, this news did not attract the attention of too many forces in the burning heaven world.

After all, on the eve of the Tianjie catastrophe, all the forces are preparing for it, and no one has so much spare time to pay attention to the affairs of the Heaven Kingdom.

As for the burning heaven catastrophe, anyone who has some strength and status knows that there is such a thing.

However, no one knows when and where the catastrophe will begin.

There is only one person who knows about it.

And this man is now in the palace of the kingdom of heaven.

"The world only knows that the catastrophe is coming, but who knows that the ultimate promoter of this catastrophe will be my ancient star cloud?"

In a palace, the ancient star cloud sits high on a dragon chair.

Below, there is a running array.

The array of Dharma is like a whirlpool, constantly rotating. At first glance, it looks like an abyss.

A bottomless abyss!

This abyss, connected to the top of the sky, is located in the sky burning the sky, almost a critical point.

There, there is a huge barrier, with unique rules and regulations, hovering above the barrier.

This is the interface barrier, a natural barrier between the burning heaven and the outer space.

If the outside warrior wants to enter the burning heaven world, it will be blocked if there is no recognition from the heaven.

The more powerful an external warrior is, the greater the obstacles will be.

When an external warrior at the level of the emperor wants to force his way through the interface barrier, the movement and stillness caused by it is tantamount to poking a hole in the sky.

Such a big move will be noticed by all the powerful people who burn the sky.

Therefore, the general outside strong, want to attack a world with the way of heaven, will first find the inside, and then slowly arrange.

If you can lay out a transmission array that can cross the interface barrier, it will be much simpler.

Such a transmission array, if you want to arrange it, is not a day's work, and its consumption is also great.

However, compared with the benefits brought by occupying a sector, the cost is almost the same as drizzle.

What the ancient star cloud is doing is to build such a transmission array that can cross the interface barrier.

"This transmission array, with my current strength, needs half a year to complete successfully.

Now it's been three months, and it's going to take three more months. It's really tough. "

The ancient Nebula murmurs to itself.

Soon, there was a sinister look on his face.

"But no matter how much time it takes, it's worth it!

Gu Xuan, you hurt me so much that I wandered between the real world and the burning heaven world. I suffered a lot and even nearly fell down several times.

How can I not avenge this revenge?

I will take away your Qi, your skills, your soul and everything you have!

Including, my lovely younger martial brothers and sisters, they are going to die.

All those who are related to you are going to die! "

Gu Xingyun stood up from the Dragon chair, looked at the direction of yingtianzong and roared loudly.

The whole palace was shaken by his voice.

But the sound, outside the palace, could not be heard.

This means that the palace has been completely isolated from the outside.

The top of an ancient pagoda lies in the deep part of the Seven Star region.

Gu Xuan, fierce and toothless, as well as the four stars to the sky, are sitting cross legged on a six pointed star array.

The six pointed star array is shining with light, and the strong contract law has been hovering in it.

If you look carefully and fix the orbit of the law of contract, you will find that these tracks are a contract of "living and dying together".

With the star to the sky Shou yuan, only a few months left, fierce body also appeared the phenomenon of the decline of vitality, Gu Xuan had to start to prepare, to cut off the contract for the two.

Of course, it hasn't started yet.

Stars to the sky, although people are stupid, but the realm is real.

The contract of "living together and dying together" made by him is naturally a contract at the level of the emperor. The power of the contract contained in it is not that it can be cut off if it is cut off.The contract must be thoroughly studied.

Gu Xuan and Li Wuya are now in the stage of studying contract.

Every stripe, every law and every force of contract were observed and pondered over and over again by the two men.

But to crack it, it is too difficult to ensure that the star to the sky and powerful does not damage at all. Even if Gu Xuan and Li Wuya join hands, they are not sure.

However, the two people still did not give up, continue to inspire the star to the sky and fierce body of the contract, continue to observe.

After a long time, the star sighed to the sky.

"Mr. Gu Xuan, I'm a toothless old man. I can't do it. You don't have to pay attention to me.

You don't have to protect my life. You can do it with your strength, just to release the contract of fierce. "

Gu Xuan frowned.

"Don't talk nonsense. Since you have been mixed up with my Lord, there is absolutely no possibility that you will die."

"We have been studying for two months, and we have made little progress," Li said.

Because of the repeated battles these days, only half a year is left. We can't finish this half year, can we?

If you take care of the people of the star race, he will have no regrets if he dies. "

Gu Xuan snorted coldly.

"My Lord is the first Dan emperor in the world of burning heaven. This is the way of heaven that has always been a problem to me. I personally certified it.

In front of me, unless it is the five decline of heaven and man, and has reached the extreme.

Otherwise, the statement that Shou yuan was exhausted would not exist.

The problem now is that although I can make pills to help him prolong his life, the materials needed are too hard to find, not to mention half a year, even ten years, it may not be able to find all of them. "

This words a, star to the sky and the face of Li toothless, full of shock color.

"Do you have a way to prolong his life?

How could that be possible? His physical condition is very poor.

The longevity pills that should be eaten and the life prolonging methods that should be used up have been exhausted.

I'm afraid I can't even help him.

That's not what you said

Li Wuya doubted his ears and doubted that Gu Xuan was boasting.

Gu Xuan glanced at him with a sharp toothless look.

"It's not just me, even if it's a slovenly Dandi guy, I'm afraid there are no less than three ways to prolong his life. It's just worth it.

For example, it is difficult to find the herbs needed to refine the longevity pills that he can use, and the cost is extremely high.

With the same value of medicinal materials, ten first-class sages may not be able to exchange for their lives.

How could anyone find these herbs to make pills for him?

With that Kung Fu, would it not be nice to exchange the loyalty of ten first-class kings

Li Wuyang shook his head.

The star looks down to the sky.

Both of them knew that Gu Xuan was telling the truth.

How could it be impossible to prolong the life of a simple first-class monarch at all costs?

The point is, whether it's worth it or not.

Not to mention other people, even if they are toothless, they are actually a taboo skill, which can consume their own longevity yuan and prolong their life for others.

It's just, it's too expensive.

To prolong one year's life for another, one has to spend ten thousand years, even one hundred thousand years.

Li Wuya didn't want to do this.

No other reason, it's not worth it!

He can live ten thousand years or even 100000 years, which is much more than the role of stars living one year longer.

For a moment, the air calmed down.

I don't know how long it took, Gu Xuan seemed to think of something.

As soon as his eyes lit up, he suddenly stood up! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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