"I think of it!"

Ninety five twenty seven suddenly widened his eyes, staring at the big stone.

"I finally understood what was wrong.

Now we are going to steal together, but you say we have to pay for it!

What's the difference between sharing so much and eating alone?

Shouldn't it be fifty-five? "

Big stone's mouth twitched.

"Don't yell so loud. If someone finds out, it's not good.

We agreed before that you would lead the way and I would steal.

How dangerous it is to steal. Xiao Ou has been caught. I don't know if I will be caught!

I work more, but you work less. Naturally, I have to share more.

In 1991, how fair it is. If you make a lotus root, you can't even get that 10%

Nine five twenty seven stares at the big stone.

"I don't care. If you only give me 10%, you are eating alone.

It's wrong to eat alone!

It takes five to be fair! "

Dashi clenched his teeth and stretched out two fingers.

"No, I can't give you 20% at most!"

Ninety five twenty seven turned his lips.

"Then I won't go. At least six or four! "

Dashi's eyebrows were picked.

"No, you little girl, you are going too far.

Seven or three at most, no more! "

With tears in his eyes, he turned and walked back.

Dashi rushed up and held on to 9527.

"My aunt, June 4th is June 4th.

Lead the way quickly

Ninety five twenty seven shook off Dashi's hand.

"No, no, you bully me, you eat alone!"

Ninety five twenty seven cried very sad.

Dashi is most afraid of crying at the sight of 9527. It's a magic sound.

What's more, if she was seen in tears and bullied by others, she would immediately buckle her head.

Who can stand this?

Bullying 95-27, you'll be beaten!

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No!

Your brother Dashi is awe inspiring in justice, unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, and never eats alone

Dashi took another step back.

After that, they said, "brother Dashi is so nice." then they continued to bow and sneak forward.

Dashi felt regretful. He always felt that under the simple appearance of 9527, there was a heart with a black belly.

Otherwise, how can you make yourself confused and agree to divide the account?

At the beginning of the day, when he encouraged himself to steal things, he said that he would share the bill!

Moreover, it seems that the requirement of "91 points" was put forward by 9527.

At the beginning, I wanted to give it to 73!

"Yaoshou, my great Shizu, have you been calculated?"

Dashi looked at 9527 in horror.

But soon, he thought of a more frightening question.

After a long time, he didn't even know what to steal!

Nine five two seven is a sentence, even small lotus elder brother this medicine emperor can see of thing, presumably must be a good thing, gave him to encourage come over!

"Miscalculation, miscalculation! I thought 9527 was on the first floor, and I was on the second floor.

I never thought that 9527 was on the third floor! "

Dashi is bitter in heart.

But he can't say.

"Brother Dashi, do we have to walk with a bow like this?"

Asked ninety-five twenty-seven in a low voice.

Dashi turned his head and looked at the innocent eyes of 9527. Suddenly, he felt that he had just thought too much.

This 9527 is a child. How can he have such deep thoughts?

"I'm a thief after all. Of course, I have to be careful.

By the way, didn't you say that this forest will be there soon?

Why haven't you seen that black spring for so long? "

Dashi stood on tiptoe and looked ahead as if he wanted to see through the woods and find the black spring.

9527 said in a low voice: "that's right. Through the woods, we'll be there.

At most, there are more than three hundred Li left. "

Dashi almost fell to the ground.

"More than three hundred Li? You call this the woods?

Why didn't you say that earlier? "

Ninety five twenty seven bowed his head wrongly.

"You didn't ask."

Dashi took a deep breath, restrained the impulse to vomit blood, straightened up and covered his forehead.

"It's all my fault. I didn't ask.

Let's walk normally. Even if we fly for a while, it doesn't matter.

So far away, the owner of the black spring must not be aware of the energy fluctuation. "

An hour later.

9527 and Dashi finally walked out of the forest.

A black spring tens of feet in size appeared in their eyes.

"Look, brother Xiaoou not only changed back to his original shape, but also seemed to faint.

Too miserable, that villain is too hateful, must steal his treasure!

You'd better give him a good beating! "

"9527" was sulky and clenched his fist. His small fist went straight to the big stone's head.

Dashi holds his head and stares at Xiaoou in the black spring suspiciously.

"It's not like fainting, it's more like falling asleep?"

At this time, the black spring, was whipped a meal, scold tired, and sleep a little lotus root, youyou wake up.

"Why? Did you come to save me so soon?

This is the breath of 9527 and Dashi. I can't be wrong. I can't be more familiar with their breath. No matter how they hide it, they can't hide it from me.

They are both here. The boss must have come too.

After all, I'm his favorite little brother.

Tut Tut, the boss's ability of concealing breath is good!

With my current perception ability, I can't even detect it at all. It's amazing

Xiaoou is very excited, very excited, even can't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha..."

Laughter resounded through the sky.

"Lotus medicine emperor, what are you yelling at? Did you beat again?

I can tell you, don't pretend to be a fool, don't spit out a leaf of my lotus, and then compensate me for the loss, you can't leave! "

Outside the black spring, in a tomb, came an angry voice.

It sounds like the voice of a middle-aged man.

But, very weak, a lack of air in the appearance.

Xiao Ou smiles with disdain.

"It's ridiculous. You're not a human or a ghost. Do you deserve to take Yiye Xianlian?

That's my kind. It's my brother. If you eat it, it's just like eating me.

I won't let you succeed

The voice of lack of breath, more angry.

"Is yiyexianlian your brother? What did you do to your brother?

You have only two brothers in all, you swallow one directly!

If I didn't show up in time, your two brothers would have been poisoned. Do you have the face to say

Xiao Ou is still laughing with disdain.

"We are all lotus. Can we call it Tun?

It's fusion. Fusion, you know?

As the saying goes, one chopstick is easy to break, two chopsticks are not easy to break? "

A sneer came from the grave.

"Well! Fusion? I think you owe the whip

Small lotus head, void, and is extended out of a whip, hard to small lotus body.

Xiao Ou was whipped by the whip and screamed. The voice was as miserable as it was miserable. It was sad to hear and tears to see.

"Why? Lotus medicine emperor, why did you suddenly change your mind and scream so miserably?

Didn't you just be tough? "

The voice in the grave was puzzled.

Xiao ou still screamed: "boss, boss, I'm miserable.

I know you have come. Please come out and help me.

This guy is not a ghost, bullying your favorite little brother!

And nine five two seven, Dashi, I know you're here too. Come out quickly, let's join hands and beat the son of a bitch to death! "

Ninety five twenty seven


"Here comes your boss?"

The grave suddenly split, and a figure rose slowly from it.

"When the cabinet comes down, come out and let your little brother return the treasure to me!

What's more, I have to pay for my losses! "

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