Ancient pagoda, outside the room where Gu Xuan is.

Feeling more and more energy, they poured into the room. Elder Fenglei and Li Wuyu smoked at the same time.

"The scattered energy in the ancient pagoda should be absorbed by him.

Especially on the first floor of the ancient pagoda, there are many disciples practicing there!

Let your second elder martial sister know as soon as possible, and let her put more Benyuan pills! "

Wind thunder elder some flesh pain ground is commanding Li have no way.

Li Wuyu's face turned white.

Let him inform the second elder martial sister to release benyuandan?

In the past, anyone who tells the two elders to do this kind of consumption of the source pill will be resented.

This is the experience that elder martial brother Fenglei summed up by his own experience!

"The world is changing with each passing day, and people's hearts are changing forever. Let me be the boss?

you must be dreaming! If I don't, what can you do to me? "

Li Wuyu was proud and coquettish in his heart, but his body was honest. He quickly took out the phonetic talisman, contacted the two elders, briefly explained the situation here, and euphemistically conveyed the words of elder Fenglei.

After a while, except for the two elders, the other three elders rushed to Gu Xuan's room.

"Are you really asking?"

Although elder Zilan saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it.

"Genius! Genius! Although my younger martial brother is stupid, he is still not blind.

It's good for me to attract such a genius! "

Elder Yan Yan was surprised.

A human figure came in a flash.

"Do you want to exaggerate? It's a waste of time to have this talent of cultivation and to be distracted from the way of alchemy

The second elder in gorgeous clothes, after putting down the original Dan, also arrived here. Her face was full of heartache. She didn't know whether she was heartache for the pill or for Gu Xuan's not focusing on the martial arts.

"Don't make any noise. Don't disturb Gu Xuan's" asking ", although he will choose the first way in the end and directly break through to the realm of the middle emperor.

But if he wants to try the second way, he will not be beautiful if we disturb him.

Not only can we not speak, but we should also hide our own breath, so as not to let him have the slightest distraction! "

The wind thunder elder gave an order.

Such a genius, maybe in a few days, will be a member of the ancient pagoda. How can he make any mistakes in the matter of "asking".

Although several elders felt that Fenglei elder was making a fuss, they still stopped talking according to their words. They restrained their breath and stood quietly outside the room, hoping to witness the breakthrough of a peerless genius.

Only Li Wuyu is worried.

The situation in the tower master's place can't be delayed any longer, but Gu Xuan has just entered the state of "asking questions" at this juncture. What's the matter?

If Gu Xuan chooses the first way, he will be promoted successfully in three or five days at most.

If Gu Xuan chose the second way, it would be troublesome. In order to build a complete thoroughfare to heaven, he had to obtain the recognition of "the mind of Tao" and "the law of heaven and earth".

It takes time, but it can't be completed in one or two days.

In those days, elder martial brother Fenglei, who was so amazing, spent 100000 years to prove that he chose the first way correctly and the second way funny.

"Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan, I'm counting on you!

Don't let it get to you

Li Wuyu was very anxious, but he could not say.

In the room, Gu Xuan, sitting with his knees crossed, had five more marks in his eyebrows.

These five marks are completely condensed by the power of law. Each has its own pattern, color and energy.

They keep circling, it seems that they want to integrate, but they are similar and dislike, unable to integrate together.

If Gao Mingwu, who is good at the five elements, is here, he will find that the energy breath of the five marks corresponds to the energy of the five elements.

Even the color is similar to the purest energy of the five elements.

Yellow earth line mark, red fire line mark, gold line mark, blue wood line mark, blue water line mark.

In the ocean of consciousness of Gu Xuan.

There are still two roads in the void.

But the one on the left is dim.

On the right is a thoroughfare, but it is full of light and various colors. Sometimes there are vegetation growing, sometimes there are torrential rain, sometimes there are flames rising

The most pure force of the five elements, which can trigger the vision, one by one appears on the thoroughfare.

If you look at it carefully, you can see that a mini ancient Xuan, standing on the thoroughfare, not far from the starting point, is making a seal with both hands, arousing great energy and condensing countless five element runes.

These runes, hovering around the body of ancient Xuan, are arranged and combined with each other in a very mysterious way.

However, the combination of these runes seems to be harmonious in some places, but it's very strange in some places. In some places, the five element runes are fighting. You don't agree with me, and I don't agree with you. If you want to drive away other runes, you will be the only one.

However, with the passage of time, more and more runes are combined, and they all seem to be very harmonious.

If someone is here, they will find that the arrangement of these runes looks like a big round net.

Of course, only Gu Xuan knew that what he was drawing with runes was not a big round net, but the rudiment of a world!

He, based on the five elements rule, imitates the world of mountains and rivers, forcibly integrates the five elements rune, and wants to build a small world!

Based on this small world, he wants to create a brand new skill, a thoroughfare of his own, and a thoroughfare leading to great perfection!

"The state I'm in now is the state of" asking in a wrong way. ".

But in my eyes, I have never gone astray! "

Mini Gu Xuan's eyes were clear and firm as he looked at the runes all over the sky.

All things in the world operate in the five elements.

All things in heaven and earth are evolved from the five elements.

All things in heaven and earth are reincarnated in the five elements.

The law of heaven and earth is naturally based on the operation of the five elements!

Since ancient times, when he got the information about "the wrong way to ask" from Tongtian Avenue, he had a great idea in his mind.

Now, he's perfecting his vision.

Once the idea can be put into practice, the skill will become its own!

As soon as the skill becomes a success, how to advance step by step to a state of great perfection can be deduced naturally.

At that time, to accept the so-called verification, to carry out the practice, and to complete the promotion of the middle level of the holy land, are nothing but pediatrics.

"The five elements produce each other, but also restrain each other.

The five elements are compatible and mutually exclusive.

The five elements are cause and effect.

Five elements, cycle.

Five elements, samsara.

Five elements can make the world

The mini ancient mystery seems to be whistling, the words are perfect, so that the whole ocean of consciousness begins to vibrate, and the whole thoroughfare gives birth to endless visions.

On the top of the mini guxuan's head, there is a huge network of runes, in which the runes are arranged more and more perfectly.

They are combined together, just like countless tadpole words, combined together.

And every tadpole shaped character, if you look at it from a distance, naturally in your brain, will produce a bang.

But this sound is not uncomfortable.

On the contrary, it's like a Sanskrit sound of heaven and earth, which contains the most truth, is spoken through the mouth of the God, and the aftertaste is endless.

Twenty four hours passed.

The giant Rune net on the head of mini guxuan has finally taken shape, which no longer reminds people of "net".

Because it has become a ball.

Transparent ball, inside, is a world!

In that world, there are mountains and water, flowers and trees, blue sky and white clouds, flames and golden lights.

This is a world full of five elements!

Mini Gu Xuan's eyes are full of fine light.

His mind read a move, the book of life and death actually appeared in the sea of consciousness, hanging in the void, constantly turning pages.

The thick air of life and death flies out to the world within the sphere.

In a moment, that small world became alive.

The force of the five elements, in which it forms a cycle, actually produces the natural force of heaven and earth. Although it is slow, it is true that there is energy independent of the energy injected by ancient metaphysics.

This is almost as like as two peas in the mountain and river map.

Guta, in the room surrounded by a crowd of big men.

Gu Xuan, sitting cross legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

A fine light flashed through his eyes.

"In the palm of your hand, the world will become, and the five elements will reincarnate!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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