"Elder two, don't be impatient. The tower master is in good condition now. Don't worry about it."

Gu Xuan comforted elder Liu Ju casually, and then sent a message to the tower leader

"Master tower, I'm afraid your enemy is about to break in.

When I come in, I'm afraid I'll kill elder Fenglei first.

Do you have any way to scare him away

The tower master still keeps sleeping, but his consciousness has recovered more than two-thirds.

In less than a quarter of an hour at most, you will be able to wake up completely, bringing the soul, consciousness and body into one.

"Although I have only recovered two-thirds of my consciousness, I can still do it by bluffing and fighting for time.

I just hope that the guy outside is not an iron heart... "


The tower leader's voice is not finished, it is a mouthful of blood.

Liu Ju's face changed.

"What's the matter, Gu Xuan?

Don't you think the tower owner is in good condition? How can you vomit blood? "

Gu Xuan's face also changed. What happened?

Wasn't it all right just now?

"Asshole, smelly boy, the Yin and yang fish you left in the ocean of my consciousness just held down that curse for a little time.

I thought you had pulled it out.

You pit me! You give me back the power of spirit!

You two goods, you rammer goods, you... "

Before the master of the pagoda finished his parallelism, he was silent.

Gu Xuan was surprised to find that the tower owner's consciousness, which had been revived by more than two-thirds, began to silence again.

Once completely silent, all that was done before was useless.

"Curse? Is there a curse in the sea of consciousness?

I see. That's the source of his coma.

It's just that it's so deep that I haven't found anything even after I explored the consciousness sea of the tower master several times.

Just now, I thought that the tower leader revived his self-consciousness because of my spiritual force. With his own strength, he put out the source of his coma.

Never thought, he not only did not, but also thought that I had solved it for him!

This is a big misunderstanding! "

Gu Xuan's face was solemn.

If he had known that there was a curse, he and the tower owner, who had recovered part of his self-consciousness, could work together to find the curse and eliminate it.

But now, the tower owner is unreliable, all can only rely on themselves.

Gu Xuan was crying, but without explaining to elder Liu Ju, he controlled the power of the spirit he had just condensed, and got into the tower master's mind.

After entering, Gu Xuan was surprised.

The sea of consciousness of the tower master has been restored to its original shape again, full of paste and extremely thick.

Although the consistency of the paste is not as high as before, it is only a matter of time. The consciousness of the tower owner is deteriorating at any time.

Gu Xuan didn't dare to neglect. When he was about to merge his power of spirit with the power of the tower master's soul, a fish of yin and Yang came into being again, began to spin, and began to clean up the surrounding space, making the ocean of consciousness develop towards the direction of purity again.

"It's too slow. I'll give you back my soul power... A little bit."

Gu Xuan's right forefinger is in the center of the tower's eyebrows.

The majestic power of the soul flows to the sea of consciousness of the tower master and integrates into the fish of yin and Yang.

The Yin and yang fish grew stronger, and the speed of swallowing the paste increased abruptly.

Then, Gu Xuan felt a pang in his brain, and a painful feeling that his soul had been split appeared.

The power of his spirit was engulfed again, and the connection with him was completely broken.

Gu Xuan was relieved.

The plot is the same as just now.

According to the development of the plot, the tower master should wake up immediately.

However, ten or twenty seconds later, the tower owner's self-consciousness didn't wake up at all.

Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

"Isn't the tower master a pervert? He won't wake up until he hears me curse his ancestors for 18 generations?

But when I scolded him just now, I thought that he could not hear and that those who did not know were innocent.

Now that you know he can hear you and scold him, isn't that death? "

Gu Xuan shook his head. He would not do such a thing.

How about the second elder?

As soon as this idea was born, it was dismissed.

Elder two, I'm still a good man. We can't pit her like this.

If only Li Wuyu were here, then there would be no hesitation.

Gu Xuan sighed in his heart. Li Wuyu is a big man. He's a natural talent. It's a pity that he can't give full play to his strong point at the moment.

"It seems that it's up to me to find out the deep curse by myself."

Gu Xuan sighed, but he didn't start to act. A very bad feeling had enveloped him.

As soon as this feeling came out, Gu Xuan knew that the big guy outside, I'm afraid, could not help but prepare to show his cards and rush inside.

"Elder two, help me to loosen the ban in the bamboo house, so that I can spread my voice.

It will take some time for the tower master to wake up.

I have to stabilize the guys outside first. "

Gu Xuan looks at elder Liu Ju.

Elder Liuju looks ugly.

"How can it be stable? If everything is as you said, one of the several masked people in black outside is the strong one in the great perfection.

He won't be fooled easily. How can you stabilize him? "

Gu Xuan laughs.

"Elder two, you don't think I'm honest. In fact, cheating is my strong point!"

Elder Liu Ju's brows picked.

"In fact, the word loyalty and honesty can't be seen from you."

It's very sincere, but after thinking about it, elder Liu Ju may feel that it's not right and quickly explains:

"I mean, maybe you're honest, honest and introverted..."

The smile on Gu Xuan's face solidified.

Elder Liuju quickly loosened the ban outside the house.

The roar of battle outside, immediately sounded, very fierce.

At first glance, it seems that elder Fenglei and Li Wuyu have the upper hand in making the enemy surrender while fighting.

"What are you going to do? Pretending to be the tower master and threatening others? "

Elder Liu Ju guessed.

Only this way, she felt that there was a success rate of one in a thousand.

Gu Xuan has different opinions.

"The success rate of this method is less than one in ten million.

On the other side, listening to the voice of the tower owner, you will think that after 100000 years of layout, it has failed.

Why don't you rush in right now? Why do you have to fight to vent your anger?

Anyway, if you break something, you don't have to pay for it.

So, there is only one way, that is, disguise as Liu Ruyan! "

In Gu Xuan's eyes, the essence flashed, and a sound of soul was passed on quietly. At the same time, it fell into the minds of six masked people in black.

"The situation has changed. The spirit and consciousness of the tower master are better than expected. It will take at least half an hour to succeed!"

Outside, the six masked men in black were obviously stunned for a moment. The elder Fenglei seized the flaw and attacked several times, trying to cause casualties.

But soon, six masked men in black brought the situation back.

The fighting outside is back to the situation just now.

"How did you do that?"

Elder Liuju was shocked.

Gu Xuan smiles.

"The voice of Liu Ruyan, the breath of Liu Ruyan's soul, and even the breath of energy that only belongs to Danti.

If you can't cheat people, then those people outside are not people, but gods! "

Gu Xuan turned his head and looked at the tower owner.

"The tower master is not awake.

It seems that we have to find the curse first.

The root cause must be removed first! "

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