"My Lord, everything is ready!

Please come in quickly

Liu Ruyan's voice came from the talisman

"I've been waiting for an opportunity for 100000 years, and it's finally here!"

In Bai Mie's eyes, Jing Mang's momentum suddenly changed.

A circle of energy burst out from his feet, which could be called the destruction of heaven and earth.

Step on, step on!

Under the influence of this circle of energy, both the other masked men in black and the warriors of the ancient pagoda all stepped back.

In front of the strong, their power is extremely humble.

Elder Fenglei, Li Wuyu, elder Bai and elder Zilan all changed their faces.

However, elder Fenglei's face was shocked and unbelievable, while elder Bai's eyes were surprised.

"It's enough to play with you for so long.

It's almost an hour since you can fight with a strong man, and you are worth your death. "

Baimie's black clothes turned into a robe.

His face was finally revealed.

The face is delicate, slightly pale, with a morbid, but a pair of eyes, but it is very deep, can make one eye sink.

He gave a sneer.

Awe inspiring kill, immediately will wind thunder elder several people cover.

To solve them, for baimie, it's just a matter of a moment.

However, just as baimie was ready to take action, Liu Ruyan's voice continued to ring.

"My Lord, although everything is ready, there is something wrong with the tower master.

Please come in as soon as possible. You can't delay any minute.

Bai Changlao's identity hasn't been revealed. With him, how can we get rid of the wind and thunder elders? Why do we need your help? "

Liu Ruyan only said the first sentence, and baimie had already flown to the bamboo house.

Purple LAN elder has been guarding in front of the door, a see hundred annihilation to come, directly put out a desperate posture.

"Go away!"

The bamboo house's prohibition suddenly disappeared. There was a "smoke like willow" in the house. A stream of energy broke through the bamboo house and directly bombarded Zilan fairy's back and flew out.

Bai Mie was going to kill elder Zilan, who had no eyes. Seeing that she was shot away, he had no time to take care of her. He just smashed the door of the bamboo house and walked in.

As soon as you enter the bamboo house, there is a smell of blood.

Outside the six star array, elder Liuju's body is there.

Her face was covered with blood, claw marks on her face were deep, bone could be seen, one arm and one leg had been broken, and there was a blood hole in her chest, which was obviously penetrated through her heart.

This death shows that she suffered from inhuman torture before she died.

"You are as cruel as you were 100000 years ago!

I'm really afraid that this 100000 years of lurking will wear away your spirit. "

Bai Mie glanced at elder Liuju's body, and then determined that she was indeed dead. She was so dead that God could not save her.

Liu Ruyan saluted respectfully.

"This orange is in the way. It's against me so much that I have to get rid of it.

It's just right to let her suffer a little bit before getting rid of it. "

Bai Mie snorted in his heart.

Elder Liu Ju said that he was "slightly tortured". You Liu Ruyan are really modest.

It's really reasonable to say that.

However, these are the last sections. Baimie's attention has been completely focused on Xuanyu ice bed.

The power of his soul, began to observe the tower master's physical condition.

Gu Xuan didn't worry at all.

He and the tower leader join hands to do all kinds of tricks, if people can see the clues, then there is a ghost.

After observing for a moment, Bai Mie had a comprehensive understanding of the current physical condition of the tower master.

Of course, these are just what Gu Xuan and the tower master wanted to see.

He knew nothing about the real situation of the tower master.

Baimie frowned.

"What's the matter? There are too many dead Qi on the tower leader.

His consciousness, the power of his soul, and his physical condition are all in line with the conditions for me to perform the final step of the great soul exchange.

But these dead Qi will affect the soul changing effect later.

what! Are these dead spirits still increasing? "

Baimie's pupil shrank slightly, and the lingering dead air on the tower master suddenly increased a few threads.

He quickly and carefully observed the body of the tower master again, but he didn't find the reason for the sudden increase of dead breath.

"Liu Ruyan" a look, it seems urgent.

"Lord baimie, please hurry up.

I'm afraid that the increase of the dead spirit is due to the body of the tower leader. Because of the muddle state of the tower leader for 100000 years, the soul and consciousness are about to be unable to hold on, and the five failures of heaven and man are ahead of time.

Only if you control it, the situation of five failures will be reversed.

The more dead he is, the worse it will be for you to change your soul.

It's the right thing to change your soul quickly! "

Bai Mie nodded his head solemnly.

Everything seems to be OK, but there is no reason why the dead Qi increases. This must be something wrong, which makes the situation of five failures of heaven and man appear ahead of time.

It's not a big deal, but it's by no means a small thing. We can't let it go on.

"Liu Ruyan, protect the Dharma for me. I want to change my soul immediately.

Don't worry, I won't forget my original promise. As long as I succeed in changing the soul, I will teach you this great soul changing skill!

Let you become the second descendant of my great soul changer after elder Bai

Baimie's hands are sealed, and the mysterious energy hovers on the body like smoke.

"Thank you! Don't worry, I'm here. No one can disturb you! "

"Liu Ruyan" was so excited that his voice trembled. He took a few steps back in a hurry, put on a defensive posture, and looked like he was concentrating on protecting the Dharma.

One hundred out of the corner of the mouth, a trace of irony, flash away.

But I don't know that the "willow like smoke" on one side, oh no, to be exact, it should be Gu Xuancai, who can clearly see this trace of irony.

"Look at this situation. I'm afraid Liu Ruyan has been sold, and he's still helping people pay for it.

If baimie is really willing to teach Liu Ruyan the great soul changing skill, my young master will write his name upside down. From now on, he will not be called "my young master", but "ye shaoben!"

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth also flashed a touch of irony.

When baimie officially begins to change his soul, his end will come!

"Now I can't take care of the outside. Elder Fenglei, Li Wuyu, you guys, don't die."

Gu Xuan looked out the door a little. There was no one outside. It was obvious that he had gone to fight elsewhere.

He didn't separate his soul from the outside world.

Now, he can't be distracted.

After all, in front of the enemy, but a big round strong!

Any unnecessary action may arouse his suspicion and lead to the failure of his plan.

"Hoo Hoo

There was a roaring sound from baimie's body, which was mysterious and profound, as if it was from the deepest part of baimie's soul.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo

This voice seems to have a special rhythm, each pronunciation is not the same, it seems to be reciting a spell in general.

Gu Xuan listened carefully and clearly heard every syllable, but the next moment, when the next syllable appeared, he could not remember the syllable in front of him.

I can't remember. Gu Xuan simply didn't want to and didn't listen.

Anyway, it's meaningless.

After the mantra, the air in the room seemed to be glued.

The mysterious energy circling around baimie's body has also turned into countless patterns.

In every pattern, there is a strong power of soul.

Even, the core of a pattern, there is a force of spirit!

This power of spirit also contains part of the memory and consciousness of the hundred annihilation.


There's a void.

In the process of extermination, he yelled: "change the spirit pattern, it's done!

Great soul changing skill, soul changing! "

The lines of changing souls are wrapped by the great power of soul gushing from baimie's body, just like the water of a torrential river. They rush straight to the center of the tower's brow to enter his sea of consciousness and occupy it!

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

Good play, it's about to start!

When baimie tries to occupy the consciousness sea of the tower owner, it is the time when baimie is most relaxed.

At that time, as long as the tower master suddenly got into trouble, he could immediately turn against the guest and swallow all the soul power and consciousness that invaded the sea of consciousness!

Such a large amount of soul power and consciousness even contains a force of spirit. Once the connection between soul power and noumenon is cut off, the power of terror will be enough for a strong man to drink.

Almost in an instant, the soul will be damaged.

At that time, it was the best time to kill him!

It is at the moment when the spirit changing pattern condensed by baimie enters the consciousness sea of the tower master.

Tower master's eyes, suddenly open!

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