On a wasteland.

Gu Xuan, the leader of the pagoda and the five elders of the pagoda all stand here.

It was here that Gu Xuan first entered the cave space of Jian tomb.

Now the old place is back, although it is only more than a month, Gu Xuan still has a sense of trance in his heart.

Jiudu Valley, a group of high-level officials headed by young Xia Ke, stands hundreds of feet away from the ancient pagoda.

This should be the two hostile forces, and at the moment, without any eyes, fell on each other.

All of them are looking up at the sky.

In the void, the four characters "sword tomb cave" are suspended, and the pen is full of twists and turns, as if deeply immersed in the space.

Mysterious energy, flowing on the four characters, produces a kind of unspeakable magic, which makes people sink and unwilling to look away.

All of a sudden!


In the sky, the word "Jian" in the "sword tomb cave" suddenly trembles and makes a loud sound across the sky.


the earth trembled and the mountains swayed.

A sharp and powerful wave of energy came out of the word "Jian" and rippled around.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes, and his eyes opened in an instant.

A black and a white eyes, insight has been urged to the extreme, seems to be able to penetrate everything.

He stares at the sky for fear of missing a detail.

Just now, the sound of explosion he heard in the immortal tower must have passed from here.

As soon as the tower Master heard the sound, he danced excitedly, saying that the opportunity to leave the sword tomb cave is here.

Although he didn't know exactly what was going on, Gu Xuan knew that any detail might be very important at this time.

It must be carefully observed.

Hum, hum.

The void is shaking.

The energy ripple rippling around, where it passes, the space becomes extremely distorted, as if it will split at any time.

In the distorted space, there is a huge tomb.

The tomb is like a mountain. There are countless chains on the top of the mountain, binding a huge black sword!

Two thirds of the body of the black sword below the hilt is inserted into the mountain. There is no way to see it.

However, only one third of the body of the sword outside the mountain was exposed. It could be seen that it was a huge black sword covered with rust.

On the black sword, you can't feel the energy fluctuation, but any warrior will feel a cold and desolate breath when he sees it for the first time.

Some weak willed people were so scared that they had to look away and their fear was relieved.

The tower master and Ke Shaoxia, however, are staring at the huge black sword and refuse to move their eyes.

Deep in their eyes, they were salivating.

Gu Xuan was also staring at the black sword.

He felt a boundless, surging and ancient sword spirit, which constantly emanated from the black sword.

That's a fairy sword!

A sword that can cut the sun and the moon, kill the stars and kill the gods and demons!

In Gu Xuan's body, Zhutian sword was trembling, half because of excitement, the other half because of fear.

That sword, even though it can only see the image, but it has already felt that it is higher than it, I don't know how many grades of sword!

"If you get this sword, even if it's burning heaven, it's not my enemy any more."

In Gu Xuan's eyes, it was burning essence.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan knew very well that it would be hell level if he wanted to get such a sword.

More than a dozen blinks of time passed, the energy ripple in the void gradually disappeared, and the distorted space gradually calmed down.

The shadow of the black sword disappeared.

But both the tower owner and Ke Shaoxia didn't look back, as if they were aftertaste.

"Tower master, what's the matter with the tomb that just appeared in the air?

Is it about the way out? "

Gu Xuan finally couldn't help asking curiously.

The leader of the tower raised his head and his face was full of memories.

"The whole sword tomb cave has three floors.

The wasteland we are in is the first floor.

The phantom of the tomb just appeared should be the scene in the third floor.

There should be a way out there.

Every time the phantom stabilizes, it will continue to appear in the void for ten days.

During the ten days, the entrance of the third floor of the sword tomb cave will be hidden in the second floor.

As long as we can find the entrance, we have a chance to enter the third floor. "

Gu Xuan nodded.

"So it is! How can we get to the second level? "

Tower master pointed to the sky, floating "sword tomb cave" four characters.

"Among the four characters, there is a transmission channel into the second layer!"

Gu Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, staring at the four big characters in the void and observing them more carefully.

Seeing this, the tower owner shook his head.

"Don't look. You can't see so far away.

Even if you have pupil technique, but... "

Before the tower master finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Xuan.

"See! I saw it!

On top of the word "cave", each has a very deep hidden space-time rune.

As long as the power of time and space is used to activate the two runes, the transmission channel from the first floor to the second floor of the sword tomb cave will appear! "

Gu Xuan pointed to the sky and said excitedly.

The tower master felt a little pain in his face.

Gu Xuan must be making fun of himself!

He must have found the two space runes long ago. He asked them deliberately to make himself ashamed!

This kid, how shameless!

Just then, there was another bang and the sound of explosion.

The ripple of energy from the word "Jian" is more violent. Almost in an instant, it distorts the space hundreds of feet around.

The phantom of the huge tomb once again appeared in front of people's eyes, and it was clearer and more real.

On the top of the tomb, the huge black sword, which emits a cold breath, is also more frightening.

No matter the top saints of the ancient pagoda or the nine poison Valley, they all lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at the black sword.

The breath of the black sword brought them too much pressure.

Hundreds of feet of twisted space, soon restored calm.

However, the phantom of that huge tomb did not disappear as it did last time. Instead, it has been hanging in the void, like a reflection in the water, with light ripples, and it seems that you can touch it with your hand.

Young Xia Ke and the tower leader look intoxicated.

They had already raised their hands with tacit understanding and gently brushed them as if they were stroking the huge black sword.

In Gu Xuan's eyes, he was salivating.

As a swordsman who is good at Kendo, it is false to say that he will not be seduced in the face of a powerful immortal sword.

Hum, hum.

In guxuan's body, there came the trembling sound of Zhutian sword.

This time, it was not fear or excitement, but dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with Gu Xuan, great dissatisfaction.

As if to say: "master, you have my sword, that's enough.

How can I change my mind?

Sooner or later, I will be as strong as it is, oh no, more powerful! "

Gu Xuan was funny, but he took back his eyes.

Zhutianjian Jianling, that little guy's wisdom is getting higher and higher.

Now I'm jealous.

"Stable! The phantom of that tomb has been completely stabilized.

Everybody go back with me immediately and get everything ready.

This time, we must find the way out!

I have a strong premonition that this time, we will succeed! "

The leader of the tower looked excited.

The elders of the ancient pagoda are also excited.

Now the power of the tower master is greatly improved. With the help of Gu xuankeqing, there is great hope to find a way out!

They've wasted 100000 years, and they can't waste any more.

In the distance.

Ke Shaoxia sneered and looked in the direction of the tower owner. There was a chill in his eyes.


As soon as you wave your hand, a space passage will appear in front of you.

The warriors of the nine poison Valley soon disappeared in the space channel.

The tower owner also took the warriors of the ancient pagoda to return to the immortal pagoda.

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