"Young Xia Ke is not good at using poison and disdains to use it.

I'm afraid Ke Jiuji himself did all this!

It's overcast enough

The tower owner clenched his fist angrily.

Gu Xuan pointed to a fierce beast in the river of magma.

"The psychrophilic ant should be in the fire eye Golden Monkey King!

The furthest to hide, it doesn't look as crazy as other fierce beasts, and it's still under protection. If it's not it, who else can it be? "

They followed Gu Xuan's fingers and looked over.

Only a hundred feet away, a monkey head is floating on the magma, with the flow of magma, ups and downs.

Around its body, nine fire eyed golden monkeys at the level of emperor of the middle level surround it like stars holding the moon!

"Gee, gee, gee."

Seems to realize the eyes of Gu Xuan and others, a hundred Zhang away, the fire eyed Monkey King, even showed a provocative smile.

In fact, its intelligence is similar to that of other ferocious animals, which is not high.

But can show this kind of provocative smile, obviously, that one is in its body, controlling it.

"How dare you challenge me?

I'll kill it

The tower master couldn't stand the provocation, not to mention the provocation from a beast. He immediately became angry, stepped out, and was ready to jump into the magma.

He is a powerful man who is not afraid of magma.

Gu Xuan quickly stops and holds the tower master.

"That guy, give it to me!

After all, as a Dandi, I will not have too many scruples when I specially conquer the psychic ants. "

Gu Xuan was awe inspiring.

A shrewd light flashed in the tower master's eyes.

"I'm afraid you want to catch it alive. I'm afraid I'll kill it because I'm too heavy?

Watch out for the boat capsizing in the sewer. There are more monsters in the magma than those flaming golden monkeys. "

When Gu Xuan was exposed, his face was not red and his heart was not beating.

"You have wronged me. I don't care whether I live or not.

I just want to help these innocent beasts out.

However, there are too many fierce beasts in the magma.

So, tower master, you still have to help me share some pressure! "

The tower master straightened his chest, held his head high, and looked at Gu Xuan with his nostrils, looking proud.

"I know you're not strong enough. It depends on me after all.

Don't worry, I know what to do. "

The main body of the tower moves, then turns into a long string of illusions, and goes to the floating bridge in the air.

Gu Xuan shook his head. The tower master is really a liar.

Will I be afraid of those fierce beasts?

I'm not afraid that you'll make a mistake and rob me of the heart addicted ant?

"Come on, bastards

The tower master was condescending and defiant.

This kind of bold behavior naturally aroused the anger of many fierce beasts.

For a moment, all kinds of attacks were launched from a fierce beast, and they attacked the tower owner like a blanket.

Only in the distance, the ten monkey heads only showed their heads, as if they were watching a play.

Gu Xuan gave a cold smile. Seeing that he was ready for the chance, he appeared in the river of magma on the side of the floating bridge in the air.

At the beginning, Gu Xuan intended to try to stand on the magma. Unfortunately, this action obviously violated the rules.

A terrible energy, locked him, it seems to attack immediately, kill him.

He immediately realized that such a practice was judged as flying, violating the air traffic ban, and would be excluded and punished by this space.

"Sure enough, it's not stupid to set up the forbidden system.

If you can walk over the magma, then the floating bridge in the air will have no meaning of existence. "

Gu Xuan gave up the idea of standing on the magma and sank into the magma.

As soon as you enter the magma, you are in a fire. If you are a saint, you must run the body protection energy to resist the heat of the fire.

Gu Xuan naturally doesn't need it.

I'm kidding. He's playing with fire. He's still playing with chaos. Even if he stands in the sky fire, he's just like a nobody. How can he care about this heat?

Unfortunately, in the middle of the magma, Gu Xuan's broken eyes were useless. He couldn't see his fingers. He had to rely on the power of his spirit to explore the situation within a radius of ten feet and swam in the direction of the fire eye Monkey King.

The fire eye Monkey King has been watching the warrior on the bank. When he saw Gu Xuan jump into the magma, he didn't know what he thought?

At once, he called out, and his mouth sent out strange syllables, sound waves, mixed with some strange soul power, rippling around.

Suddenly, at least half of the fierce beasts, thousands of them, stopped attacking the tower owner, turned their spearheads and dived into the magma to look for traces of ancient Xuan.

A total of twelve fierce beasts of the high-level emperor level gathered here.

This makes the tower owner very dissatisfied.

"What do you mean? Look down on the tower owner?

Damn, the tower master really wants to slap you and kill you all! "

The heart addicted ant, who is just thirteen high-level fierce beasts, is sent to deal with Gu Xuan?

How ridiculous!

Bang bang!

The leader of the tower was very angry and powerful. He waved hundreds of fists in a row and blasted all the hundreds of fierce beasts out hundreds of feet away.

On the shore, Li Wuyu was still frightened.

"It's OK, it's OK, the tower master has reason.

I'm really afraid that he will lose his head and kill all those fierce beasts.

That's troublesome. When the fierce beast dies, the poison of the heart loving ant in their body will break out. "

Li Wuyu whispered this.

However, the tower owner heard it.

He became even more angry.

"Afraid I'll lose my head? Li Wuyu, are you qualified to say that?

Die for me

The tower master kicked out, and a red "lava shell" flew towards Li Wuyu.


Li Wuyu was knocked upside down, but he did not dare to kill the "lava shell". He had to carefully seal the energy in his body and throw it back into the river of magma.

At this time, at the bottom of the magma River, guxuan had been surrounded by fierce beasts.

The fierce beasts live in the magma, and they are very familiar with the surrounding terrain. In addition, there are too many of them. Even though the ancient mystery completely hides its breath, they are still met by several fierce beasts.

Roar, roar!

When he saw Gu Xuan's fierce beasts, he let out a roar, and the fierce beasts swarmed over and surrounded Gu Xuan thoroughly.

"Ha ha ha, this is my home court!

Terran warrior, you're dead.

A middle level emperor, who didn't know what to do and was not afraid of magma, wanted to attack me?

One million more years of cultivation!

I advise you to give up your hand and let me bite you and become my slave from now on. This is your only way to live

Outside the encirclement, the fire eye Golden Monkey King actually appeared.

In its body, a sound of soul came out and went straight into the ancient xuannao.

It turned out to be the one with the heart.

Gu Xuan couldn't help but feel happy.

Originally, he thought, first solve these fierce beasts, and then approach the fire eye Monkey King.

Unexpectedly, this guy came to the door automatically.

What else do you say?

Hold on to it and it's all over!


Two lava lizards, swinging their long tails, wave towards guxuan. The momentum lifts the molten slurry, just like the undercurrent surging, making it difficult for people to move.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed a fine awn, his heart read a move, Zhutian sword has been held in his hand.

One sword!


Two lava lizards, cut in half.

"The strength is good. The lava lizard of the middle level is not your enemy?

Unfortunately, you are too stupid after all.

If you kill them, the venom will immediately contaminate your sword and enter your body along your sword.

Secondly, my six strongest subordinates, all high-level holy kings, have launched attacks on you behind you.

But don't worry, I'll leave you a breath and make you a slave! "

The heart addicted ant once again sounded to guxuan, with a very proud tone.

There was a bright smile on Gu Xuan's face.

"Yes? Your calculation is very good.

Unfortunately, you missed a lot of things!

First of all, I'm the first emperor of heaven. I'm not afraid of your poison.

Second, with my strength, not to mention that you only control six high-level Saint King level fierce beasts, even if you control six top Saint kings, you can't help me. "

Shua Shua!

Zhutian sword, once again in Gu Xuan's hands, dancing!

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