Seeing the tower owner's refusal, young Xia Ke snorted coldly.

He is very clear that there is definitely a warrior who is proficient in the way of time and space in the ancient pagoda.

The tower owner said no?

Obviously, he was taken as a fool.

But he is not easy to attack. After all, Gu Xuan is also a member of the ancient pagoda. With Gu Xuan's help, what else can he say?

After organizing the language, Ke Shaoxia said, "let's get back to business.

As Gu xuankeqing said, Xiaodu and zhennanzi, the new member of Jiudu Valley, have drawn the transmission array according to their memory.

According to the array diagram, we have arranged three transmission arrays.

But without exception, all failed. "

Speaking of this, young Xia Ke seems to be in a low mood.

In Ke Xiaodu's eyes, there was a glimmer of fear.

The rest of the nine poison Valley warriors don't look very well either.

Obviously, what happened after the failure of the deployment of the teleport array still haunts them.

The tower leader looked suspiciously at the bodies of dozens of saints around him.

"Failure is failure? Why do they die? "

Young Xia Ke gave a bitter smile.

"Every time the array is set up, something will appear.

For the first time, we thought we had succeeded. Who could have expected that the transmission array lit up a light, and there were countless energy blades flying out of it.

We were caught off guard and a dozen or twenty people died. "

The tower master and Gu Xuan looked at each other, as if they wanted to see something from each other's eyes.

Unfortunately, both of them knew nothing about this situation.

"The second time, we have the experience of the last time. We are extremely careful and ready to deal with the energy wind blade.

However, this time, there was no wind blade of energy. Instead, there was a tornado, which was extremely powerful and spread widely. It directly involved several holy kings.

I think it's too late for the rescue. "

Young Xia Ke sighed again, as if he had not saved those saints. He was really heartbroken.

A moment later, he continued:

"The third time, the situation is similar.

It's just that what's coming out is not an energy blade, nor a tornado.

It's a Tauren with a height of 10 feet. It's definitely a strong man in the realm of great perfection. No doubt, it's carrying a huge axe in its hand. When it appears, without saying a word, it will be chopped down.

This time, although I shot in time, I did not expect that the enemy would be a great success.

With an axe, he pushed me back and killed nearly ten saints, even seven of them. Then he disappeared into the teleportation array.

However, before he left, he said: "the teleportation array can't see clearly. Do you want to go to the third floor?

If you dare to scribble again, I'm afraid you can only go to Jiuyou! "

I just know what the problem is.

All this is because the transmission array seen by Xiaodu and zhennanzi is not clear and accurate enough, so the drawing of the array is not accurate.

According to the array diagram, the effect of the arranged transmission array is quite different! "

Gu Xuan and the tower leader looked at each other again.

It's the first time they've heard of such wonderful things.

In principle, the transmission array is not properly arranged and cannot be used, that is to say.

Not only is the transmission array arranged by the people of nine poison Valley wrong, but it can also automatically attract attacks and enemies?

How much does that mean?

Could it be that if the transmission array is not arranged properly, it will cause the punishment of the sword tomb cave?

It seems that this is the only reason that makes sense.

"Young Xia Ke, you have more experience. How do you want us to cooperate? Let's be frank?"

The tower owner asked directly.

A fine light flashed in Ke Shaoxia's eyes, and his eyes focused on Gu Xuan.

"It's very simple. The more space-time power is injected into this half of the dead tree trunk, the more accurate the hidden array can be displayed.

So, I think Gu xuankeqing, Xiaodu and zhennanzi will work together to inject the power of time and space.

In this way, the array diagram shown in it should be detailed enough to lay out the correct transmission array. "

The tower owner nodded. It didn't sound difficult or dangerous.

"In that case, let's start."

Gu Xuan is very direct and has put his right hand on the tree trunk.

Ke Shaoxia nods to Ke Xiaodu and indicates that they also start to act.

They immediately untied the seal in their bodies, and suddenly a breath of the law of time and space came out of their bodies and lingered on them.

Gu Xuan stares at them, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

These two men's attainments in time and space are really not low, especially Ke Xiaodu, who is only one or two points inferior to himself.

Together, the two of them may have made more achievements in time and space than themselves.

Unfortunately, how is it possible to make the way of time and space completely merge and add?

So, after all, they are not as far away as themselves.


Gu Xuan reminds me.

The momentum of the three men was shocked, and at the same time, they input a great force of time and space into the tree trunk.

Inside the tree trunk, light came up immediately.

The image of the array appears in the light.

This time, the image of the array is clearer and more accurate than before. All the lines on it are delicate.

Of course, only the three of them can feel it with the power of their souls.

Other people, whether the tower owner or Ke Shaoxia, after entering the tree trunk, all they see are just withered wood, there is nothing special.

"It's so clear. No wonder we were wrong.

Here, and the veins here, are not shown in the array we just drew.

Finally, the arrangement of the transmission array for energy operation is completely wrong. "

Ke Xiaodu is very excited.

"It's a long way from the truth. There are so many lines that can't be drawn correctly. How can it be possible to enter the third floor of the sword tomb cave?"

Zhennanzi is also excited.

The person who can help the nine poison Valley enter the third floor of the sword tomb cave, and he has made a contribution. Since then, his position has been stable.

It's not only stable, maybe it can surpass Zhu Dan's position in young Xia Ke's heart and become his number one confidant!

From then on, why can't we make progress?

Feeling the excitement of Ke Xiaodu and zhennanzi, Gu Xuan has a face, but Gujing has no wave.

Because, in his perception of the power of the spirit, the array in the light has two sides.

And it's marked.

On the one hand, the word "Zheng" is written, and on the other hand, the word "fan" is written.

This feeling is like a thin picture. It's just a picture, but when you look at it from both sides, you can see different pictures.

This is what Gu Xuan saw only after he used the power of pure spirit.

Before he used the power of his spirit, he saw only one side of the array, just like Ke Xiaodu and zhennanzi.

To be exact, before using the power of spirit, they all saw the "anti" side.

A moment later.

"Young Xia, I've memorized all the details in the map!"

Ke Xiaodu said confidently.

"Me too!"

Zhennanzi is also confident.

Ke narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Xuan. There was a ray of light in his eyes.

All of a sudden, Gu Xuan sensed the sense of danger from young Xia Ke.

However, this sense of danger came and went quickly. Even with his strong perception, he could not help but doubt whether it was an illusion.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's an illusion or not. Anyway, Gu Xuan never believed in Ke Shaoxia. He was always on guard against him.

Just now, young Xia Ke really killed Gu Xuan.

Since Ke Xiaodu and zhennanzi have said that they have remembered all the details and are so confident, there must be no mistake. They have completely memorized the whole array map, correctly transmitted the array and were able to arrange it.

Gu Xuan, it's useless.

In the end, Ke still resisted the idea of a sudden attack and killing Gu Xuan.

I'm not afraid of 10000. I'm afraid of just in case. I'll wait until the matter is settled.

Anyway, a Gu Xuan has no influence on the overall situation. It doesn't matter whether he is alive or not. There's no need to change face with the tower leader now.

"Now, you can take away the power of time and space.

However, remember to draw up the battle plan as soon as possible after the withdrawal! "

With a wave of his hand, young Xia Ke heard three pieces of white rice paper floating in front of them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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