"Slow what slow? Time can't be delayed any longer, or the consequences will be unimaginable! "

The tower master didn't pay attention to guxuan at all.

At this time, the wind thunder elder, Li Wuyu people, just rushed over.

"Do you use climbing? So slow?

Wind and thunder, quick, condense a few array flags, inject energy, want the purest!

Liu Ju, you should be careful to outline the pattern according to the array diagram.

Li Wuyu, where's your tower? Take down some meteorite from tianwai, and... "

The mouth of the tower leader, like a firecracker, repeatedly ordered.

Elder Fenglei, please do as soon as possible.

Only Li Wuyu, a thought to tear down his own pagoda, is still wriggling.

Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

I haven't seen it. It's faster than death!

Gu Xuan grabbed rice paper directly.

"Everyone, stop!

If it's arranged like this, I'm afraid we'll live less than one-third of the 30 odd people here in the end! "

Gu Xuan sneered and passed it on to the people.

When they heard the words, they all looked at each other, widened their eyes and looked at Gu Xuan.

"Gu xuankeqing, what do you mean?

You three people are as like as two peas in a picture. They should be right without mistakes.

Why do you say that? "

The tower owner was finally restrained and asked anxiously.

Gu Xuan said everything he saw in the tree trunk with a smile.

In addition, I have also explained the conjecture.

Among them, the emphasis is placed on the effect of the transmission array laid out by the positive and negative array.

Although these have not been proved yet, as soon as he said, the tower master and others immediately believed without any doubt.

Because Gu Xuan's conjecture is reasonable. Even they can only come to such a conclusion according to what Gu Xuan saw.

For a moment, everyone was breathing cold.

They never thought that there was such a big hole in a simple array map!

The leader of the tower laughed, very insidiously.

He looked in the direction of the nine poison Valley people nearly a hundred feet away, and there was a hint of irony in his eyes.

That group of people, this is to rush to die!

On second thought, just now I was in a hurry to die. I was afraid.

"What should we do now, brother Gu Xuan?"

The tone of the tower leader is very cordial.

Gu Xuan has goose bumps.

"Tower master, please come back to normal. I still like your angry or cold appearance.

Now, of course, we have to set up the array.

It's just that we should arrange according to this map! "

Gu Xuan first unfolded the array he had drawn, and then turned over the rice paper.

The original array diagram was suddenly changed.

Some details are very different from the original.

In particular, the way energy works and flows is completely reversed.

"So you were ready?

It's no wonder that you just drew so hard that you can see through the back of the paper. The original purpose is to make it more convenient after turning over!

Just now, I'm going to ask you to draw a new one according to the pattern on the front. I didn't use it at all. Ha ha! "

The tower owner was pleasantly surprised.

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

"Basic operation, normal, normal!

It's too conspicuous to paint again. Even if it's a hundred feet apart, it's very possible for young Xia Ke to find out.

It's not a big secret. They'll find out sooner or later.

So, tower master, don't be silly. Hurry up and set up the teleport array! "

The tower owner nodded heavily.

"Well, Fenglei, Liuju and liwuyu, you'd better help me and do as I told you just now.

Others, form a battle, block in front of us, cover up the process of our arrangement, don't let the people of nine poison Valley see the clue.

Ha ha, I really love this place. Even the power of spirit can only be released ten feet. However, at a distance of 100 feet, young Xia Ke has no idea what happened here.

Now, the pit won't kill him! "

People are busy.

The tower master, as the core, coordinates the layout of the whole array. He has to worry about everything, whether it's outlining the array pattern, testing the smoothness of energy flow, or sacrificing the array flag.

Gu Xuan, on the other hand, controls the details and repairs the tiny flaws.

Such a division of labor is surprisingly fast.

In only a quarter of an hour, a five square meter transmission array has begun to take shape.

Of course, this level of speed, in the eyes of a group of nine poison Valley warriors, is almost the same as that of a tortoise.

Because, their transmission array, has been completely in the array disk, the layout is completed.

Next, as long as you activate the array disk and release the transmission array to the ground, you will be done!

An array of about five square meters in size, big or small, needs only to be activated twice, and then it can be divided into two batches to transport all the 30 or so living saints of the nine poison Valley to the third floor of the sword tomb cave!

When the time comes, search for treasure, find a way out, all at once!

I believe that soon, they will be able to return to the seven star world!

At the moment, everyone's eyes fall on young Xia Ke.

Young Xia Ke holds the array tray in one hand with a smile in his eyes.

"Ke Xiaodu, zhennanzi, this teleportation array should be finished!

First of all, you have made a great contribution!

In short, after returning to the seven star world, there are many rewards!

In addition, I will personally give you special training to pave the way for your promotion to Da Yuanman! "

Ke Xiaodu and zhennanzi knelt down in excitement.

"Thank you, young Xia!"

"I'd like to die for you, young Xia!"

They cheered.

The rest of the nine poison Valley warriors are envious.

Zhu Dan, in particular, suddenly felt the pressure.

I'm afraid zhennanzi will come from behind, squeeze out his position and become the confidant of young Xia.

Time is also destiny. Who says that he is not proficient in the way of time and space?

Zhu Dan Shen Hou sighed.


The array disk in the hand of young Xia Ke began to vibrate.

This means that the array disk has been activated and the transmission array can be released at any time.

However, when he came to the gate, he was stunned and turned to look in the direction of the ancient pagoda.

Unfortunately, we only see a wall of people standing in front of the transmission array being built by the ancient pagoda. We can't see their transmission array at all. How is the establishment going?

But it doesn't matter.

As long as your side is faster, it's OK!

First, I went to the third floor of the sword tomb cave. There are many things to do and many things to do.

"As for the ancient pagoda, when you come to the third floor of the sword tomb cave, it is the time of your destruction!"

Young Xia Ke laughs with pride, and his heart moves. The array plate is a bang, and falls to the ground and falls to the bottom.

The transmission array in the array disk emerges.

"Get ready, the first 18 people, stand up.

I'll activate the teleport formation immediately and send you to the third level! "

Young Xia Ke holds a root pill in his hand. When his men stand up, he releases the energy, activates the transmission array, makes it work, and sends people away.

Zhennanzi was excited and stood in the middle.

He is one of the first people to go to the third floor who was chosen by young Xia Ke.

Seventeen saints surrounded zhennanzi and protected him.

Young Xia Ke is ready to release the energy in the source pill.

However, at this time, the sudden change of life!

The transmission array suddenly lights up. It seems that something has been transmitted from the other end of the transmission array.

Originally, zhennanzi and others with a smile solidified their smile.

This kind of feeling, very familiar, as if before appeared three times in a row!

A hundred feet away.

All the people in the ancient pagoda are looking in the direction of the nine poison valley.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and opened his eyes.

"Good play, opening!"

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