Elder Liuju came out of the transmission array.

"Gu xuankeqing, I'm glad I didn't disobey my orders.

The transport array has been charged. It can be activated at any time! "

The ancient pagoda was full of surprises.

Now, they have been able to leave the second floor of the sword tomb cave and go to the third floor!

Go to the third floor, find the exit, you can return to the seven star world, return to the previous life!

Not far away, Ke Xiaodu, hiding in the weeds, stares at the transmission array.

"It shouldn't be. There's no reason.

It's all the same array. Why did the transmission array arranged by Jiudu Valley attract the enemy.

But the transmission array of the ancient pagoda can be used normally? "

Ke Xiaodu began to cry.

In his mind, flashed father, flashed nine grandfather's figure.

In the end, only Gu Xuan's face remained in his mind.

"It must be you, Gu Xuan!

You did it, you lied to us!

My father, my ninth grandfather, they died unjustly!

I'll take revenge for that! "

Ke Xiaodu swore to kill Gu Xuan as long as he didn't die.

"I'll kill you, Gu Xuan!

I'm going to kill all you Terran bastards!

You have successfully established a forward transmission array, so what?

Kill you, and no one can use it! "

The Hutou people stare at Gu Xuan and others with red eyes, and their momentum erupts and they kill each other.

The two werewolves were also killed. They fell on the ground, and their bodies changed back to their original shape at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Two and a half feet tall giant wolves suddenly appeared.

A bloody breath came out of their mouths.

"The secret of wolf saint, fusion!

Two headed wolf

Two giant wolves drank at the same time, and their bodies lit up.

The light is connected and fused quickly.

A moment later, the light dissipated, and what remained in place was a two headed giant wolf with a height of ten feet!

Roar, roar!

The two headed giant wolf roared up to the sky, and a mountain like pressure poured out of his body and pressed the people to the ancient pagoda.

A few weak willed junior high school monarchs turned pale in an instant, and almost fell down.

This momentum, too frightening, too terrible!

The five elders, headed by elder Fenglei, have become very dignified.

The pressure brought by the two headed giant wolf is only one step short of catching up with the strong one in the great perfection.

Even if the five of them join hands to fight, I'm afraid they are not rivals.

Double headed giant wolf's momentum, has been incomparably close to the realm of great fullness!

"Brother four, please tell brother two and brother three to stop pestering with Da Yuanman.

Destroying the teleportation array is the business!

This Gu Xuan, then give it to me, and I will frustrate him and avenge Lao Qi! "

The two headed wolf roared at the same time.

"Good! I'll contact the second brother and the third brother immediately.

They are entangled by two Terrans, I'm afraid they haven't even found the forward transmission array.

It seems that I have to use my brother's treasure to get them out!

I really can't. Even if my soul is damaged, I will summon my elder brother down!

They can't get into the third floor! Never

The Hutou man bit his teeth and glared at Gu Xuan. Then he turned into a streamer and ran to the four Da Yuanman who were farther away from the Vietnam War.

"Well! Gu Xuan, right? See how I'll kill you! "

The double headed giant wolf's eyes fell on Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan was not afraid, just a smile.

"You think you can kill me if you combine the two?

Two mole ants, together, are two mole ants.

If you want to fight a real dragon, do you think they are OK? "

Gu Xuan praised himself as a real dragon and belittled the two headed giant wolf as a mole ant.

"The real mole ant is you!"

The two headed giant wolf turned into a shadow and rushed to the ancient Xuan!

Elder Fenglei had an extra flag in his hand.

A wave, there will be a glow, like a signal in general.

"Set up! Fight against the enemy with Gu xuankeqing

Elder Fenglei gives orders.

However, Gu Xuan shook his head and went up to meet the two headed giant wolf just like walking in a leisurely court.

"Elder Fenglei, don't help me.

You continue to guard the teleportation array. It's just a beast. No matter how strong you are, how can you fight against man? "

Buzz, buzz!

Zhutian sword trembled in Gu Xuan's hand, as if he agreed with what Gu Xuan said.

"Holy wolf, holy bullet, roar"

Two headed giant wolf roars, an energy bomb, condenses in the mouth.


The energy bomb cuts through the space, just like a meteor moving in the Tianhe River, with the power of thunder, heading for guxuan!

This blow, as if to destroy the world!

"No, come back!

This energy bomb is too strong, let's resist it together

Elder Fenglei reminds Gu Xuan in a hurry.

He knew that Gu Xuan was very strong, even stronger than him, but no matter how strong he was, how could he compete with the two headed wolf?

The two headed giant wolf, however, was transformed from the fusion of two werewolves who were not inferior to him.

This kind of fusion is far from simple as one plus one!

Even, the wind thunder elder in the heart, dare bold prediction.

This double headed wolf, I'm afraid it can be called: the strongest one in the world of great fullness!

In this way, the enemy can be defeated only if all the holy kings in the ancient pagoda are united!

Unfortunately, how can Gu Xuan retreat?

He doesn't know what elder Fenglei thinks in his heart. Otherwise, he will say that if there is the strongest one under the great perfection, then it won't be anyone else!

The first person under Da Yuanman will be him, Gu Xuan!


Zhutian sword, in the void, across the beautiful arc.

The meaning of the skyward sword, like a storm and a torrential wave, comes here!

And Gu Xuan, a white dress, clothes fluttering Mei, disorderly hair flying, such as the sword in the immortal, such as the sword in God!

One shot!

The situation is like a broken bamboo, destroying the withered and decaying, no going but disadvantageous!

The energy bomb that just flew in front of him has been penetrated by zhutianjian!


As the thunder dissipates, the energy bomb dissipates at the speed visible to the naked eye.

It, even half the power, did not break out!

"How can it be? My "holy wolf and holy bullet" contains a trace of blood power of our ancestors. How could you break it so easily? "

Double headed giant wolf, if struck by lightning, looks at Gu Xuan in disbelief.

Elder Fenglei and others are even more confused.

Just now, such a powerful energy shell is gone?

It's enough to kill two elders with that shell. How could it not touch Gu Xuan's clothes?

Is it natural?

Gu Xuan, we are looking at him, promoted to the middle level emperor!

When can a middle-level Saint be so powerful?

In their hearts, there are all question marks.

Unfortunately, no one will answer their questions.


Gu Xuan's steps did not stop.

In his hand, zhutianjian still kept the movement of forward stabbing, fluent and natural, and went to the double headed giant wolf.

As if at the beginning, what he wanted to stab with zhutianjian was the double headed giant wolf.

To dissolve the power contained in the energy shell is just a misunderstanding!

"If you had just stepped back while I was shocked, you might still have a chance to live.

But now, it's gone!

You can't be saved if you're close to a strong man

The two headed wolf roared.

The "holy wolf and holy bullet" just now is just an appetizer.

Next, it's time for it to really kill!

"The wolf is coming, the formula of Sirius!"

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