The warriors of the ancient pagoda are all boiling.

They have been waiting for 100000 years, and now they finally see the hope of going out!

The illusion of the nine finger snow valley will not appear here for no reason. It is very likely that the location of the illusion will lead to the exit of the nine finger snow valley.

"Let's go!"

With a big wave of his hand, the tower leader quickly walked to the biggest tomb.

Gu Xuan had no objection.

He wants to get out as soon as possible.

The time flow of the sword tomb cave is different from that of the outside world. The longer you stay here, the more time the outside world spends.

At the same time, Gu Xuan also wanted to go to the highest tomb and have a look.

After all, there was a magic sword at the top of the tomb.

Even if you know that you can't get the magic sword, it's good if you can get a little closer and feel it well.

If you can feel something from the magic sword, then your own swordsmanship will go further. This is a great thing!

Therefore, even if there was no illusion of nine finger snow Valley under the largest tomb, he also wanted to have a look.

Now, it's time to go!

After thinking about it, young Xia Ke also brings Ke Xiaodu and people from the same vein of the ancient pagoda together.

According to his previous character, he would walk alone. After all, he and the tower leader are not friends at all. Strictly speaking, they are enemies.

But this time, that time.

It's rather unwise to walk alone now.

First of all, Ke Xiaodu is a drag.

Second, the third floor of the sword tomb cave is really weird.

Go with the tower owner, at least you can have more security.

The tower leader didn't stop young Xia Ke from following. He couldn't help it.

Gu Xuan is funny.

The tower master doesn't know how many immoral things Ke has done secretly and how many bad things he has made. If he knows, I'm afraid he will be the first one to turn against him!

Gu Xuan couldn't help but feel lucky.

Fortunately, I didn't tell the tower master what Ke Shaoxia had done. Otherwise, with the tower master's fierce temper, I'm afraid I will tear my face with Ke Shaoxia on the second floor of the sword tomb cave. There is absolutely no possibility of cooperation between the two sides.

If they don't cooperate, I'm afraid most of the warriors here will fall, and it's impossible for them to come to the third floor.

However, on second thought, it seems that we can't laugh at the tower master.

From his point of view, most of the bad things that happened to the ancient pagoda were done by baimie of the hundred cities alliance, and Jiudu Valley can only be regarded as an accomplice at most.

It's still an accomplice who didn't play much role and is almost destroyed now.

Instead of targeting, it's better to pull in.

It's better to settle the enemy than to settle it.

There is still a long way to go from the position of the people to the largest tomb.

At the beginning, people walked very slowly, because they had to keep alert of possible dangers.

But after two days, they found that there seemed to be no danger at all.

After walking for such a long time, not to mention the living things, not even the dead bodies.

At the same time, they also speed up the speed.

Unfortunately, there's no way to fly. No matter how fast you walk, it's limited.

In addition, the road here is full of ups and downs, and people try their best to avoid going through the graves directly. Once they meet the graves, they will make a slight detour.

It took five days to reach the center of the third floor, under the highest and largest tomb.

As soon as they got here, they looked up at the top of the tomb again. A sense of insignificance came into being.

This tomb, too high, too big.

What kind of grave is it?

It's not too much to say that it's a high mountain.

It will take them at least two days and two nights to walk from the ground to the top of the mountain at the speed they came here.

This is still without any obstacles.

Of course, all the elders and disciples didn't want to go up the mountain.

After arriving here, it seems that the pressure of the black sword can be felt all the time. It is awe inspiring and makes people feel nervous all the time.

As if at any time may have a sword, suddenly appear, pierce their heart in general.

A group of primary and middle level disciples almost stopped breathing.

No way, dare not!

They are afraid to make a little noise and attract the attention of some taboos, which will lead to adversity.

Visions, which have always existed beside huge tombs, occupy a large area of land.

Obviously, it is a part of Jiuzhi snow Valley, about one fifth.


In the illusion, there is the wind whistling, blowing the snow all over the place.

A chill, unexpectedly spread from, let a person as if really, stand to the edge of the nine finger snow Valley in general.

"Is this really an illusion?

Why is it so real? "

A few snowflakes flew out, and Li Wuyu couldn't help reaching for them.

The temperature of the palm quickly melted the snowflakes.

In the hands, there is only a drop of water left. It's cold, and it doesn't look like forgery at all.

Li Wuyu put out his tongue and licked it.

"It's really snow! This nine finger snow Valley is not an illusion, but a reality!

Is it true that as long as we go in, we can really return to the seven star world? "

Li Wuyu was surprised.

The other elders were also excited. When they saw snowflakes flying out again, they reached out to pick them up one after another. They were as happy as several tens of thousands of children.

In this case, it's like two different spaces suddenly intersect, and they can communicate with each other.

Similar situations are not uncommon in the world of martial arts.

If so, as long as they walk into the snow of that place, they will really return to the seven star world!

As for whether you can come back from the seven star world, is it important?

All they want is to get out!

The tower owner also looked at the snow scene in surprise, and even reached out to catch a snowflake.

The power of his spirit, even to the snow, spread a few feet, explored some.

But the result is: snow, it's true!

Even from the snow, he could vaguely feel the rules and rules of the seven star world.

Young Xia Ke also felt it.

He and the tower owner looked at each other in surprise.

"I feel the power of the rules and rules of the seven star world!

And Aura! The natural power of heaven and earth that belongs to the seven star world alone!

It's a wonderful feeling.

For 100000 years, this familiar feeling has come back!

Do you want to see if you can really go out? "

Young Xia Ke is the master of the tower.

The tower master nodded, clenched his fist and said excitedly:

"Try, of course! Maybe this is the exit!

It's a fool not to try! "

Gu Xuan was the only one who was calm all the time, with no sadness or joy on his face.

He did not know whether the snow scene in front of him was real or not through the exploration of his broken eyes and the power of spirit.

But now, he's sure.

This is fake!

The power of the rules and rules of the seven star world!

Seven star world, now it's seven star world!

Even if you can really feel the power of rules and rules, it should be burning heaven. How could it be the seven star world?

"Tower master, let's go in together!

You and I are not afraid that it is fake.

Even if it's really dangerous, we can come out! "

Young Xia Ke took a step forward.

"It's a natural and dangerous thing. Of course we have to do it together!"

The tower owner also took a step forward.

"Go in!"

Two people keep abreast of each other, then walk toward the snow.

This scene was clearly seen through a dark mirror.

A group of beast heads and human bodies, fierce beasts with incomplete shape, stood in front of the dark light mirror and looked at the scene with a grim smile.

"Ha ha, go in! If you go in, you can go where you want to go.

From now on, you will always be immersed in it, live in your fantasy world, until the fall!

Ha ha ha ha

Laughter rang.

If Gu Xuan was here, he would react at the first time. The sound was the sound of the dragon he met in the cave of sword tomb.

Tauren, leopard, also gathered here!

Here is a huge stone hall.

In the middle of the stone hall is a transmission array.

A forward transmission array as like as two peas, which are exactly the same as the ancient Xuan, are not the same as the transmission matrix.

In the dark light mirror.

Tower master and Ke Shaoxia are only one step away, and they will step into the snow! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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