
Gu Xuan's face changed.

The body of the tower leader is still rushing forward because of inertia, so he can't defend in time. If he is hit by that boxing at this time, it will be very dangerous.

Even if you don't die, you are in a state of great injury.


Gu Xuan burst out of the limit speed and rushed to the direction of the main tower.


His whole body, are hard hit on the mask, was rebounded out, and the mask, but it is not moving.


"Enemy brother" a ferocious smile, fist distance tower Lord's forehead, only one inch away.

The tower leader's face is very ugly. He has felt the threat of death, and he is very close.

But, at this time, from Gu Xuan's body, he radiated light.

The light, even through the barrier of the mask, directly fell on the "enemy brother", so that his action, stopped for a moment.

In such an instant, the tower master suddenly burst out and penetrated through the body of "enemy brother".


The fist of the "enemy brother" hit him in front of him, but only hit the air. Except for a meaningless explosion, it didn't play any role.

"Why? Failed? How is that possible?

You use the way of time and space?

Do you have time and space treasures to protect your life? Or a talisman

"Enemy brother" looks puzzled and turns to look at the tower master, as if from his perspective, the tower master suddenly disappears.

At the moment, everyone's eyes have focused on Gu Xuan.

Just now, we could see the light from him clearly.

With the strength of "enemy brother", there is no reason why we can't see it.

After all, the light made his whole action stop for a moment. How could he not feel it at all?

On the contrary, he thinks that the tower master escaped by his own ability?

What's going on?

In fact, Gu Xuan himself was also a monk Zhang Er. He couldn't figure it out. The light just came from him.

It's coming out of the universe in your hand.

Don't think about it. It must be the jade skeleton!

"What's going on?"

Gu Xuan quickly separated a trace of consciousness, entered the palm of the universe, locked the jade skeleton man, asked.

The jade skeleton man covered his head and kept rolling on the ground, which was very painful.

"I don't know. I thought of something and wanted to help. Under one thought, the light flew out of my body.

I think I have a lot to do with this palace, even the whole sword tomb cave! "

The jade skeleton man reluctantly stopped rolling and responded.

Gu Xuan

"Do you still need to say such things? Did everyone guess?

Isn't there a point? For example, about the palace, about how to break through? "

Gu Xuan is good at inducing Tao.

"The point?"

The jade skeleton man held his head, thought for a while, rolled a few more times, and then sat up again to think.

Gu Xuan's heart: "are you a dramatist?"


The jade skeleton man suddenly stood up.

"Say it

Gu Xuan urged the way.

The jade skeleton man nodded, quickly fell to the ground, rolled twice, sat up and thought.

Gu Xuan

"It's a bit messy. Don't interrupt me. I'll finish at one go.

Three levels, each with the focus of assessment.

The first level, Wu!

Second level, soul!

The third level, body!

How to explain it is up to you.

I feel that I have recovered a lot of memories, but some of the most critical memories are that I can't think of them.

Oh, what a pain

The jade skeleton man continued to fall to the ground, holding his head and rolling, but soon sat up and thought.

"By the way, Gu Xuan, do you think that the cold female voice suddenly came out of the palace before the first level started

Gu Xuan eyebrows pick pick.

I thought you had something to say to help, but it was that the girl was familiar?

Isn't that bullshit?

Don't women have the same voice?

Don't you sound familiar?

Gu Xuan's consciousness quickly withdrew from the universe in his hand.

People's eyes had turned back from him into the light shield.

The tower master no longer dare to attack "enemy brother" easily.

That guy doesn't know what skill he practiced. It's weird.

His attack actually passed through his body just now, as if he had hit an illusion.

But if it's really an illusion, I can still understand it. The key is that when my attack passes through his body, his hand can even launch an attack. How can this be done by an illusion?

In the face of this strange situation, we can only wait and see the changes first, so as to keep the same.

"Why? What are you still doing?

Attack quickly, finish the work

"Enemy brother" urged the tower leader.

The tower owner sneered.

"If there's a conspiracy, I won't attack. If I have the ability, you can do it first!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"No, no, the guest is as the Lord wishes, you first."

"If you don't move again, you will lose!"

"If I don't move, I'm not afraid to lose.

There's someone behind me

The tower leader pointed to young Xia Ke.

Young Xia Ke is the top two. If he can't fight, he will close the door and let Ke Jiuji go.

As soon as Ke Jiuji appears, you're a guy who doesn't move and pretends to be bigger. Can you still poison you?

"Go away! You are to lose

A circle of golden light burst out from the bottom of the foot of "enemy brother" and bounced the tower master out of the light shield.

"Young Xia Ke, come on

The tower master was relieved. He was scared to death just now, OK?

Young Xia Ke, he was not moved.

His eyes were always on Gu Xuan.

"I'm afraid it's not my turn.

He is more suitable than me

The tower leader stares at Ke Shaoxia.

"Even I was almost hit hard. If you let him go, wouldn't you let him die?

If you don't dare to say so, close the door and let go of Ke Jiuji, the old poison will win! "

"Enemy brother" a disdainful smile.

"I'm not afraid of poison.

On one of the ways of poison, you can't beat me.

If you don't believe it, try it? "

The tower owner was stunned.

"How can that guy do poison work?

Fortunately, he didn't show it just now, otherwise there would be no place to hide in such a small space. "

However, when it comes to who is more poisonous to him or Ke Jiuji, the tower master definitely stands by Ke Jiuji.

In this situation, we have to let Ke Jiuji go.

He is about to continue persuading Ke Shaoxia, but Gu Xuan takes the initiative to go to the mask.

"Let's go, young master. You're all in line. God knows how many people will die.

This guy, for you, is really dangerous! "

Gu Xuan, with his hands on his back, walked into the light shield like a stroll in the courtyard.

He immediately felt that there was energy fluctuation on the light shield, and tried to step back. Unfortunately, he couldn't get out any more.

"It's just a middle-level saint. He's very brave.

I will be kind to you and let you die without pain. "

"Enemy elder brother" ferocious smile, in the eye flashed a wipe to kill machine.

With a wave of Gu Xuan's left hand, the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth flew out of his fingertips and turned into five dragons.

"Enemy brother" face slightly changed.

With a wave of his right hand, Gu Xuan's Zhutian sword flew out of his hand and hovered over his head.

Meanwhile, Gu Xuan clenched his fist.

For a time, the meaning of fist and sword is magnificent!

"Enemy brother" body trembled.

But it's not over.

It's crackling.

Gu Xuan's body flashed with thunder and lightning, and the breath of natural disaster was faintly distributed.

This is still not over!

Gu Xuan's body suddenly twisted. He had already exerted the power of time and space on himself, and twisted the surrounding space.

The face of "enemy brother" changed greatly.

Gu Xuan looked at the "enemy brother" with a disdainful smile.

"You are far from playing tricks with me. Do you really think I don't know what you are?

Can only beat you? Can't kill you?

My young master is going to kill you. I'd like to see if it's a pass! "

Gu Xuan stepped out and went to the "enemy brother".

Outside the light shield, everyone's face became very strange.

What is this for?

"Gu Xuan, you are juggling!

Be serious, or you'll be killed! "

The tower owner looked worried.

"Stinky boy, who are you scaring?

I don't believe it. You're just a middle-level saint. I can't cure you! "

"Enemy brother" clenched his teeth and clenched his fist angrily.

Gu Xuan laughs.

"What about that?"

On the front, which only "enemy brother" could see, Gu Xuan's chest suddenly turned into powder and recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Enemy brother" was shaking all over.


He fell to the ground and bowed down in front of Gu Xuan.

"My Lord, I admit defeat. The first level is your pass.

Don't take such a bully

"Enemy brother" cried bitterly and beat the road with his fist.

All the energy in Gu Xuan's body suddenly dissipated, and Zhutian sword also returned to his body.

"If it had been like this, wouldn't it have been over?"

Gu Xuan patted the "enemy brother" on the head, a happy look.

Outside the light shield, everyone is petrified.

Who am I? Where am I?

What happened just now?

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