Whew, whew!

Wuxiang magic dog aimed at the wind and thunder elder. It seemed like lightning. One person and one claw were greeting the past.

It is very clear that these elders, who were originally the top saints, are bound to improve their strength at this moment. Therefore, the speed of Da Yuanman level has directly erupted, so that they can not fail.

Elder Fenglei's face changed a little. I didn't understand why the Wuxiang magic dog suddenly attacked them.

However, Wuxiang magic dog has no chance to kill, and its attack is not strong, just fast.

Elder Fenglei is not flustered at all.

Because they found that although the attack was fast, they could clearly feel its attack trajectory.

A few people's body, at the same time one side, then avoided the attack claw.

"How could it be?"

The pupil of the dog suddenly shrank.

Just five top saints, how can you avoid its full speed?

Even if they fight normally, they can avoid it, but it's not a normal fight. They are sneaking!

The elders just woke up.

That's it. Did you fail in your sneak attack?

Not even an elder?

Wuxiang magic dog is extremely depressed, and has a sense of frustration. He is no longer interested in attacking other promoted warriors.

Elder Fenglei is still excited.

They have a smile on their face, which is so rotten that they don't want to be restrained.

Looking at them, Ke Shaoxia's face was very gloomy.

The strength of elder Fenglei has also been greatly improved.

If it's outside, I'm afraid they will start to prepare and try to survive the disaster of great perfection.

"Tut Tut, not bad.

Your soul power has all been promoted to the level of great fullness.

We can start to refine the power of spirit.

I really didn't expect that you have such poor qualifications and are not good at the way of soul. One day, you will be able to condense the power of spirit in the realm of holy monarch, just like the peerless genius! "

Tower master youyou wakes up and discovers the changes of elder Fenglei. He doesn't have much surprise. He just says something, and doesn't know whether it's praise or sarcasm.

However, if this words fall into the ears of young Xia Ke, it is chiguoguo's show off.

"What did you say? Their soul state is already at the level of great fullness? "

Young Xia Ke couldn't believe it. He looked at elder Fenglei and quickly approached him.

He was far away from several people. Just now, he only felt that their strength had improved a lot. But he never thought that their soul state had directly crossed the realm of emperor and reached the level of great fullness!

As soon as he got close to the elder Fenglei, he had already clenched his fist tightly.

Everything is as the tower Master said!

All the elders of the ancient pagoda have the power of soul at the level of great fullness, and obviously they have just been promoted.

Now, they're not very astringent.

However, after a while and a half, after they mastered the power of soul at this level, they were able to control it freely and could not even see through themselves.

The leader of the tower gives young Xia Ke a strange look.

"Damn, why didn't you tell me you didn't see it?

If I had known, I would not have said it.

They're exposed. "

Having said that, the tone of the tower master is full of superiority, showing off.

Anyway, it's all exposed. I'm not allowed to show off. Why?

Suddenly, he noticed Ke Xiaodu.

"Tut Tut, it's not bad for you to be the only one in your family. You've been promoted to the top of the world.

I'm afraid that the top monarchs who master the way of time and space can't beat me.

Fortunately, there are so many saints in my family that they can beat each other five times. Ha ha

Young Xia Ke has a proud expression on his face.

At this time, Feng Yu stood up and saluted the tower leader respectfully

"Master, I'm promoted too!

According to the agreement between you and me, now that I have enough strength to protect myself, I can finally call you master openly and justly

The tower owner noticed that Feng Yu could not help clapping his thigh, saying three "good" words in a row, and laughing again.

The smile made young Xia Ke look very blue, but he couldn't attack.

"Tower master, you've eaten 30 jin of pig meat, and you don't know how much you've improved?"

Young Xia Ke asked coldly.

The tower owner sat upright and sighed.

"Unfortunately, my talent is too poor. After eating so much pig meat, I didn't make any progress. Neither my soul power nor my own martial arts realm could enter a state of complete success.

It's too miserable. I want to cry. "

When it came to the emotional part of the performance, he even wiped his tears.

"You're lying to ghosts!"

Young Xia Ke is very familiar with the tower leader. As soon as he sees this appearance, he has already guessed that he must have gained great benefits.

Just, not willing to say it!

"Really, I'm a dog."

The tower master wiped his tears again.

Wu Xiang demon dog stares at the tower owner.

Why is a dog a liar?

Why not kittens?

You bastard!

Young Xia Ke is even more angry, and his face turns blue and white. If he doesn't think it's not suitable to fight now, he really wants to go up and use his trump card to kill the tower master here!

Even close the door and let go of Ke Jiuji!

"Yo, look, I'm promoted again!"

The tower leader pointed to two disciples in the realm of high-level holy kings, one male and one female.

The two disciples, with their energy surging, were promoted from high-level monarch to peak monarch in the eyes of the public.

"Good! Liu Yueyue and Xue zipity, when we get to the outside world, we will immediately hold a grand ceremony for you to tell the world, so that you will become the elders of the ancient pagoda

The tower owner gave a thumbs up.

Liu Yueyue and Xue knelt down excitedly to express their gratitude to the tower owner.

The tower owner said with a smile: "it's not me who should be grateful, but my guest Qing, the elder brother of guxuan!

All this is the result of his pig meat.

I really don't know what a strange beast that pig is. After eating its meat, the promotion to everyone is so great.

I don't think so. It's the meat of "immortal beast", isn't it? Ha ha

The last sentence, of course, is a joke.

However, all people think that the meat of pigs is absolutely comparable to the meat of immortals.

This effect is too exaggerated.

The disciples of Guta Yimai, one after another, continue to be promoted.

Another hour later, no one was promoted.

But has not promoted, but has been in the settled state's gate people, also revived.

Elder Fenglei, as a great elder of the ancient pagoda, is more happy than the pagoda owner.

In such a short period of time, the strength of the ancient pagoda has been improved by several steps.

More than a dozen first-class saints, only two were not promoted.

Only one of them has not been promoted.

Among the high-level monarchs, there are three people who have become the top monarchs.

And their several elders, the soul realm, directly promoted to the level of ordinary great fullness.

"Gu xuankeqing, you are really a God and a man!

Our ancient pagoda is bound to rise, and all this is due to the ancient xuankeqing!

It's a great honor to have Gu xuankeqing join the ancient pagoda

Elder Liu Ju's eyes filled with tears and sincerity.

Li Wuyu straightened his waist and chest.

Gu xuankeqing, but he personally "rescued" the ancient pagoda!

Thanks to the rise of the ancient pagoda, he has a share!

The tower master is sour.

Elder Liu Ju, why don't you give yourself a little face? How can all the credit be from Gu Xuan?

I have half of it myself. OK, a little half, OK?

No less!

No matter how little, how can you sit down as the leader of the tower?

However, the last sentence of elder Liu Ju is quite right!

It's great that brother Gu Xuan can join the ancient pagoda!

Without the master's greeting, the ancient pagoda, from the disciples to the elders, could not help but bow to Gu Xuan three times.

Thank you very much.

This grace, only in the heart.

In the future, even if you repay this kindness with your life, you will have no regrets.

I'm afraid. With Gu xuankeqing's terrible luck and strength growth rate, they will never have the chance to repay their kindness.

"Why? What's going on? Everyone wakes up. Why doesn't brother Gu Xuan wake up?

If you don't wake up, I'm worried.

It can be said that I can't sleep at night. I eat... "

The tower leader is shamelessly showing off to young Xia Ke. When he shows off his relationship with Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly open.

He was staring at the tower owner.

"Tower master, you say again, I'm going to vomit."

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